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Pahrak Model ZX

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Blog Entries posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Pahrak Model ZX
    Well, after getting the short ending and setting the game aside for a few days, I picked Bravely Default back up again and trudged my way through Chapter 6’s sub-quests and everything in Chapter 7. When I got to Chapter 8 I cleared one of the sub-quests, but…good gosh, that was difficult, there were going to be so many more, and I’ve been told that after clearing the True End I’ll be sent back to Chapter 8, so I’ll just do that later.
    So, I made it to The End! The Chapter entitled The End, that is. Progress has been…well, it’s had its ups and downs. As soon as you arrive in this chapter, you have to fight the two-stage final boss of the short end, which wasn’t too tough (seemed tougher than it did in Finale…might’ve been my Job setup), then unlocked Dimension’s Hasp and ventured in to fight powerful foes and gain powerful weapons. That all went pretty well, barring those darn Guzzlers that I have yet to successfully defeat. After that I headed back to the Dark Aurora and fought that one character’s final form…and lost miserably. Rearranged my Jobs and fought a few more battles before trying again, used Bravely Second to help out and I was able to win! Barely. Now I have a break before fighting the true final boss, which apparently has, oh…five stages?
    While that doesn’t sound quite as obnoxious to the 10+ stages of killing Ansem back in Kingdom Hearts, it doesn’t sound like something I’m ready to face right now. I’m thinking I’ll select a place to grind, get the hang of some advanced tactics, and build up as much SP as I can before giving that a try. In the meantime, I decided to go ahead and unlock the Special Movie the quick way (using the Konami Code, bless you Square-Enix), which didn’t really spoil anything unless you count it a spoiler that one of the characters is confirmed to survive. It uses the gyroscope and requires you to swing the 3DS around a lot, so my sister was kind of weirded out by my behavior, but eh. Worth it. I love secret movies.
    Party’s current set up and Mastered Jobs, all Lv 81:
    -Tiz, currently Dark Knight Lv 10 with Hunting; Mastered Ranger, Summoner, Valkyrie, Performer, Ninja
    -Agnes, currently Red Mage Lv 11 with White Magic; Mastered White Mage, Salve-Maker, Swordmaster, Spiritmaster, Templar, Conjurer
    -Ringabel, currently Conjurer Lv 12 with Black Magic; Mastered Black Mage, Thief, Vampire
    -Edea, currently Knight Lv 12 with Sword Magic; Mastered Spell Fencer, Pirate, Swordmaster, Dark Knight, Conjurer
  2. Pahrak Model ZX
    I was thinking that maybe I was too hard on April Fool's Day and that maybe I should give it a chance.
    Then I see these people crafting the most heart-destroying "there's a TWEWY sequel" prank they can possibly come up with.
    And I remember why I hate this holiday.
  3. Pahrak Model ZX
    Well, I did the thing that one guy suggested near the end of Chapter 6, which took me into the "short ending." That's as vague as I have to be without spoiling it. It wasn't all too difficult, I think...but, then again, I have been playing on Easy for a while. This ending does seem pretty open-ended, but there's still a sense of accomplishment. Plus, now I can have Agnes wear her vestal garb all the time! Worth it.
    The save file then spit me back into Chapter 6, so now I'm going around doing all the new sub-quests before ending the chapter the proper way. I've seen enough online to know that it's going to be one long haul to the true end, but I shall not waver!
    ...Although I might take a bit of a break once I get the Steins;Gate visual novel which I think is allowed since they have the same writer but I digress
    Also I finally tried out Conjurer. Good gosh it's amazing. Once you get Steady MP Recover, that combined with MP After Battle (or whatever it was called) removes any worry over the MP cost of Invocations, plus once you get your hands on Obliterate you can farm weak enemies like there's no tomorrow! Plus Edea finally mastered Swordmaster, netting her the Free Lunch ability that nullifies all MP costs for two turns, and doesn't cost any MP or extra BP itself. Totally broken. Totally awesome.
