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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira
    So I have been bedridden for like three days now because of medicine complications.
    And then I get this card dropped into my lap this afternoon.
    Naturally in my drug-induced-state I completely forget to look at the return address and just open it.
    It's got lots and lots of glitter and a lacy dove with big googley eyes on it.
    First thought:
    "Oh dear god it's gotta be from HH and Janus"
    (spoilers: I was right)
    A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, guys. \o\ \o/ /o/ I got Professor Layton and frosted animal crackers and my own cane! You bet I'm happy.
  2. Nikira
    If you haven't checked out Dokster's blog yet, then you've missed out on one of the most bizzare events of history...
    BZPers have turned me into a fad.
    What has happened to humanity's sanity?
    >>>EDIT: If you are doing any 'merchandise' that involves using a picture of me, pleasepleaseplease, use my Bionicle character pic or the wooden penguin. Do NOT fish up pictures of myself and use them, or the links/images will be removed from the blog comments.<<<
  3. Nikira
    So those art projects? They were for an artist position on a Pokemon site!
    Even though I didn't do as well as I wanted, apparently I did good enough.
    :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
    I'm so happy... ;v;
  4. Nikira
    Two blog entries in a month?
    But anyways.
    So this time next week I will apparently (hopefully) have a diagnosis of either Asperger's syndrome or PDD-NOS (atypical autism) along with an anxiety disorder that I can never catch the proper name of. This has been 3 and a half months of doctor visits and like years of awkward and mistakes and horribleness in the making and I am still not sure how to feel about it.
    I mean, being autistic on any level doesn't change who I am or anything. I'm still me. But it's like... a question on everyone's mind of "why didn't we really take care of this sooner?" My sister especially. She worries about me often.
    But yeah, that has been on my mind for a while. I am a boat floating forever on a sea of uncertainties and flaily useless panic. Glub.
    (This has been a totally quality blog entry of worrying from Nik, you guys can move on now.)
  5. Nikira
    I am never going to get used to writing that. OTL
    But uh, okay, since I know there are other aspies wandering around the blogs: Are you able to feel when you're getting overstimulated? And what do you do to get yourself calmed down again?
    I get very, very irritable and upset, kind of like the feeling you get if someone pokes you with a stick and doesn't listen when you tell them to stop. I just haven't found good ways to get myself back to a calm state. So I'd like to hear what other people do.
  6. Nikira
    It is currently my 22nd birthday.
    We have a president and I am so okay with that.
    Maryland did some lovely things.
    I finally have a bass guitar in my hands for the first time in almost 2 years, Ibanez left-handed 3/4, and I am playing Day Tripper like it was only yesterday.
    Life is pretty okay right now, guys. <3
  7. Nikira
    The world is not beautiful, but that in itself leads to its own sort of beauty.
    Humans are far from perfect and shall always do as humans do, but in their own ways to deny, defy, or even reach for their own perfection, they shine as the phenomenal creatures they really are. To embrace both strengths and faults as just things that are.
    I think that's a pretty beautiful thing.
    Life has been difficult right now. It hurts. It's hard. One might say it's been ugly from time to time.
    But you know, I'd rather it be ugly for the time being. That just means there's something ready to shine underneath.
    It just needs time.
    Then we can see something beautiful again.
  8. Nikira
    Sup, BZP. /o/
    I thought nostalgically of you today, so I thought I would stop by to say hello. I hope you've taken advantage of your summers! (:
    We're having issues at home - the breadwinner had to resign earlier this summer. We are drifting in the land of unemployment and uncertainty and are looking at moving. It really is a bunch of question marks. But we will make it through okay.
    Also, for those that knew my sister - her one-year anniversary was a couple days ago. She's all moved out and out-of-state and enjoying life with her husband. It's crazy!
    I don't know; my summer's been kind of boring, hahah.
    But hey, how are you all? IIRC Brickfair was this weekend - I hope you all had fun. Tell me your summer adventures and the songs of your hearts! Or just what song is stuck in your heads. Whatever works! o7
    pssssssst killer queen has been stuck in my head for a week
  9. Nikira
    This is for everyone who is using/thinking of using any type of 'Signature Pet', whether it be Kratta, Raptors, Leechies, Dragon Eggs or whatever it may be.
    It's called the Signature Guidelines.
    Read them. Know them.
    Please, if you value the wonderful existence of your signature, make sure it follows the rules when adding any cool thingamabobs or doodads to it.
    For example: If you have a 468x60 or 250x100 banner and decide to add a pet to your sig on top of that, realize that it WILL be removed. The limits are the limits, please respect that. If you want a pet in your sig, you will have to adapt your other images accordingly.
    Make sure this also counts for the combined filesizes - remember that 100KB is the limit (about 100,000 bytes).
    Do not be surprised if your sig containing one of every type, color, and size of pet and each individual description suddenly disappears, either.

