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Johnny Truant

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Everything posted by Johnny Truant

  1. C: good stuff i never noticed they were standing on a beach i wonder if wavves and weezer will ever collaborate Wavvezer - King Of The BeachWorld
  2. yes but we dont know if its more like thank god for girls or more like do you wanna get high cuz im with tgfg in spirit but that song is just ugh
  3. 5/5 very mastodon but different from mastodon, this feels super fresh
  4. david bowie has left the building the line for crying people starts behind me ok guys
  5. Cypress Hill - Hits From The [water pipe which is legally used for tobacco only]
  6. what if listening to jeff buckley makes me unbearably sad and im not a big enough elvis fan to own an elvis album unless we're talking elvis kuehn cuz hes one cool customer edit: jag are you serious new lorde would be wicked cool, that song she did with disclosure is still one of my jams in regular rotatino
  7. ^probably just substitute words FIDLAR - Cheap Beer
  8. 5/5 i may have to give undertale a go with a soundtrack as good as this
  9. 3.5/5 reminds me of fear factory sort of but its just not clicking w/ me :/ this is a very long song but hopefully the muppets make that more bearable cuz its a super awesome song and when it finally pays off it pays off so big but if you want to skip to when it picks up go to 3:03
  10. 4/5 im not sure what this is but i would not be opposed at all to listening to this and things like this
  11. Dizzee Rascal - Fix Up, Look Sharp idk what kind of rap this is but its way cool british as all get out and goes hard too
  12. 5/5 cuz massive attack does that kind of music really well 4/4 fingers cuz it was in snatch and snatch is my favorite movie
  13. 5/5 its scott weiland at his best how could i not give it 5/5 i think more people need to recognize what the deleo brothers brought to the table tho, those chord progressions are way outside the box edit: at least compared to their peers
  14. Nails - Your God into Nails - Suffering Soul
  15. 1/5 i didnt want to hate this but theyre like irish josh grobans and nothing about the josh groban barry manilow scene is appealing to me at all sorry
  16. me too ;_; i just heard i didnt expect to be this sad. i didnt get the permission slip signed for this feel trip
  17. emilie that deltron tho as for eternal elysium 5/5 this is so awesome, the production especially, idk even what it is about the production but it won me over
  18. dopethrone is a classic, if y'all havent heard dopethrone youre missin out torche's self-titled is also really really good, the singer's other band, floor is along the same lines jucifer's pretty interesting and there's always down but idk if id classify them as stoner metal
  19. hey scythey i see youre getting into superheaven lately so i was like "scythey likes cool things" so listened to some songs off of ours is chrome but they were all kinda samey, does it take multiple listens to get into? like ive gotten into several bands i thought were samey initially and only appreciated them after a few good listens, have you found that thats the case with superheaven at all? I definitely came to enjoy Ours Is Chrome more than I did initally after a few listens, yeah. that being said, that album overall is a bit weaker and sameier than its predecessor, Jar, which I'd recommend more strongly. there's more variation to that one and it's a bit faster and catchier than Ours Is Chrome. that album has some strong songs for sure, but it starts to blur together after a while. Jar kind of does too, but not as soon and it still has some stronger cuts toward the end. hey thanks, im pretty into Superheaven now. i like that whole grungey Failurey they got goin on without being a carbon copy, this is good stuff i just wish it werent so samey :/
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