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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    I don't care, I'm leaving that title just the way it is.
    It turns out that yes, you actually can get Secret Report 21 by defeating Panthera Cantus on Easy rather than needing to do it on Hard! If I had known that, I might have been able to get it in the DS version a while ago...I'll probably take a shot at that soon.
    But yeah, I got all 22 reports in TWEWY Solo Remix, watched the secret ending, and got to see Hype-chan! It's so much cooler when you earn it yourself!
    Not that that will stop me from watching future secret videos and whatnot before I actually earn them, I'm really not that talented so this is a rare occurrence.
    The scenes before and after the Panthera Cantus battle, as well as the secret ending, make me wonder what it is they had/have in store. I never noticed it before, but it does seem like these might be hinting at something...
    Well, if they decided to rerelease Solo Remix on Android nearly two years after the iOS version, maybe they could be getting us ready for a big announcement. Or...maybe not. TWEWY definitely has the ability to stand alone as its own game, but you don't add secret artwork with a brand new character and "NEW 7 DAYS" to a port unless you've got some sort of idea in the works, right...?
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    Y'all need to chill the heck out

    There isn't anything I can say that hasn't already been said probably but whatevs
    Maybe it's real. Maybe it isn't. We're not going to know for sure until we get an official word and/or it's 2015. A little hopeful excitement is understandable, as is a little pessimistic displeasure should it be true, along with some irritation should you think it's fake.
    But seriously: chill out
    People of all stances have been taking this way too seriously. Even if it is fake, that doesn't give you the right to chew out those believing it. Even if it is legit, saying it's going to be A. the greatest thing since sliced bread OR B. a sign of the apocalypse is something you're guaranteed to be wrong about.
    I get that we all love Bionicle, but for crying out loud, people!
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    Okay, now that I’ve seen the new episodes of Legend of Korra, it’s time to make a long, spoiler-filled blog post about them!
    I’m trying to be more optimistic about things lately, so I’ll say I’m excited about this new book. I will, however, reserve the right to roll my eyes at the mention of Harmonic Convergence for a while longer, but maybe I’ll work that out too.
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    No this is not a Dragon Ball Z post
    Remember The World Ends With You?
    Remember the HD remake they put on iOS a while back with new secret artwork that hasn't amounted to anything yet?
    Well now it's on Android too.
    I really hope all these little things mean that Square Enix actually is planning on doing something big in the future...
    But anywho, now I know what I'm doing for the next year.
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    (As I said before, I plan to start Chapter 2 of Divine Strength with a wave exchange between the Queens of Light and Sea. Since it's fairly short, I figured I'd just post it here directly. Hopefully this gives some insight into both characters and their relationship with each other.)
    I’m sorry to hear about what happened to your agreement with Nature—don’t fret, your soldiers didn’t offer the information, I dug it out of them. We agreed on a 20% increase in imports starting next month. When they return, they can answer any other questions you may have. As for the reports, I’ve read enough to know that I was right: the one behind these events is someone I have an interest in dealing with personally, and I am planning to depart tomorrow to hunt down the snake and take him into custody. However, since these recent incidents have had more of an effect on Ceandi than Bivor, I will understand if you would rather handle it. Please let me know.


    First, I want to thank you for taking on such a large increase in trade. But if it ends up hurting Bivor, promise me that you will let me know, alright? I don’t want your queendom to suffer for lending us aid. As for the incidents…if two Queens are poking around in the same area, will that not be even more suspicious than my continued activities there? It would be no stretch to imagine War taking this as an excuse to start harassing us. How important is this matter? You’re not one to hold grudges, but you seem oddly invested in finding this man.


