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Blog Comments posted by Robo

  1. I am considering breaking the moderator role into two parts for several reasons, all of which have been mentioned in the blog entry. I believe that it might be more efficient if one moderator is assigned a certain part of the rules to moderate and while the other moderates for the other half of the rules.


    Your Honor,

    Emperor Kraggh[/color]


    Here here! :lol:


    By that I of course mean 'Good idea' and 'I agree'

  2. Hrrm. You are really starting to [make me] doubt my abilities now. xD



    Anyways, I agree with all this stuff that both you are Robo said. I just chose not to use that plan. I like to know what is happening when and how, and I also like to be in charge (with restrictions, OFC; I am never like a tyrant, I hope). If I am absent, I appoint lieutenants. Never less than two, however, because I do not like a single person to have control over my work, though I made a sort of exception with appointing Robo once.


    Edit: major correction in my first line, lol.





    And I admit I made a mistake during my time in charge. But i didn't do too bad a job I hope.

  3. Very nice. Your deduction of RPG superstructure and social structure is highly accurate. I agree to your assessment that compartmentalized tasks/jobs distributed over a large group rather than overall power distributed to a small hierarchy would in fact be a rather efficient method of moderation.


    But I also submit the fact that such a method may not be suitable for all RPGs. But then, no system of moderation and/or governing can be set in stone for all RPGs, as game flow, plot devices, and player characteristics will call for different systems. But as a generic rule, you are on to something here. I take it you plan to initialize something of this sort for your upcoming (though not yet approved) RPG?

  4. (I am not saying I'm a capable member, but there are members who are)


    You most certainly are capable. I'd appoint you to run Reality if i ever had to take a long lapse of time off, but its a pretty much self-run RPG so theres no need.


    On topic: I whole-heartedly and deeply agree with this point of view. Nothing shall be ripped apart. Just because you've gotta be gone for a week or two doesn't mean things must be shut down; just leave some guide-rules and let the players serve themselves.

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