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Everything posted by Mobzural

  1. Ah. My bad then. Cursed finals. But anyway, I would like to say that I used to be in the same position as you are, LK. I can tell you that, eventually, your parents will grow out of it. It's just that the time it takes for them to do so differs for every person. I probably don't know what I'm talking about, but whatever floats the boat, I guess.
  2. One question. If you like BZP so much, then why do you assume (in your blog post) that "everyone here are predators" stalking you? You can't prove your parents that BZP is a safe place unless you stop thinking that everyone here is a stalking predator. Feh...irony. It's sweet.
  3. I'm a bit excited on how the Mahri's sales would turn out next year. Most likely I would be purchasing a full set. On another note, they remind me of professional scuba divers. Just... » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «What's up with the blue Mahri's Kanohi? It has huge alien eyes. O_O
  4. Mobzural

    Off To Tru

    A great way to promote BIONICLE sets as a whole and keep the franchise alive! Sure wish the same thing happened to the books, though. Anyway, have a lot of fun when you're there, Mr. Farshtey!
  5. Uh...hi, I'm a relative unknown here, but I've got a cool idea for your song! All may not realize, But is our dear Hapori Tohu behind the busy server? 'Coz all you here from him nowadays, Is...well, nothing. Or a deep "TOHU IS HAPPY."
  6. Mobzural

    Talking To Myself...

    Well, if you're gonna enter the S&T Contest, by all means, hurry up! 4 days left! *gasp* And you should join, too.
  7. Mobzural

    News And Notes

    Comic 3 sounds interesting! I'll be sure to read it, somehow (not a subscriber, though ). As for the Atlas, I'm positively sure it'll outsell any books you've done so far! What with all the excellent (upcoming) illustrations and all. Mana Ko...isn't that the enemy of the strong-as-heck Manas? Definitely buying the Inika! They'll be available at the nearest toy store I could get to once I go back home for vacatioN! July 7th...can't wait! And yes, I do talk about BIONICLE outside of BZP; with one of my close friends at school, and my brother. My friend and I argue A LOT about the storyline -- he pays SO much attention to details and clues! XD My brother's starting to get interested in the storyline more and more (he's interested more in the toys like me), but I've never actually see him reading the books myself. Ah, someday he will Mobby Z going out.
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