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Status Updates posted by CHTrilogy

  1. *sobbing* Eddie!

  2. So I've taken up your recommendation to watch The Boondocks. I say to you: I'm impressed!

  3. I've suddenly become extremely attached to The Boondocks.

  4. Caught a bit of Hero Factory on Cartoon Network just before I went out! I may need to look into it a bit before I come to a conclusion about it.

  5. This is a sad, sad day...

    1. The Swimming Beard
    2. CHTrilogy


      Because of Heather's death! Remember?

  6. Anyone here like King's Quest?

  7. My life has been one disaster after another!

  8. Where did Ennar and Dark709 go?

  9. The inside of my ear itches; it's frightfully embarrassing.

  10. I don't know... this place feels... different, somehow.

  11. It's over. I'm officially turning over a new leaf!

  12. Why me? Ugh! I nened help with my sculpting! Eh!

  13. Ugh... I'm clapped out.

  14. For some reason I'm always under the impression that Peter Fox would be best played by a younger Malcolm McDowell.. (their hairdos look similar!)

  15. For some reason I#

  16. I would like... to sculpt.

  17. Trying to fill in that Bionicle form thing off dA.

  18. Trying to set a new photo... it's BROKEN I'm telling you, BROKEN!

  19. Trying to set a new photo... it's BROKEN I'm telling you, BROKEN!

  20. Gawn, tell us... what did you send 'em...? *.*

  21. Partly. I've almost completely lost track of it though.

  22. Oh heck! I forgot! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAP!!!!!!!

  23. Mr. Small! You know, from 'Danger On Paradise Island'!

  24. That man in the banner - it's Mr. Small!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. You don't remember what I did? Oh... I'll stop bothering you then.

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