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Blog Entries posted by Kothra

  1. Kothra
    So I suppose I will. How far this will go, I know not. I don't even hav a title yet.
    The room was dark. Very dark. But no completely: a small, but high-powered light was working its way across the wall, illuminating everything in it's path. This light was attached to the end of a rifle.
    The rifle was in the hands of a large being, its dark blue armour nearly impossible to see in the darkness. It swept the rifle across the room one last time, and then stood still. If you were standing there, next to it, you would hear nothing, but if you were scanning the correct communications frequencies, and had the correct decoding equipment, you would hear a flood of chatter.
    "This is Surveyor four, building 071 is completely intact and unoccupied," said the being.
    "Copy that four. The whole place is deserted. They must have fled before the bombardment," said a voice, over the comm waves.
    "I assume we'll be heading out soon, then?" asked the being.
    "Yes. Get out to the main plaza, and we'll get the Phasmatis to flash us back up there," said the other voice.
    The being walked out the front entrance to the building, and started jogging down the empty city's main highway towards the Central Plaza. Up in the night sky, flashes of light could be seen: the KFS Phasmatis must of attracted the attention of a security task force after burning the city to slag. The being quickened his pace, and took off his helmet, eager to free himself of the overwhelming flood of HUD data.
    The creature beneath the helmet, as tall and brown-furred, looking in every way like an anthromorphic otter.
    "Hurry up Lieutenant Streamdiver. They're not going to wait forever," could be heard coming from the helmet's internal speakers. Kothra Streamdiver pulled it close to his head. "Yes Captain. I'm on my way."
    Kothra scowled. These people were so impatient. He clipped the helmet to his belt, and set off running down the highway towards the main plaza. He could have activated his jet pack, and gotten there quicker, but the glow would give away his position, and he wasn't about to give the presence of the squad away to any enemies just so he could move faster.
    Below the city, in a partially collapsed subterranean bunker, the city's Resident Commander, sat at his chair, looking at the fuzzy feeds from the few remaining cameras throughout the city.
    So the Kalarii had struck after all, just like he had told the council. though the Commander.
    at least I had the city evacuated a day ago. The casualties would have been enormous...
    It was now time to rid the of the invaders. The Commander turned to one of the command consoles, and pulled up the command interface for all of the stilll functioning auxilary reactors. He tapped rapidly at the screen wiht his feathered fingers, sliding icons around, starting and stopping reaction sequences, and ultimately, setting the reactors to produce more power than they physically could.
    The Commander set back in his chair, estimating about ten minutes of time before the reactors overloaded. He set the databoard's chronometer for ten minutes, and laid back in his chair, thinking of his family, and his friends, which he knew he would never see again.
    Five minutes passed. He looked at the clock.
    Yeah. Tell me what you think so far.
  2. Kothra
    This entry is an addition to the previous, and gives a semi-dtailed description of each type of Kalarii infantry type.