    I promise to keep you updated on Bivor’s economy. Do not worry, I am sure all will go well. In regards to this sorcerer, his name is Riniyon. He is the one who launched a feeble attack against Bivor during my previous lifetime but managed to escape from my dungeon. What I haven’t told you is that he has been popping up every now and then for several decades now, causing trouble for me for reasons unknown. He has been a thorn in my side for much too long. I want to stop his foolishness and, perhaps, find out why it is that he hates we Queens so badly. I believe I can find his lair quickly, as I am somewhat familiar with his habits after all this time, and, truthfully…I think it will be most satisfying to confront the coward directly. So I will ask you plainly, Sea: please allow me this.


    Haha, I know that tone. I can’t talk you out of this, can I? Very well, I’ll keep my distance. But Light, you do tend to get a little reckless when you’re this focused—I know you said Riniyon is actually quite weak, but if he has escaped and evaded your capture this long, he may be more cunning than he lets on. Or he could just be lucky. Either way, I would advise you to be ready for anything. It never hurts to be cautious, right?


    I suppose I can get rather carried away…and you do have a point. I’ll try to be careful. For now, I think I will retire; should anything momentous happen in my investigation, I will keep you informed. Until then.
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    You know what I find funny? A while back, there was a fake Pokemon scan that used a silhouette of Gadunka, saying it was a new Pokemon. And now we have Mega Swampert, who is so flipping ripped that it actually resembles Gadunka. Or at least I think it does.
    Coincidence? I think not.
    Mega Sceptile looks cool too, but I'm definitely still going with Gadunka Mega Swampert. The new Hoenn artwork is simply beautiful, and I'm way psyched for the Primal Devolutions. I just pre-ordered Omega Ruby today, so hello Ground/Fire type Primal Groudon! It's also nice to have a fixed release date--though I'm worried by how close it is to KH II.5...
    Speaking of KH II.5, which is not technically E3 news but I'm going to talk about anyway, I was lucky enough to see the new trailer showcased at an anime convention this weekend, so I'm super pumped. I may or may not have wept, though part of that may or may not have been related to Kairi's lack of screentime. All we got to see was her hand, for crying out loud! Meh...well, December will still rock. I'm also hyped for the KHIII teaser with Young Xehanort and Young Eraqus. All these things saying that darkness is predestined to win is making me nervous. Maybe the it can be fixed by the Princesses of Heart returning to relevance?! ...Or something else they pull out of nowhere.
    The only other thing covered so far that I'm psyched about is Smash, and amiibo by extension. I haven't played Kid Icarus, so I don't know how to feel about Palutena, but being able to use your Miis as fighters is one of the greatest things ever. I just so happened to create more Miis on my 3DS this weekend, heheheh...it shall be glorious! Amiibo sounds pretty interesting--the technology isn't new, of course, but I like that Nintendo is going to use it as an add-on for multiple games rather than just making one game specifically for this. Can't wait to see how they incorporate this into future games.
    Wait...we still don't know what accessory will come with Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. What if they come with amiibo?! ...Nah, they said it wouldn't be on 3DS for a while now. But it's cool to think about.
    (As a side note, I am now realizing that using a Kairi Mii in Smash will be the first time you could actually consider Kairi a playable character. Shame on you Square. Good on you Nintendo. You're picking up all the discarded characters of other companies, aren't you?)
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    I went up to an anime convention for the weekend. It was pretty fun, bought plenty of stuff, including...

    The Christina Figma (Lab Coat Version)! They had both this and the regular outfit version. It was a touch choice. But anyway, I'm very glad to have her as a part of the team now. What team, you ask?

    The team of warriors I will be heading to unite and transform the fictional realm, of course! Mwa-ha-ha-ha!
    ...I dunno, I just wanted to get a picture of her wielding a Keyblade. It took some effort. But as great as that may be, the best picture I have thus far is...

    Scientist Christina would like to battle!
    Genesect is another purchase I made this weekend. Sadly, it can't support its own weight and keeps falling over, but it is just the right size for a set-up like this! Totally worth it. They make a good pair, don't you think?