    But Tiz is still bland.
  4. Pahrak Model ZX
    After a lengthy side-quest to get the Vampire asterisk, I restored the Earth Crystal and stuff went down. I won't spoil anything. I do, however, want to go on record as saying that I was right about who wrote D's Journal!
    ...It's actually really, really obvious when you read the Enigmatic Writings so I don't deserve that much credit.
    It really is a lot easier to get JP now. I've even managed to master a few Jobs! Also, I was able to hunt down all the Genomes for Vampire, so I think I'm in pretty good shape going forward. I'm near the end of Chapter 5, and I can only imagine what waits beyond that, since things are already so...drat, anything I say will be a spoiler at this point...
    Anywho. Whole party is at Lv 62. Tiz has mastered Performer; Agnes has mastered White Mage and Spiritmaster; and Edea has mastered Spell Fencer. No Jobs mastered for Ringabel yet, though he is close on Black Mage (Lv 12) since I want to cast Level 6 Black Magic, as well as Vampire (Lv 13) since I used him as my main Genome gatherer. The complete Job histories are way too long to list now, so I'll just leave it at that.
    Current set-up:
    -Tiz as Summoner Lv 11 with Singing
    -Agnes as Salve-Maker Lv 11 with White Magic
    -Ringabel as Black Mage Lv 12 with Vampirism
    -Edea as Templar Lv 11 with Sword Magic
    All of which will see frequent change as I move forward. I know I'm going to be getting some more JP for Edea's Dark Knight job soon, at least; everything else is sort of up for grabs.
  5. Pahrak Model ZX
    All the spells in Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, and Bravely Default follow the same pattern: the first tier has a normal name, the second tier ends in -ra, and the third ends in -ga. Except for Bravely Default's Cure spells. Those go Cure, Cura, Curada, Curaga.
    I certainly have nothing against a fourth tier Cure spell--I'm sure it'll be very helpful, and a precedent for that was set way back in the original Final Fantasy. Of course, the spells in that game went Cure, Cura, Curaga, Curaja. You know, consistent with the third tier spell ending in -ga.
    But...literally every other spell family in Bravely Default uses -ga for the third tier. This one stands out, and it's weird, because the first two follow the pattern, then they change, then they use the name that should be third tier for the fourth tier, and...
    It bugs me. Like, is Curada supposed to be a "second and a half tier" or something? What even is that?
    Also I think this game's equivalent of Blue Magic does involve some fourth tier spells ending in -ja, so it's even more inconsistent and arrrrrgh
  6. Pahrak Model ZX
    I made it through Chapter 3 in Bravely Default. It wasn't easy. Still, quite an interesting piece of the story--don't want to reveal too much, but between Tiz's mental state showing signs of deterioration and Edea coming face-to-face with her former master, needless to say it drew me in quite effectively. I'm starting Chapter 4 now, but I'm still doing terribly, so I've resorted to grinding to gain levels and Job Levels. Also, something interesting that struck me, but it's spoilers for Chapters 3 and 4!
    This isn't really a spoiler, but I actually sat down and read through the Enigmatic Writings in D's Journal finally. I think I have a theory of who wrote it, and possibly who Ringabel may actually be...
    Also I finally got the pun in Edea's name after seeing that both her parents have pun names. I like her even more now!
