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Everything posted by Superkid11

  1. Heyy! :D

    I saw you actually posted a few times in the deadder than dead place that I forgot all about during January. I forgot it existed.

    So how're you?

  2. Ok, here's the truth... yes, the SoL has me again. It has me BAD. I'm even slacking in school work now. I'm just not inclined to DO anything anymore...

    I need to work through this, and it's going to take time.

  3. For the love of Guthix, stop it Phillip!

  4. And I'd be much more willing to restart if Paint worked in Crossover... and firing up VMware just to use Paint is a pain.

    I don't really do the comic making in paint so much as I do the spriting part. I would have finished the Chimoru Toa Mata poses by now if I could run Paint or a program just like it.

  5. I'm glad I just said I was coming back to comics and didn't say when I planned on doing it.

    That would've been embarassing because I had hoped to get back to it in January... so much for that eh? :P

  6. No, I'm afraid I'm not really THAT busy.

    Ain't got any excuses this time... sorry. ^^;;

  7. I don't think I'd be able to do it like that, but who knows what the future holds?

    I did imagine a scene where Peke kills all 6 Bizarro Toa like Semi-Perfect Mecha Sonic did to the Axem Rangers...

  8. *continued from last time*

    Unlike my Bizzaros to the DC Bizzaros, these guys are an intentional ripoff. If you look them up you can pretty much see how it would translate to Bionicle.

  9. I actually have an idea for another movie involving another group of villains. They're pretty different from the Bizarros in that not all of them are really evil, just under an evil Turaga. It's a war, yeah, and this time it really is a war with another nation.

    The villains are a bit of a ripoff of the Arrancar from Bleach, unfortunately. Unlike the Bizarros to the DC Bizarros t

  10. Actually, to be honest I haven't really been working on my comics... been thinking about storylines sure but not really been working on anything lately. ^^;;

  11. Oh wow sorry... I've just been pretty distracted lately. Whoops. ^^;;

  12. Oh yeah, I haven't updated the links on my site in a while...

    Here's the new location of my comics:http://www.majhost.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=96465

    I haven't gotten started just yet on the new ones because I'm helping put together a main page for this forum I'm on... nothing to do with BZP or Bionicle.

  13. AGREED! They must be found and exterminated! EXTERMINATED! EXTERMINATED!! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! E... err... sorry...

    I'm eating pizza right now so no Pizzahulk attack this week. :P

  14. Thank you very much DKS. :)

  15. Stupid AND lazy. ;)

    Actually, I'm still working.

    If you have any allowance go spend it on some patience.

  16. There's already a kit for that, and more of it is being worked on. Just not by me.

  17. About $9.00 to be exact.

  18. Geocities Pro is about $9.00 a month if you want to go for it.

  19. Yep, I pay for it. It's Yahoo's Geocities Pro. It's not so much though if you have some good allowance or income.

  20. No, I'm still working. Just becuase I said a few days ago that I'd return didn't mean it'd be immediately after that day. Geeze. :P

  21. Yes, I took out the white background. I even traced one that I pasted in from Fireworks that didn't have a white background to begin with. And even if it traced well the first time moving it made it blurry.

    I'll check that out though.

  22. A couple times I traced it and it came out ok but it got blurry as I moved it. Particularly on the stage.

    I think it's just an impossibility in Flash's graphics. Flash uses Vector graphics, they can't accurately represent sprites.

  23. Thanks for the bitmap tracing tip! It still came out blurry, but I was using a Chimoru sprite. I'll be using Omega from now on so I'll have to stick to my usual method.

    Thanks anyway!

    And Brickshelf does take .avi movies but maj doesn't. Maj only takes pictures.

  24. Thanks, I'll try that!

  25. Nevermind, I found it in the email you sent me. Didn't know they showed that in BZP emails. :P

    I just replied.

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