    I wanted to get a picture of her interacting with Kairi (since Tumblr gave me the headcannon that Kairi rocks at physics too), but they both have very different scales, so it didn't look quite right. Dang. Oh well, this is a pretty good set of photos for now. Now I just have to see how well she fits in the Exo-Toa...
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    Technic Coliseum just finished its final tournament. Again, I’d like to extend my thanks to everyone who participated! When I first came up with the idea back in 2010, I never imagined I’d still be putting so much effort into it years later. It’s sad to see the Coliseum go, but worry not: Technic Warzone is on its way! To celebrate the success of Coliseum and get you excited for Warzone, I decided to type up a little something to put a bit of story into this thing (though not too much, since we aren’t in the RPG Forum ).
    A lone Pahrak was working on the edge of the street, making some sort of sign. He sat in front of a large, arena-like tower built in the style of Metru-Nui’s Coliseum, which took up an entire block on its own. How rich do you have to be to afford something like that?
    Anyway, Pahrak finished his work, stood up, and attached the sign to the tower’s doors. It read: “TECHNIC COLISEUM CLOSED FOR RENOVATION.” It was written in Matoran, obviously, but we have translated it for your convenience. We’re so helpful, aren’t we?
    “Okay, everyone’s cleared out and the building is locked down,” Pahrak said to himself. “Now I just need to call the family in so we can get to work! Ah, this brings back memories of the last renovation, though hopefully this one won’t take nearly as long…”
    Pahrak pulled out a flip phone and—really? A flip phone? It’s 2014, why don’t you have an iPhone or something, you loser? We know you’re not short on cash if you can run this giant interdimensional fighting league. Whatever.
    But before he could make the call, he heard a noise. Turning around, he saw a giant blue frog with a tongue so long it was wrapped around its head like a scarf...it’s a lot cooler than it sounds.
    “Are you Pahrak #0579, zam?” the frog asked.
    “I am Greninja #0579. No relation, zam. I have come to this world because I have something urgent to tell you, zam!”
    “Okay but cut it out with the ‘zam’. I seriously doubt anyone’s going to get that reference, and it’s really unnecessary.”
    “Fine. I come from a parallel world, one where a terrible fate has befallen the Technic Coliseum. After you completed these renovations, dark forces seized control and orchestrated a multi-world war that quickly descended into total anarchy.”
    Pahrak nodded. “Mm-hm. Question: were these dark anarchy forces carrying around a shell-shaped fossil?”
    “…Possibly. That’s not the point. Everyone got their hands on death rays and turned on each other—it became an every set for themselves bloodbath, with no survivors. Then someone went and started retconning things, and now everyone’s back to life.”
    “Ah yes, the retcon. I’m well familiar with it.”
    “My world is now trapped in a never ending cycle of death ray wars and spontaneous revivals. You were corrupted by the anarchy and started placing bets on who would live and who would die.”
    “Wow, I became a real—“
    “I’m gonna cut you off there. Look: I came to this world in order to prevent the same thing from happening again. I’ll take care of the dark forces when they arrive, but I wanted to warn you so that you would be alert to any signs.”
    “Okay, thanks for the heads-up.”
    Greninja leapt onto a ledge and stared off dramatically. “This world must not become like mine…it must not become a Technic Warzone…”
    “Hah, title drop!”
    Ignoring Pahrak’s comment, Greninja disappeared in a puff of smoke. But…will he truly be able to stop the Warzone?!
    “It doesn’t matter,” Pahrak said, “there isn’t any canon for this to stick to anyway.”
    Oh yeah. Well, Technic Warzone opens June 22nd, everybody! Feel free to join in on the fun!
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    Twitch Plays Pokemon sure is strange, but it's still interesting in its own way.
    So...that got me thinking about how I wanted to mythologize my own Pokemon experience, and...this happened.
    Also here's a Luxray I drew five years ago.
    Gotta catch em all.