    So, Job Report:
    -Agnes: Currently White Mage Lv 10 with Singing; other Jobs include Freelancer Lv 5, Time Mage Lv 9, Summoner Lv 9, Salve-Maker Lv 9, Performer Lv 9
    -Tiz: Currently Salve-Maker Lv 6 with Summoning; other Jobs include Freelancer Lv 2, Monk Lv 2, Black Mage Lv 9, Thief Lv 9, Merchant Lv 9, Time Mage Lv 9, Summoner Lv 9, Red Mage Lv 9
    -Ringabel: Currently Spell Fencer Lv 3 with Hunting; other Jobs include Monk Lv 9, Knight Lv 9, Thief Lv 9, Ranger Lv 9, Valkyrie Lv 9, Pirate Lv 3, Ninja Lv 9
    -Edea: Currently White Mage Lv 7 with Sword Magic; other Jobs include Freelancer Lv 2, Knight Lv 9, Spell Fencer Lv 9, Valkyrie Lv 9, Red Mage Lv 9, Pirate Lv 9, Swordmaster Lv 9
    I think I may keep grinding until Agnes learns White Magic Lv 5, since I kinda really need that...but that could take awhile. Everyone is Level 51 (except for Ringabel, who dies the most and is stuck at 50), but I'm not sure if that's good or bad at this point in the game.
    As for Norende, using my previous tactics and adding in the fact that I spent today driving up to a small anime convention where I gained 20 more villagers, I actually completed reconstruction as I was typing this entry! I was kinda hoping I would get a special thing, or at the very least a message box telling me I'm done, but oh well. It's still neat.
    I'm beginning spring break now, so hopefully I can clear Bravely Default before the Steins;Gate visual novel releases at the end of the month. That's going to take most of my attention then. For now, I'm jut going to grind like heck until I get impatient and try moving on.
  7. Pahrak Model ZX
    Hm, now seems like a good time to update y'all on my Bravely Default progress. Spoiler-free as possible.
    Made it to Chapter 2, where I'm finding much irritation, but at least I got the satisfaction of killing that wretched Red Mage in the sub-quest.
    Not to mention said quest gave me the first sign that Ringabel isn't a complete son of a brakas! Character development! Anything else I'd have to say about him, well...let's not and say we did.
    Tiz is...boring? I mean, all I've seen of him thus far is a set of pretty common Hero tropes. He's nice. But...eh.
    I like Agnes, though. She's very driven and dedicated, so I have a lot of respect for her.
    Edea's probably my favorite at this point. She's hot-tempered, but still really friendly and has a strong sense of right and wrong. Mrgrgr...!
    Oh, I should probably mention Airy too, maybe? I don't find her annoying like some other fairy guides. She's humorous and helpful, but I don't know that I've seen any actual character yet. Though, voicing her disapproval of going out of the way rather than just doing the thing with the Water Crystal has earned her a special spot in the "calling out their genre" region of my heart.
    On to jobs!
    -Agnes is on White Mage Lv 9. It'll be a while before she reaches Lv 10, it seems...aside from that, she has two levels on Freelancer, but that's all--you gotta have a White Mage, so she's only been in that role.
    -Tiz is currently set as Red Mage Lv 4 with level 3 Time Magic as his ability (though I can't purchase the third tier spells yet). Previous efforts leave him with Summoner Lv 6, Time Mage Lv 7, Black Mage Lv 7, Monk Lv 2, and Freelancer Lv 2 Jobs. He's primarily functioning as my offensive mage, so I'm changing him around a lot. Still working on getting it quite right...
    -I just got my hands on the Valkyrie asterisk and equipped that on Ringabel, but I have yet to fight any battles with it. His extra ability going into this is Thievery, which should be pretty effective since he was a Lv 9 Thief. Prior to that he was a Monk, which advanced to Lv 5 so I could equip him with Knuckle Lore so he could still kick butt as a Thief. One of my two physical attackers, previously designated as the "agile attacker", though that's clearly out with Valkyrie now. I didn't want to mess up Edea's set-up!
    -Speaking of Edea, when she joined the party, I left her as Freelancer for a while (she made it to Lv 2). Once we got the Knight asterisk, though, I was sure to give her that so she could learn the Two-Handed support ability. After equipping that and netting her Knight Lv 7, I switched her to Spell Fencer because, as in Final Fantasy V, a Two-Handed Spellblade/Sword Magic is painful as karzahni. She's currently sitting at Spell Fencer Lv 8, and I don't imagine I'll be switching her any time soon.
