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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira
    No interwebs.
    At all.
    For 14 hours and counting.
    My laptop must hate me.
    (On a school computer right now, which is basically just a hunk of junk with like... nothing on it *sad*)
  2. Nikira
    Sunday starts the most amazing week of awesome ever. Seriously. I will take pictures.
    But in order to take pictures, I need to be away from my computer.
    I also need to do quite a bit of cleaning and what-not - the house is still recovering from Christmas. x_X
    I will be on only shortly tomorrow (due to the cleaning and stuff), very rarely from Sunday to Wednesday (28-31), and not at all from Wednesday evening until the following Sunday (31-4).
    Kay? Kay!
    Then I'll come back and be all geeky and stuff. =B
    I shall bid you all a fond farewell now while I have the time, and I will see you next year!
  3. Nikira
    There's a lot of people I know who need hugs right now, and have gotten many today but still need more.
    There's a lot of people I know who need hugs right now, but are too far away to get them.
    There's a lot of people I don't know who probably need hugs right now but are either not in my range or not in my memory banks.
    I'm just gonna give everybody hugs right now.
    Feel better, everybody.
  4. Nikira
    I'm off to church with my family for the Christmas Eve service. :3
    Due to the upcoming holiday and all things related, I will be gone the entirety of tomorrow spending time with family and friends. <3
    Have a Merry Christmas, everyone!
  5. Nikira
    Oh ya and Christmas is a week from tomorrow.
    But three days from that is in TEN DAYS.
  6. Nikira
    A few weeks ago, I started re-playing MNOLG.
    I got up to Ko-Wahi.
    I went through Ko-Wahi and the whole Takua passing out stuff (ah, fun times).
    I really missed Matoro after that. I am sad he is dead. :<
    So I drew this.
    It helps fill the void.
  7. Nikira
    Yay, no more finals!
    Yay, three weeks of freedom!
    Yay, free laundry!
    Yay, almost Christmas/New Years!
  8. Nikira
    It's almost Christmas Break!
    And you know what that means?
    FINALS. : D
    Suffice to say, I will be dying for the next week and a half and thus not on BZP for sake of my grades.
    Have a good last couple weeks of school, everyone!
  9. Nikira
    Yay I get to go home todaaaaaaay.
    *would party if she wasn't so flat-out wiped*
    Knowing I can sleep the whole drive home is a major comfort right now. Along with the fact of free double-load laundry.
    Also, my roomie found my ID card. Woot.
  10. Nikira
    I lost my ID card this morning.
    Like, I had it to get into chapel, but when I left chapel it was gone.
    My ID card is my meal ticket, my chapel ticket, my library card, etc. Basically I can't do anything important on campus without that card. Like eating. Eating is important.
    Also, if I go two more chapels without my card I'll start getting demerits/fines.
    Not a good way to start off the week, that's for sure. :|
  11. Nikira
    I love snow.
    And my marshmallow coat.
    It's so flooooofy. <3
    Also, Ohio got like about an inch of the white stuff today. Isn't sticking very well but it's still ground cover, bwahaha. =D
  12. Nikira
    Long final English paper is looooooong and I'm not even done with it.
    It's also not the only long paper that's due within the next couple weeks. It's the longest, but it's not the only one. ;_;
    Grawrawrrwagh my braaaaain. Dx<
    *eats random Matoran*
  13. Nikira
    Hey guys.
    If you have a disagreement, squabble, or any sort of problem with another member, do you know where your discussion really belongs?
    In your Personal Message Inbox.
    The rest of the world does not need to be in on your gripes with each other, especially if it's a touchy subject. Please be respectful of the people around you.
  14. Nikira
    Okay, so my bro got me Mazeka, right? And I was thrilled and happy and there was lots of hugs. He also threw in like two bags of candy which is also fun. ^^
    But dude.
    My sis got me Axalara.
    She spent almost her entire paycheck on that thing.
    I was deeply touched. Literally, I almost cried. D:
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