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    It is more apparent than ever that Technic Coliseum is on its last legs. As such, the June tournament will be the last tournament. The successor, Technic Warzone, will begin later that month to give players a week or two to adjust before the first tournament in July. This decision is final.
    What is not finalized, and needs to be by the time Coliseum ends, are the exact details on how Warzone will be conducted. I posted a draft a while back--if I do not receive any feedback on potential changes, I'll just go with what I have proposed here. Once Warzone does start up, I will still be open to new ideas and improvements, but I would like to polish it as much as possible beforehand so it can make a great first impression.
    Also, there is another note I wish to make about the June tournament: it begins on June 2nd, but I will be leaving on a four-day vacation on the 5th. Going by recent participation, this should still give me time to resolve all matches before I leave, but I would appreciate it if everyone could do their best to not draw the rounds out so we can be sure to get it done. Worst case scenario, I may try to log on during my vacation (no promises ), or I might simply have to delay the remaining matches until I return that Sunday evening. I could have a player take over ref duties in this case, but I hesitate to do that. There aren't many players still hanging around--whoever I chose would almost definitely have been someone who lost in an earlier round, and while I trust you guys, it would still present a conflict of interest. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it, eh?
    The tentative release date for Technic Warzone is June 22nd. I hope you'll look forward to it!
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    I’ve been replaying Pokémon X on and off, but I kept forgetting to post my team up here. It’s important to me that I continue my PokéRecords! Anyway, I’ve beaten Diantha, haven’t decided if I’m going to do the Looker quest or not, here’s the team and their current levels:
    -Gawain the Chesnaught, Lv 70
    -Adell the Mega Charizard X, Lv 70
    -Rose the Florges, Lv 71
    -Nocturn the Barbaracle, Lv 69
    -Reidak the Krookodile, Lv 70
    -Pewku the Mega Scizor, Lv 71
    I was unsure about trying out Florges, but Rose is an awesome part of my team. I’m also glad I got to try out all three starters, though since Greninja was first it still holds a very special place in my heart. I’ve also tried out the Mega Evolutions of all Kanto starters, so that’s cool. (I mean, I didn’t have a Mega Charizard Y on any of my main teams, but I tested one out. I like X better anyway.) The other three are just Pokémon I’ve been wanting to try out for a while. It was pretty fun!
    There are still so many Pokémon I want to try out, though…I already have tentative teams for Omega Ruby and Z (or whatever), but I need to fight off the urge to restart X again…
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    You may remember this idea I've been going on about involving magic Queens and all? I'm thinking the title of this story will be "Divine Strength", though that's subject to change. But more to the point, I've made a rough draft of a prologue I might use for it.
    ...But, it's rather long. If anyone's skimming the blogs here in dashboard format, they'd really hate me if I posted the whole thing here. So, instead, I'm going to give a link to the Tumblr post. You can find the prologue here.
    It takes place a few decades before the main plot, and introduces the villain who sets everything off and the (previous) Queen of Light. I will definitely be editing it at a later date, but if you could provide me with some feedback on the current draft, it'd really help me know what to edit. If you have comments, you can either contact me here or on Tumblr--either's fine. I'd be very grateful for the help!
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    I'm starting to get an idea together, but I want to run it by you guys first. Take a look:
    -Titled "Technic Warzone"
    -Fighters have a stat total of 12 by default. The sponsor can allocate another 8 when they start sponsoring. (Thank you, Pulsating Explosive!)
    -Trainers will be removed altogether.
    -Stat boost items will have explicit fixed values. (1 for most, 3 for “large boost”) The Golden Kanohi and Staff of Mind Reading will be removed.
    -Champions still get a free item. The reigning Champion for each season will be given an extra stat point that the sponsor can give to whichever stat they choose, but this stat point will go away when the next tournament comes around.
    -Upgrades provide abilities, but no stat boost. They will also be reduced in price to 20,000 W.