    Light infantry
    - Line/Combat Trooper - these soldiers are usually the most common in any Kalarii combat group. They wear lightly armoured, black, Hoplite-class jumpsuits (same thing as Hoplite body armour)and carry light energy weapons.
    - Auxilia Trooper - Auxilia troopers wera light power armour, giving them much better protection in combat than normal combat troops. Auxilia can carry heavier weapons, and are often assigned to hold choke points, provide a second firing line, and carry out support roles.
    Heavy Infantry
    - Legionnaire Trooper - Legionnaires wear heavy power armour, giving them maximum protection, and allowing them to carry weapons like heavy repeaters and even light cannons. These units are not abundant on the field of battle, due to the cost of the armour. They are often sent to attack and hold key positions or fill commando roles. Legionnaires are equipped with jet packs to provide maximum mobility.
    - Praetorian Elite - Praetorians are the best of the best. They are equipped with a variant of the Legionnaire power armour (jetpack included), a heavy handgun, and an energy tower-shield. Praetorians are often found as bodyguards for high-ranking officers, or in the vanguard of an army.
    - Shrike Trooper - Shrikes are armoured troops that specialise in close combat. They often carry firearms, but their main weapons are the 3 foot long retractable energy blades built into the wrist gauntlets. Shrikes are equipped with jumppacks (different from jetpacks) to quickly engage the enemy, or (should it be necessary) retreat. Shrikes are used to break through the enemy's front lines, or to flank the enemy
    Super-Heavy Infantry
    - Gladiator Trooper - Gladiators are equipped with massive suits of power armour. The complexity of the cybernetics and mechanics of these suits make them so costly that no more than a handful are often found in an army. Normal Gladiators have a heavy repeater cannon on the left shoulder, with a six foot long energy blade on the right wrist. They also have a shield generator on the back. This shield, in addition to their armour, makes them nearly indestructable. Some troopers, however, opt to replace the shield generator and cannon with a light/medium artillery gun, and the energy blade with a medium repeater cannon. Others choose to replace the shoulder cannon and blade with a pair of Wave-quake generator gauntlets (like Elite Pirates, Phazon Elites, or the Omega Pirate). Gladiators are either found in the vanguard, tearing up the enemy lines, and smashing/mauling vehicles, or in the rear, providing cover fire.
    Special Infantry
    - Arcani Operative - Arcani are espionage agents sent out to infiltrate enemy or neutral installations and camps.
    They are equipped with light stealth field generator units the mute sounds originating from the immeadiate surroundings (lets say, a 3-4 foot range). These generator units also disrupt light reflect from this same area, relying on microscopic camera/projectors (if someone is on one side of the operative, they would only see what they would see if the Arcani weren't there, as the cameras relay the view to the projectors on the other side of the operative's body. This is covered at all angles). Arcani often work alone. Their normal weapons include an energy pistol, and a long, katana-like vibro blade.
    To be finished at a later date.
  3. Kothra
    On Saturday I went to the Sakura Matsuri in Washington D.C. It was incredibly crowded and cold. They really need to hold it in areas with more space, rather than on the street.
    However, I did get my hands on a 1/144 GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh and a 1/144 Evangelion Unit-00.
    Pictures (though not all that many; click the pic for gallery):

  4. Kothra
    I just made and ate it for dinner.
    Also, if you play Battlefield Bad Company 2 for PC, tell me. And if you play with a mic/headset, tell me.
  5. Kothra
    Yesterday, I got so bored of saving my money that I bough two songs from iTunes.
    The first is 1000 Slide Shows, from the An Inconvenient Truth sooundtrack, and was done by Michael Brook.
    The second was Around the World / Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk from Alive 2007.
  6. Kothra
    If you knew you were going to be gone this long, you should've said so, because what you said made it seem you would be gone for only a day.
  7. Kothra
    So I have another Premier Membership.
    And now my blog is back.
    I'll be making new content blocks about now.
    Sisen needs to hurry up and do stuff with Reality, as in approve it.
    I got the GN particle base for my 1/144 HG GN-000 0 Gundam, but I haven't gotten the model itself yet.
    My iTunes is epic.
    Other stuff that can't think of at the moment.
    Also, what's this talk in the CoT RPG planning topic about another RTS-warfare thing from Wrack?
    Well, while people are calling specialties, I get support (AA, AT, artillery).
  8. Kothra
    Due to the C that I have in Adv. Algebra II, my mom has grounded me...
    But she was pleased with my other grades, so instead of the month-long ban that I had been expecting, I am only grounded for a couple (2, duh) weeks.
    To my comic fans: Since it is only for two weeks, the topic will not die, but i would appreciate it if someone could make a fan comic, to keep those bloodthirsty murderers fans at bay.
    If someone that is not a PGS makes a fan comic, the first person to do so will be rewarded with a PGS spot on my return.
    Au revoir.
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