    ...Well, I have been thinking about spending a little time grinding so that Agnes and Edea can learn some support abilities and commands from other jobs. Agnes only has Examine and Treat aside from her White Magic--I use both, but letting her get some more Miscellany skills (and the Dungeon Master support skill) might be nice. As for Edea, I don't think I've used any of her Chivalry commands since changing her to a Spell Fencer. I'm not sure if I should get her some more Chivalry commands or go for another job...Two-Handed Sword Magic is really all she needs, to be honest.
    It's interesting to acquire Jobs by fighting bosses. Hooray for Megamanning! Provides some real satisfaction, and eliminates the mixed feelings and, to a degree, plot spoiling that came with Final Fantasy V granting Jobs through Crystal fragments. Although I'm hoping they go more into what the asterisks actually...are. The journal just says "semi-precious stones" that grant you Jobs. But...why?! I need details! Though it could end up being something...horrifying...
    So anyway. Norende Village. Using the internet, some Streetpass, and that glitch from the demo, I currently have 45 villagers! Even those imposing 99 hr tasks take less than 3 hours to complete! I've been leaving it on during class and while I'm at work, so I've made a lot of progress on everything, including unlocking all the special moves. Now I just need to get the hang of customizing them...
    Overall, I like the game so far. I'm at the stage where I want to accumulate a ton of knowledge on it, but, well, even only a quick glance at Final Fantasy Wiki ended up spoiling something for me, and I refuse to let anything else be spoiled! This is my time to practice patience, I suppose. I could never get the hang of that Job.
  8. Pahrak Model ZX
    I was thinking about making some of the more powerful items harder to get. Rather than just selling them at the shop, I could present them in an auction mode. Every so often, a new auction would be announced, and a rare/powerful item would be offered at a starting price with players able to place bids to decide who wins it. Still just a very rough idea--I'm not sure how often these auctions would take place, if they would have time limits, or even what specific items would be restricted to auctions (maybe items currently priced 15,000 or more?).
    Any thoughts/suggestions?
  9. Pahrak Model ZX
    I only just found out that Bravely Default and Steins;Gate share a writer.
    Also I somehow missed just how Final Fantasy the game is.
    So yeah, I'm playing the Bravely Default demo. A little late to the party, haven't been able to play it too much yet, but I think it will do nicely. I'm recognizing a lot of elements from my favorite Final Fantasy games in the battle system even just from this point. And if it's a Final Fantasy plot spun like Steins;Gate, well...I can't not see that.
    On a related note, Square-Enix is conducting a Kingdom Hearts survey--not for the faint of heart (pun!), as it includes such impossible questions as "What is your favorite Kingdom Hearts game?" I don't know how I made it through. I can at least say I tried to take it seriously, unlike everyone in the Kingdom Hearts tag on Tumblr. Good gosh I hate this fandom.
    But the survey did propose some possible items they might include in a collector's edition of Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 ReMIX. Hopefully they'll actually do that, since I really want a wayfinder now that I know I can get one...
  10. Pahrak Model ZX
    Well, I gave it a shot. Well, more than one shot, I may have gone through an entire magazine… (Magazine works in this metaphor, right? I’m outside my specialty here and oh nevermind.)
    The fact is, I don’t believe I can repair Bioni-Lords in its current state, no matter how much work I put into it. It’s unfair to say I’m still struggling along and make you all think I’m going to get somewhere when it’s extremely doubtful that I will. So, I’m making the official announcement.
    As of right now, Bioni-Lords is cancelled.
    Again, though: I’m sentimental. So here’s how we’re gonna do this!
    --I typed up some blog posts summarizing my plans for the remainder of Book 3 as well as Books 4 and 5. I’ll be posting these in the very near future (probably next couple days).
