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Protoss General

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Status Updates posted by Protoss General

  1. Like you Pers Pic. :) Who is it?

  2. Loonies and Toonies? MUST FIND LOONIES AND TOONIES!!! *chaotic laugh, thunder cracks, Angband moans, much weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth* :D

  3. Mitth'raw'nuruodo I am. ;)

  4. My computer's fixed, I can leave comments again! :)

  5. My fav Roman faction on RTW is the Scipii, and my non-roman fav is Carthage. :D

  6. My profie's been viewed 200 times already. What a surprise!

  7. My profile has been vied 100 times! Thanks to all of you who've look at this. :D

  8. Nice Pers pic, again. :) and thanx 4 adding me to your friends list. :D

  9. No, it was Various Matoran Go Camping, though if you read the Bio-pocolypse thant's good too. :D

  10. Noghri? RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!! I counter with Ligurians! (An obscure non-Roman tribe from Italy)

  11. NOOO! That leaves my Liegonaries open to your Mutalisks, and you Lurkers too. I'll rearrange formation to put my phalangites (sp?) in front of the rest of my infantry, put the Romans in Testudo, whatevers left behind them, plus a cavalry charge into your left flank.

  12. Oh yeah, I know. But I think that wont stop me from watching w/ amusement. :D

  13. Oh, sorry. I usually don't look at my comments *blush*. Thanks though. :). I guess it does look like a Warp Gate.

  14. Pretty good, and yourself? I guess your computer must be working again, right?

  15. Retreat Cavalry and advance infantry and Phalanx.

  16. Same here. =P. Since School's out I have too much free time. More time to read thpugh. :)

  17. Silly, that's me :D. And no Mr. Zehv, I;m not trying to be a stalker. I just think it's funny b-cuz you two act like my cousin and his g-friend.

  18. Silly, that's me. :D And no Mr. Zehv I'm not trying to be a freeloader, I just think it's funny b-cuz you act like my cousin and his g-friend

  19. Sorry for taking so long to answer, I didn''t see this thing. As for the question, yes. But you need to send your application, found on my story.

  20. Sorry it took me so long to answer back. I was at a camp. Anyway, you did great. Do you play alot of Starcraft?

  21. Sorry, what was your question?

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