    I know several have done this already and I appreciate it, but please - if you could make sure that members are aware of the signature guidelines before using your creations, that would be a great help - just providing a link to the Sig Guidelines in the first post can work wonders.
  10. Nikira
    It was supposed to be Roodaka.
    I swear.
    She just changed on my sketchpad.
    Cause we know everybody loves Lariska, I mean seriously, she's all over the art forum anyways.
    And yes she's human, cause I'm a lazy bum. : D

    SOOOO there you go, a Lariska-that-was-supposed-to-be-Roodaka. I probably got the mech arm on the wrong side, haha, I lack Time Trap at the moment. xD
    Which reminds me, I need to restart my art topic one of these days. Or like, draw some ACTUAL HONEST-TO-GOODNESS BIONICLE ART!
  11. Nikira
    Because it's a beautiful album and it took me years to realize it.
    Hey you! out there on the road
    Always doing what you're told, can you help me
    Hey you! out there beyond the wall
    Breaking bottles in the hall, can you help me
    Hey you! don't tell me there's no hope at all
    Together we stand, divided we fall.
  12. Nikira
    Ran, two for you.
    Andi? FOUR for you, Andi Grrl. You go, Andi Grrl!
    And uh... Darth Vader, do we have a Darth Vader here?
    *distant voice from the back* It's DeeVee!
    Oh DeeVee, here you go, one for you...
    And none for Gretchen Wieners, bye.

    Minor edit because I didn't know Ran's name but now I do! Fixed.
  13. Nikira
    Bumped 7/4/09, cause I really feel this point needs to be addressed yet again.
    These are guidelines from my personal experience, not BZP rules. This is what I as an artist particularly enjoy to see in thorough reviews, small or large, but they are not required to post a review on BZPower.
    I've been glancing around random topics in General Art, and now that the Art Contest is over, I've noticed a decline in the number of really decent reviews. Yes, yes, a pop in to say "wow that looks nice" is always nice, but heartier reviews are really appreciated.
    So here's a few tips on how to review to the upmost.
    Overall, a review is supposed to encourage an artist/author and help them improve - something that a lot of recent reviews do not do.
    In my opinion, a good and interesting review consists of three things:

    Encouraging CommentsConstructive CritiqueHelpful Questions Repeat that list three times.
    Got it?
    Now let's confirm that only doing one of these three things does not necessarily make a good review. I have seen good reviews that consist of just encouraging comments, but the lack of saying what could improve can be bothersome. Similarly, I have seen reviews that consisted entirely of critique, but many times they can be major mood-killers and make said artist feel rather bad about themselves (thus the reason for encouraging comments.) Questions are the only thing that I don't have a problem with, as they usually need to have some kind of comment or critique behind them for them to make any sense.
    Got that?
    Now let's break it down a little.
    The first thing most people do (and the first thing you should do) is provide Encouraging Comments - really point out the major strengths of the picture (or MOC, story, etc.) and comment on things that positively stood out to you. If you like the choice of colors, let the artist know. If you liked how a certain part of a story was laid out, go ahead and share it. The comments are the main sell-esteem booster for the artist and it makes us feel good (not to mention keeping us from falling into a self-denial art rut ). Just don't go so far as to be dishonest. Lying about how you really feel doesn't help matters - your goal is to help the artist/author improve, not to give them a false sense of triumph. Just find something you truly like about the art (or story, etc.) and let that be known first.
    Second and most important is Constructive Critique.
    Let me repeat: Constructive Critique. Not destructive. CONstructive. There is a difference.
    In its most basic sense, constructive critique is going through and saying what you know can improve and/or what you think could improve (this usually involves either personal opinion or uncertainty), and then - extremely important - explaining WHY. Saying "I don't like this" isn't critique. If something looks off, be specific about it and, if you can, offer a suggestion to help improve said offness. You can say 'the arm looks weird', or (even better), you can use specifics and say 'the left arm looks like it's bending the wrong way, but maybe you could do this to improve it: *insert suggestion here*' Just mentioning which arm or which paragraph or which part of the art/story/MOC seems off to you can help, and suggesting a way to improve can help even more.
    It also helps if you don't rub a mistake in the artist/author's face. Rather, just make a point about it, giving enough emphasis that the artist/author knows that it's something they need to work on, but not so much that you rip their self-esteem apart. That is inconsiderate and, in some cases, very rude.
    Now, onto the fun part of every review: Helpful Questions. This is getting rarer nowadays in the art forum. Questions can be a less harsh way of doing criticism, and IMO, there is never anything as 'too many questions', especially if you are confused about something - don't automatically assume that the artist/author figured something out one way. Instead, stop, think, and then ask a question about it. Inserting questions here and there can help you and other members to better understand the picture/story/MOC (especially if there is a story behind it or how certain parts of it were made).
    It also gives us artists/authors something interesting to reply to!
    Again, a review is supposed to encourage an artist/author and help them improve.
    So go out there and help us improve encouragingly.
  14. Nikira
    Some of the most beautiful things in life are the most simplistic.

