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Status Updates posted by Kayru

  1. I happen to have been, yes. :) Kayru, Toa of Drumming. I still drum but I'm not a Toa, so... *shrug* ^_^;

  2. Of course I would still want it, if you made one!

    So how have you been? Active on BZP much? (I'm not. :b)

  3. OH, that. I was thinking something more specific... nvm, I gotcha.

  4. Why, of course!

  5. Just to let you know...

    You're awesome. *thumbsup*

    I was doing my semiannual visit to BZP for random reason and I saw your bio in your blog... awesome! BC, and with Superchick lyrics! =3

  6. Yes it is, about two years ago. =) And thank you!

  7. *wears coat*

    ... wait... this is a white fur coat.

    What kind of sick joke...? 0_o

  8. Same as last comment... or rather, there's also the fact that I'm not sure anymore what's worth writing about.

  9. Love the "Red" reference with your BS01 Contest entry title. =D

  10. Erm, hi? Sorry, but do I know you?

  11. Mm, I don't know concerning your opinion about the sets... after all there are a lot of set-loving female artists out there... but I agree, I think most girls' favorite part is the story.

  12. For half a second, I believed you were female... and then I read that you are also 1 year old. X3

  13. Kayru

    Yeah! It'd likely be easier for you to do the same - you don't have parents to answer to. =b

  14. Not sprite comics anymore. I've got some hand-drawn ones done, but since I don't have a working scanner plugged into an Internet-accessible computer yet, I can't get 'em on. I will, though.

  15. Hey, you're in Marching Band? what do you play?

  16. *pokepoke* Why did you say that?

  17. But of course! I don't really do much at all on BZP except reply to people and post on rare occasion... I'm on msn plenty, though.

  18. Then I wonder what I'm doing wrong - XD

  19. *sits on top of your head*

    Hallo, old friend.

  20. *pounces on your Roxas picture* Hurray!

    Erm... yeah. I'm a big KH fan.

  21. True. The storyline years I hated the most are the least purchased sets.

  22. *Brandishes magic prize of magic*

    ... It doesn't do anything...

    ...*eats it*

  23. Wait, why? 0_o

  24. Thank you! How'd you find me? I don't think I've met you before.

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