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Status Updates posted by degnish

  1. hey man, you aren't ###### at me are you?

  2. Dude, your art is prime. I'm excited to see more from you, :]

  3. I'm sorry... ;_;

    That's the first time in my life I've ever typed that face... You should feel honored...


  5. Ugh... Dad, do I have to? Blegh... :)

  6. Hey man, haven't said hi in a while...


  7. Hows it going vulture arms?

  8. What's up lizard eyes?

  9. Hey!

    Hey Kid!

    Hey kid!

    Look at that airplane!

  10. Hey there lazer breath...

  11. Your sig is flattering... I think... You mean me, chris, right? And whos bilevomit or whoever that was...?

  12. Hey kid! I don't like your attitude...

  13. I like your interests. Very truthful and bluntly honest, without coming across as rude... And I never knew that it was Nate who got you into drawing. That's cool...

  14. It's going to be tahu mistika, I just wanted the adaptable armor to be believable and compact, rather than having jets and wings and clunky bits jutting out everywhere... And I just disliked the set and wanted to make it cool looking...

  15. Wow... Thanks man...

  16. haha, yeah, I faved a couple of your things :).

  17. speak of the devil my driver just bummed out on me O_o ...

  18. I sure hope so...

  19. I guess photoshop just hates me... I didn't even know about my driver till steve finally explained that my tablet should have pressure sensitivity, then when I installed it, it erased all my music... :/

  20. Eh, I'm ok... My dad's a polotician now, so all I hear about is campaigning anymore... I'm working on some art right now, but photoshop is being lamesauce...

  21. how have you been? We haven't talked in a while...

  22. Hey there friendo :{D

  23. Sorry I haven't been on msn lately... I don't have my laptop anymore, and I hate using msn on the fam computer for privacy...

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