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Protoss General

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Status Updates posted by Protoss General

  1. My profile has been vied 100 times! Thanks to all of you who've look at this. :D

  2. Yes, Tassadar was so cool. *sob* Did you see the Starcraft RPG here?

  3. I'm going to try, I heard it's excellent.

  4. Thrawn is here to steal your cookies! He's in ur couch, steelin ur change. ^^

  5. Wow, this is the first time I've seen a blood feud on BZP. This should be fun. *grabs popcorn*

  6. No, it was Various Matoran Go Camping, though if you read the Bio-pocolypse thant's good too. :D

  7. Like you Pers Pic. :) Who is it?

  8. Yes, I honor Raynor. ;) and yes, I did hear that.

  9. Happy Valentines Day, and Happy Birthday too. :D

  10. Thanx, I must admit they are pretty cool. There are too many cool characters in the book to decide!

  11. Was it the Plasmatis? It was awesome! I could feel the action. BTW I plan to make a comic based on the 2nd Punic war, I was windering if I could use your Roman and Gaul sheets. I made Carthagian sheets by recoloring your Hoplite and Roman sheets, so I guess I need to ask permission for that too. BTW I'll be gone until Friday, so take as long as you like in answering. ^^

  12. Welcome, to our humbleous home. :D

  13. My fav Roman faction on RTW is the Scipii, and my non-roman fav is Carthage. :D

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