    -Players now begin with 25,000 W. I am also introducing a Widget limit of 75,000 W.
    -Player list will be put in a blog post with Widget counts, items, and the fighters they sponsor
    -A new item or upgrade will be introduced that will allow the sponsor to redistribute the 8 bonus stat points.
    -Play will be divided into three types: regular Coliseum play, which will be mostly the same; Tournament play, which will be pretty similar to how it is now (no stat redistribution, since we have the new stat system should fix that, but we will have an item limit); and a new type...
    -Warzone: A brutal game of chance that resets every Friday. Players will state that they wish for their fighter to attack another fighter (be specific), and I’ll roll a die. If you get a 1, your target dies and is eliminated from this week’s Warzone; anything else, they live. When your fighter dies (or when the Warzone is reset at the end of the week), you receive 5,000 W for every fighter you successfully eliminated. Even if you’re inactive, your fighter will still be an eligible target! (If you know ahead of time that you will be inactive for an extended period of time, please inform me and I will grant your fighter Warzone immunity for the requested amount of time.)
    -There may be some items to affect Warzone play, still working on it. Also, if you sponsor multiple fighters, you will only be able to target one fighter at a time, and you will receive fewer Widgets per kill (since you are essentially surviving multiple hits).
    Any thoughts?
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    · Pink fur
    · Part cat
    · Princess of Cloud Cuckooland
    · Master Builder
    · Loves cute things

    Faris Nyannyan
    · Pink hair
    · Part cat
    · Family owns Akihabara
    · Champion Rai-Net Battler
    · Loves cute things
    If they ever met each other, they would instantly become best friends for life.
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    Okay so I was cleaning my room and found that little lore booklet that came with one of the old Bionicle card games. I’m curious to see just how much was dropped/retconned/etc.
    “Once a paradise, the island of Mata Nui has become a place of darkness and fear, ruled by the evil Makuta. But the islanders, known as Tohunga[…]”
    Well that didn’t take long.
    “Onua, the Earth Toa, watches over the land and intervenes to restore balance when it is threatened.”
    Onua is Zygarde’s new form for Pokémon Z it’s confirmed
    “Tahu, spirit of fire, is the oldest of the Toa, having been created when the planet was forming.”
    When the planet was forming? Well…sorta…
    “With his fire sword, Tahu keeps the lava moving towards the ocean, much to the annoyance of his rival, Gali.”
    Tahu u little brat
    “Lewa, the youngest of the six Toa, is the spirit of air.”
    They have been hanging on to that for quite some time, haven’t they…
    “The Tohunga believe [Gali] is the sustainer of life, and worship her more than any of the others.”
    Gali 4 fav goddess
    They reversed the image of Kopaka in here. I could maybe deal with the sword and shield being on the wrong hands, but seeing the Akaku mirrored is just…*shudder*
    “They are careful not to anger him, though, being fearful of the landslides an enraged Pohatu can unleash.”
    Something about the phrase “an enraged Pohatu” just makes me chuckle. Like has he ever even gotten beyond “mildly irritated”?
    (Kanohi Hau) “Provides protection against overhead attacks or falling objects.”
    But you’re screwed if they attack from straight ahead.
    “[Matau] can also fly[…]”
    Wait what
    “Nokama’s tool is a fork-shaped staff[…]”
    Apparently “trident” is too advanced a word for the target demographic
    “[Nuju’s] closest friend among the Turaga is Nokama, and the two silent Turaga often pass their time in winter on frozen Lake Naho.”
    I wasn’t aware that Mata Nui actually had seasons. Also I ship it now.
    “Here Whenua and the rest of his tribe toil to quarry the great rocks that will eventually be carved by the Pohatu Tohunga.”
    Personally I prefer “Po-Matoran”
    “[Le-Matoran] also show affection be imitation, a gesture that is often misinterpreted by those unfamiliar with their customs.”
