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Status Updates posted by degnish

  1. I love your interests column... haha...

  2. Really? Because I less than three you...

  3. Yes sir... sorry sir... I'll stop my awesome right away...

  4. ...So I said, "thats not whiskey, it's lighter fluid!"


  5. You are deeply confused I'm afraid, YOU peed in MY lucky charms during the happy days marathon, then peed in MY ski suit... Kids these days...

  6. Thanks man, I really wish I knew why, I suppose I'm not terribly active, so that might be part of it... Maybe if I was premier... :/

  7. Jeez man, I wish I could say... :/

  8. I'd recommend leaving your stuff black and white and using a digital program like animator or photoshop. Also, try experimenting with other mediums, I personally enjoy prismacolor markers as well as oil pastels... And try prismacolor pencils, they're made from a clay base instead of wax, and give you a much fuller color.

  9. I think you have a really great style, but if I were you I'd consider inking your bold lines and using a different coloring technique. Right now a lot of your pictures look a bit blurry because of the colored pencil...

  10. Haha, yeah, it's rather easy, so don't stress yourself... Can I make an artistic tip/comment?

  11. I miss you... :[

  12. I'm assuming you aren't terribly good at bass since you didn't even spell it right... ;)

  13. *point's at ur mom*

    *Is AWESOME*


  14. I just put a WIP sketch in my scraps on DA... :D

  15. Hey, do you think there's a way you can send me a document with all the glitch chapters in it? I hate to nag, but I really want to read it, and reading it on the computer screen gives me migraines, I swear it's not your writing... I swear... :P In other news my entry's lineart is almost done... :D

  16. you should upload that bzka pic. :)

  17. I still need to make room for it now. I have too much music on here dangit... I'll just delete my brothers' stuff

  18. Yeah, sorry, my dad took messenger off my computer... :/

  19. ok, good, we haven't really spoken in quite some time... :(

  20. dang word filter... Ticked. There.

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