    These loverlys are found in Barbados. If I was ever there, I'd be tempted to take them all.
    Dude, if these aren't the prettiest flowers you've ever seen (ignore the JPEG quality, it is irrelevant), then you need your eyes checked. >=(
  15. Nikira
    Thanks to everyone who has purchased bookmarks - this has done much better than I thought it would, and I'm very happy that people have been interested in these! I'm currently working on a Takanuva bookmark as well as designing a Metru set and a Chronicler's Company set (this would be in Bionicle form, not the human designs Scratch that - I would not be able to sell these if I used the Bionicle designs, so these will be human as well). Let me know what you think.
    YAY bookmarks are finally done.

    Woooo, okay!
    These will be $5 a piece.
    Sets of 2 (Onua/Lewa, Gali/Pohatu, Tahu/Kopaka) will be $8.
    The full set of six will be $22.

    All bookmarks are laminated. The back has a simple black border with the individual Toa's name across the left side.
    I accept cash (USD only), check, and PayPal. Comment here or contact me via PM if you're interested.
  16. Nikira
    So so so I FINALLY had the time to finish watching the first season of Code Geass.
    I love this show very much (it's such a strong story), but the last five episodes made me cry, and then there are plot twists and aaaaaaaaaah!
    Euphemia........ ;.;
    ARG I have to go find the second season somewhere. XDDD
  17. Nikira
    Nik's summer, in condensed form:
    Lots of sleep
    Lots of rainbow cupcakes
    Lots of playing of the piano
    Got a new dog! Chocolate lab - he's a sweetie.
    There was a wedding in there somewhere as well. My sister looked gorgeous and she's very happy with her new husband.
    Had to drop my last semester of college, but I'm okay with that. My credits aren't going anywhere.
    Got screened for GAD and high-functioning Asperger's. And everyone proceeded to wonder why we didn't do this like 5 years ago. This is still a work in progress. (I was also screened for ADHD, which was ruled out - be proud of me, Becca, I actually bothered to ask!)
    Played way too much minigolf.
    Rewatched Legends of Metru Nui more times than I can count.

    I guess that final one is what made me roll back on here for a little bit, hah. Hi BZ, I missed yooooou. I also missed Vakama. But I think I missed you a little more than Vakama.
    *flops on everyone*
  18. Nikira
    It was very, very, very long, but Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End was still so much awesomer than Spiderman 3.
    Arg. It be the truth.
    EDIT: If you comment, please put ANY spoilers in Spoiler Tags!
  19. Nikira
    MOCers and anyone else who is even slightly interested - I will be selling ALL OF THIS starting later this week. See something you like in this massive heap? Keep it in mind.

    First person that is not Than, TMD or Makaru to correctly guess how much I spent on all this (plus 5 pounds of knex, 4 pounds of Lego/Megablocks, two Transformers, a fully-working compass and a copy of Lego Racers 2 for the GBA) wins a Nintendo Wii.
    (Said Nintendo Wii may not actually exist in the real world, but hey that's what our imaginations are for.)
    Note that I did get all of this in one day. Fascinating!
    Now, get guessing!
  20. Nikira
    There are NO male human beings in my house. For the second week in a row.
    The silence is... strange... and, uh... unnerving...

    Excuse me while I go into a fit of hysteria with my felines now.
  21. Nikira
    Some little scout must have found something yummy in our kitchen, because we now have hundreds of ants swarming through all of our front windows both upstairs and downstairs.
    EEEEEW. >.<
    They're kinda cool to watch, though~ I can't really decide whether to be disgusted or just curious... XD
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