    Okay I don’t remember this and it sounds slightly freaking adorable
    “Ga-Koro is also home to a great mystery—Gali’s shrine is missing a mask. Many would-be adventurers have set out to find the mask, never to return. Nokama has recently chosen new champions in an effort to locate the missing mask once and for all.”
    Hello epic-sounding aborted arc, I am now angered by your non-existence
  16. Pahrak Model ZX
    Not a Bionicle story, though it does involve Elemental powers/regions I guess huh it may have influenced me more than I realized I should be careful about that
    It's a fantasy story in a medieval setting where the major countries are ruled by Queens with magic crowns. They're the characters the story will focus on. Right now I have 12 Queens, each attuned to a specific fighting style/school of magic. That’s kind of a lot of characters, so I wonder if I should take some out. Just going with the characters I have plans for right now, I could easily cut that number in half.
    But…since these Queens are also goddesses, I kind of want a larger group to build the mythology. Plus, I don’t want to cut any of these schools of magic, and if a school of magic exists, I want there to be a Queen for it. Even with a smaller cast, there would still be some Queens who get more attention than others. Also, I'm not entirely sure how I would want to reorganize my schools of magic to accommodate for this smaller cast of goddesses.
    Just going by this vague information, does anyone have any suggestions?
  17. Pahrak Model ZX
    Wow, I was Pahrak #0579 for over a year. That's definitely a personal best.
    But I like the way my new name sounds too. Figured there's no harm in trying something different for a little while.
    Might take a while to get used to, though.
  18. Pahrak Model ZX
    Wait...are people upset that there are going to be more female characters in the next Lego Movie?
    I read the talkback and I can't really make much sense of it. I think they're saying they're worried that this means the director's just going to toss in some half-sincere female characters for the heck of it?
    Even though actually clicking the link in the BZP article leads to an article with the headline "'The Lego Movie 2' Director Wants More Strong Women In Sequel"?
    Which is basically just saying that there are going to be new awesome characters in the next movie?
    Some of whom will also happen to be female?
    Did I use whom correctly I never quite got the hang of that grammar thing?
    I don't see how having awesome characters is a bad thing, so I must be waaaaay off.
  19. Pahrak Model ZX
    Tumblr told me that grinding in Florem Gardens was a good idea. In about an hour I got my team the rest of the way to Lv 99 and mastered a ton of Jobs. I also consulted TVTropes for gamebreaking strategies, then went to tackle the True End.
    I won.
    I won't go into detail since I don't want to spoil anything, but I will say that I have mixed feelings. Unless I missed it, there are a lot of things they were pretty unclear about, so I was sort of disappointed by that. I'm also not sure there was a real end to anyone's character development, but to be honest I've never been the best at reading those things and I've been a little out of it today. There's also the case of "final boss ex machina", but I suppose that's to be expected with a classic JRPG, so I'm over it.
    There were definitely bits that I liked, though! Again, spoilers, so no details, but the accomplishment did bring about some satisfaction. I suppose now I should aim to finish up those Chapter 8 sub-quests and slay some Nemeses...
    Overall, I like Bravely Default. I'd give it, maybe...8 out of 10? A high 8. Though I am clearly biased.
    Just for the heck of it, here are all the Jobs everyone's mastered:
    -Tiz: Time Mage, Ranger, Summoner, Valkyrie, Red Mage, Salve-Maker, Performer, Ninja, Dark Knight, Conjurer
    -Agnes: White Mage, Time Mage, Summoner, Red Mage, Salve-Maker, Performer, Swordmaster, Spiritmaster, Templar, Dark Knight, Conjurer
    -Ringabel: Monk, Black Mage, Thief, Merchant, Spell Fencer, Performer, Ninja, Arcanist, Vampire, Conjurer
    -Edea: White Mage, Knight, Spell Fencer, Time Mage, Valkyrie, Red Mage, Pirate, Swordmaster, Templar, Dark Knight, Conjurer
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