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Premier Retired Staff
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Blog Entries posted by Nikira

  1. Nikira
    Look, a contest to momentarily distract you!
    AC 16 is indeed up. Start brainstormin'! =D
    As for me, I am not enterin' this time around. School, work, and lack of time plus a sudden dump of end-of-semester homework today just killed most of my time for the next couple weeks, so I don't think I'll be able ta manage to cook up somethin' decent with the time I do have. @_@;
    But! I'll try to keep up with what ya guys can come up with. Make it awesome. ^^
  2. Nikira
    *is getting sick of this not-sleeping thing*
    ... Literally.
    I dun recommend lack of sleep for 5 nights straight. Kinda fries ya brain. And everythin' else that your brain works.
    Which is... uh... everythin'. I guess.
    *cuddles with hyenas*
  3. Nikira
    So uh, my laptop's audio got shot. I was installing Skype and checking my non-existent microphone's drivers, and my sound totally disappeared.
    All my audio devices are listed as installed and working (save my microphone, which I finally realized I don't really have xD) and my volume levels are all on. When I try to test my speakers for my laptop, I get an error message saying it failed to play.
  4. Nikira
    Don't ya DARE mess with Harley Quinn when she's had only two hours o' sleep.
    I'll be liable to rip off th' arms of whoever comes near me next.
    Or I'll sick my hyenas on ya.
    Or I can sick my hyenas on ya decapitated arms.
  5. Nikira
    Coming back home to realize that ya have circles under your eyes darker than Batsie's cape is neve' a good sign.
    Uuuuh. >_<
    Oh ah... hiya Mistah J! *waves* I'm just gonna go... sit down now... and sleep... fo' two months.
  6. Nikira
    Yeah, I'm talkin' to you, Batsie and Birdboy and all ya little ol' compadres!
    It's back to basics for all of ya's - Mr. J has somethin' up his sleeve for this new joint that'll knock ya socks off.
    C'mon Red, ya in this too, aren't ya?
    Pleaaaaase? Ohpleaseohpleaseohplease?
  7. Nikira
    Holy cow.
    Dude. Dude. I read this book in like the last 30 minutes.
    Lego has now reeled me into 2009 whether I like it or not.
    Holy. Freakin'. Cow.
    I commend you on this book, Greg. What a way to end the year!
    I mean... seriously.
    HOLY. COW.
    *is not going to sleep easily tonight*
  8. Nikira
    2 weeks (and one day) until my 18th.
    ...I'm too young to be an AFOL already! WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN. D:
    *feels kinda old*
    I have a science exam on my b-day, so maybe that will dull out the sheer absurdness of it all. xD
  9. Nikira
    MOCers and anyone else who is even slightly interested - I will be selling ALL OF THIS starting later this week. See something you like in this massive heap? Keep it in mind.

    First person that is not Than, TMD or Makaru to correctly guess how much I spent on all this (plus 5 pounds of knex, 4 pounds of Lego/Megablocks, two Transformers, a fully-working compass and a copy of Lego Racers 2 for the GBA) wins a Nintendo Wii.
    (Said Nintendo Wii may not actually exist in the real world, but hey that's what our imaginations are for.)
    Note that I did get all of this in one day. Fascinating!
    Now, get guessing!
  10. Nikira
    Haha, I should've started this list a while ago. >_< Not finding many results over in BST, so trying my luck here.
    Looking for some old sets, guys - maybe you all could help me out.
    The sets mentioned first are top priority - used is fine if the set is in an excellent condition.
    ---USA SHIPPING ONLY. I can pay with cash or PayPal - you ship first. I do not do trades.---
    Blue - Pending
    Red - Completed