    --If anyone has questions, ask away! Some of them may be answered by the aforementioned summary posts, but I’m sure I missed some stuff, and if you don’t want to wait you can go ahead and ask now. Once it seems like everyone has asked all their questions, I’ll probably try to gather all of them into a Q&A post for easy reference.
    --As for the websites…well, I’m not entirely sure right now. I’ll get back to you on that.
    --Perhaps most importantly: I’m not giving up on the concept. Though I do feel Bioni-Lords has no future, I still very much want to do something with the idea. If anyone remembers Story of the Violet Rose and Story of the Honored Soul, I’m considering revisiting those and using them as the next iteration of this idea. Going further, I’m working on a possibility that is even more different—still in the very rough stages, but once I get some info I’ll share it with you. So don’t think of it so much as Bioni-Lords dying, more like changing into a new form like Pokémon evolution or Time-Lord regeneration or something.
    I’d like to thank all of you who have read and contributed to Bioni-Lords over the years—your support has been a wonderful blessing from day one. It’s been a fun ride, and I want to leave while it’s still fun so I can keep more hope for its future iteration(s). I hope to be able to impress you all with something even better!
    --Pahrak/Zadakh/The Man of Many Pseudonyms
  11. Pahrak Model ZX
    So, my computer got infected. I believe I've taken care of it, but in the process I lost every single document I had ever made.
    So I'm going to have to re-type those Bioni-Lords posts.
    And anything I had for Technic Coliseum/Warzone.
    And the fanfiction I was working on.
    So this may delay some things.
  12. Pahrak Model ZX
    So...Technic Coliseum.
    Obviously, with fighters who have single stats greater than the whole stat total of beginning fighters, the game is very intimidating to newcomers. It has also gotten stale for old players, judging by the nearly nonexistent activity of the topic. I've been tweaking it little bits at a time, mainly the tournament play, but I'm beginning to think that it might be better to just do a complete reboot.
    I've only just started brainstorming, and I'm certainly not going to have the topic closed before I get something figured out. Current players need not worry: if we do reboot, you'll have a decent timeframe to reclaim your current fighters before they're put up for grabs. If anyone has any ideas, please share them! Third time's the charm!
  13. Pahrak Model ZX
    So Rahkshi are super destructive and feral and everything, which makes sense with the Makuta being beings of shadow and all. But in the Melding Universe, the Makuta are beings of light, but still have kraata powers (different ones, but still). It wouldn’t make sense if Melding Rahkshi were still like that, so…
    Maybe Melding Rahkshi are, like…super polite?
    They rescue Mahi from quicksand
    They help little old Matoran cross the street
    They stop along the street to help Matoran building things and then purchase their merchandise to stimulate the economy
    ...I like Super Polite Melding Rahkshi
  14. Pahrak Model ZX
    Today I decided to see how well some of my figures fit in the Exo-Toa. It was an interesting experiment.
    There are a lot of pictures, so I'm just going to link you to the Tumblr post. The post is clean, I swear!
    Participants include:
    -Kairi (go figure)
    -a Cyberman
    -Perfect Cell
    -SSJ3 Goku
    -Pahrak (like I'm not going to use the Exo-Toa?)
    -Pahrak Va (the boy makes a great Headmaster)
  15. Pahrak Model ZX
    I was given Pokemon X for Christmas, so I've been playing that. Since I'm not distracted by school and have had some time off work, I'm at Victory Road already! Here's my team:
    -Xerneas, Lv 64
    -Ghido the Mega Blastoise, Lv 65
    -Lariska the Drapion, Lv 66
    -Ruka the Delphox, Lv 66
    -Mega Gardevoir, Lv 67
    -Neku the Noivern, Lv 70
    Gardevoir was traded over from Y (it's the one that Diantha gives you), as was Neku (caught in Friend Safari). Lariska was sent over as an Egg. You win a cookie if you can get all four nickname references.
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