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Angry Nidhiki

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Status Updates posted by Angry Nidhiki

  1. your mom cares



  2. i decided to drop in on this awesome war

    to start

    i'm awesome

    you're a close second though

  3. lol next time deddok

  4. dude are you merriment

  5. u kno it

    so what is this new fad am I DeadNid and you Deadkuma

  6. your mom is weird

    oh wait

    that doesn't work out in my favor


  7. We HAVE to somehow incorporate Cirque de Soleil into a series. HELP ME HERE.

  8. Such impressions could in time prove to be problematic.

  9. You viciously attacked me on my profile

  10. Your signature is perfectly in sync with the George Clinton song to which I am listening.

  11. I don't really know you, but the things I saw in your sig and your post in the "Which Toa Can Survive the ATOMIC BOMB" topic have convinced me that you're probably pretty cool. Isaac Hayes, Pink Floyd ftw

  12. hey dude you need to like get some ; on or somethin

  13. i herd your mom is colin powell


  14. no I totally remember you and having been wanting to talk to you for ages and you need to get an AIM so I can talk to you

  15. ur mom makes ur mom jokes

  16. hey do I know you?

    (Angry Nid)

  17. what bothers me is that all the previous comments about your images seem to be sincere

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