    Toa Mata: Kopaka, Lewa, and Pohatu.
    McToran: Hewkii, Kongu, Matoro, Macku
    Turaga: Vakama, Matau, Onewa, Nuju, Nokama, Whenua
    Any of the 2001 Rahi sets (Muaka/Kane-Ra, Nui-Rama, Nui-Jaga, Manas)
    Bohrok: Nuhvok, Gahlok, Lehvak, Tahnok
    Toa Nuva: Onua
    One silver katana (Lewa Nuva's)
    Metruan: Ahkmou, Ehrye, Nuhrii
    Piraka: Thok
    Titans: Axxon
    Any offers can be posted here - I will PM you to finalize deals and work out shipping stuff.
  11. Nikira
    This is for everyone who is using/thinking of using any type of 'Signature Pet', whether it be Kratta, Raptors, Leechies, Dragon Eggs or whatever it may be.
    It's called the Signature Guidelines.
    Read them. Know them.
    Please, if you value the wonderful existence of your signature, make sure it follows the rules when adding any cool thingamabobs or doodads to it.
    For example: If you have a 468x60 or 250x100 banner and decide to add a pet to your sig on top of that, realize that it WILL be removed. The limits are the limits, please respect that. If you want a pet in your sig, you will have to adapt your other images accordingly.
    Make sure this also counts for the combined filesizes - remember that 100KB is the limit (about 100,000 bytes).
    Do not be surprised if your sig containing one of every type, color, and size of pet and each individual description suddenly disappears, either.

    I know several have done this already and I appreciate it, but please - if you could make sure that members are aware of the signature guidelines before using your creations, that would be a great help - just providing a link to the Sig Guidelines in the first post can work wonders.
  12. Nikira
    Is Awesome!
    Give him hugs and assorted kung pao chicken, gooooooooo. >:3
    All together now...
  13. Nikira
    Niki posted ART.
    In GA of ALL PLACES.
    Well it's not true-blue Bionicle, I'm sad to say. Human Bionicle. So like half-Bionicle.
    But hey, it's ART!! In the ART FORUMS! 8D
    It's the first time since whaaat... uh, like January? @_@;;;
    And yes, I think Project Toa has come to a screeching halt. Thank life for that. No more asking me about it at the moment, please and thank you.
    *excitedly frolics away to sleep*
  14. Nikira
    I'm sitting in the dark, back in the furthest corner of the stage, shrouded in black with laptop on my legs, its screen barely on. I'm covered in sawdust from the setwork that was done only two hours ago. The place smells rankly of paint and floor finish. To my left, other crew members sit with books in hand or laptops switched on, listening for cues, providing actors with their next props, and preparing anxoiusly for the next scene change. I quickly glance at the wooden doorplug that sits upstage and try to remember where it needs to be places once the cue comes. One cue has already been missed due to malfunctions in the wheels - I make a mental note to clear the floor before moving the plug this time around.
    On stage, two actors are performing, adorned in white-tail tuxedoes and bathed in soft colored lights, engaged in a frantic arguement. The dress rehearsal of Oscar Wilde's An Ideal Husband is nearly halfway over, the raw amounts of blackmail and intrigue rising dramatically as the main character is morally being pulled in multiple directions. You can hear the frustration and fear in his voice, his movements quick and sharp as he argues with his best friend about women and them being evil. I stifle a laugh when the comic relief, an older character with a military background and a stark contrast to his son, enters the stage with a loud exuberant 'harumph!'. I can hear the stage manager chuckling in the audience.
    In front of me, just beyond the backdrop I sit behind, sits the costume crew. As soon as this scene is done, two of the actors will have only a minute to change into completly different costumes. The adrenaline rush is incredible - even though I am on costume crew, I am glad I am not assigned to that portion of it. I think I would die of stress. Possibly break a hem by mistake or some silly mistake of that sort. The four people who work tonight are upperclassman who have done this more than once and perform the task fluidly almost every time.
    One can hear the clanging of feet thirty feet above the stage as the lighting crew performs last-minute adjustments. They will probably be doing adjustments until the hour of the play. Until then, their work is gorgeous. The normally white-and-cream stage now looks almost like a blown-up version of a pastel, multi-colored wedding cake.
    Throughout the whole stage, there's a level aura of tension and excitement.
    There is only one more rehearsal.
    We go live in only two days.
    This is theatre.
    And gosh, it's a blast. =D
  15. Nikira
    Just a note that the theatre's dress rehearsals, costume meetings and first performances will be taking my life (and my breath) away until next Sunday. I shall be very, very gone but having a good time doing it.
    I apologize if PMs are not responded to until then, but life takes precedence over pleasure.
    Have a good week, everyone!
  16. Nikira
    ...when you get to draw all over your reports in full color.
    (Text blurred for academic reasons)

    English majors can enjoy science, thankyouverymuch.
    It's the math that you won't get my approval on. Unless you can find some way to integrate lovely pictures into a Calculus exam.
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