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Pahrak Model ZX

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Everything posted by Pahrak Model ZX

  1. Light blue is the color of the energy the Brick was infused with. Not entirely sure where I picked that color up, but...want it to stay consistent. :PYeah, I'm sorry that the Prologue's so short--I just wanted to give a brief set-up and describe where and how this timeline changes from the original Bionicle story. Thursday is when the action begins!
  2. OOC: So this staff is VERY useful :DIC:Zadakh's Indestructible Sweater Vest helped him absorb the damage, and he said, "Ah, invisibility, very clever! But I shall..."He then realized there was no floor beneath him. "...plummet to the depths of this house's basement...I shall return!"Zadakh fell, hit the basement floor, and said, "Ow...now to get back up!"Several ghosts then appeared, and Zadakh said, "...Uh...hey guys. I don't suppose you're the friendly ones?"The ghosts drew their weapons, and Zadakh said, "Where's the Fenton Thermos when you need it..."He readied his new Staff, thinking, It's too bad that Chaos Reaper lowers my magic powers...still, I might be able to hold them off.
  3. Here is where you can review BIONICLE: The Forgotten Bond, the first (as far as I know) story to combine Slizers, RoboRiders, Bionicle, and Hero Factory. New chapters will be added every Tuesday and Thursday.
  4. BIONICLE: THE FORGOTTEN BOND PrologueIn the time before time, when the Great Beings were just about to create the Matoran, a mysterious entity approached them and offered them an object of great power. It was a large (Lego) brick-shaped object that glowed bright blue with pure energy, and they were told that if they were to use this object’s energy in their new creations, said creations would not only fulfill their intended purpose, but one day may go on to do something even greater. Taken by curiosity, the Great Beings used the brick’s energy in the creation of the Matoran and moved on to other matters, expecting to one day find out if the stranger had indeed told them the truth. As they waited the evil Makuta struck against Mata Nui, bringing an age of great darkness upon the Matoran, but six heroes—the Toa Mata—rose and defeated Makuta. Retreating deeper into the darkness, Makuta plans his next strike against the Matoran…“Foolish Toa,” Makuta said. “They think they have won, but they are only that much closer to defeat.”Still, the battle with the Toa had wounded him—he would need time to heal before he could properly take revenge. He turned to a small Bohrok nest and began contemplating its usefulness, and just as he raised an arm he heard a laugh come from behind him.“I thought you’d have a back-up plan,” someone said. “I grow more and more impressed, Makuta. But before you wake up those insects, I’d like to share a possible alternative with you.”Makuta spun around to see a figure hidden in the shadows, and he asked, “Who are you? How did you find this place?”“Don’t worry, Makuta, I’m on your side,” the stranger said. “We can both help each other achieve our goals…will you listen to what I have to say?”“…Speak,” Makuta said. “If what you say proves interesting, then I may not destroy you.” Review
  5. IC:Zadakh examined his new staff, thinking, Hm, it's going to take a lot of practice to master this...wait...this will add mage skills to my pre-exisiting warrior skills...so that means...I'll be a Red Mage!! That means I get an awesome hat!! WOOT!!Suddenly the stairs turned flat and Zadakh slid down them and across the floor, and then he said, "Oh, right, shifting house...I should go find some targets."OOC: So these ghosts...do we have any way of damaging them, or do we just have to run? Or are the vulnerable only while attacking or something?
  6. OOC: Congrats on the promotion, hope you feel better.IC:The door to the house slowly creaked open, and against the dark, dreary outside atmosphere a shadowy figure could be seen. A flash of lightning illuminated the figure for a second, but only enough to show whoever it was step in and swing the door closed. The figure shuffled across the entryway and over to the main staircase, which it slowly ascended, and when it reached the top, it stopped, turned, and surveyed the area it had just crossed. It raised a weapon, and then what appeared to be a bolt of fire flew out and hit the chandelier on the ceiling, causing it to spring to life."Ah, that's better," Zadakh said, shaking the rain off. "Hm, not bad, though I was hoping to visit the House of the Seven Gables...ah well."He sat down on the top stair and said, "Hoping I'll do better in this round."
  7. IC:Zadakh headbutted the bean to stop its momentum, though he still took damage. "You, I'm ignoring."Two flags are in Josefina's tar, which we sent the DRCB towards, and Capricorn has the third...but I'm in no shape to go after it...
  8. IC:"Hey, at least the Blue Team won't have it," Zadakh said. "Until BZPP wakes up and we have access to her alchemy, I don't think there's any other way to get into that tar. Let's see, I think there's one Flag that's not in the tar..."
  9. IC:"Darn," Zadakh sighed. "...Well, your DRCB is pretty much a juggernaut, right? Think it can plow through the tar and maybe retrieve a flag?"
  10. IC:"Thanks," Zadakh said. "...Hey, any chance there's a flag caught in that tar?"Please be lucky please be lucky...
  11. IC:"So, what do you think?" Zadakh asked. "We don't have much time left to get those flags."
  12. IC:"And, of course, I'm facing this onslaught alone," Zadakh said as he was assaulted. "Is there some kind of time out I can call? Maybe I can tag out with someone? Cause I'm about to die here!""Quit being a whimp," Reaper said.
  13. IC:Zadakh got back and up and said, "Meh, I can just confuse 'em all. You can't stop me, especially if I miraculously have a teammate working with me!"
  14. OOC: I'm trying to stick with weekly updates, just be patient :PIC:Seeing a chance, Zadakh escaped the attack range and ducked behind some cover, "Oi, BZPP," he shout-whispered, deactivating the Armor of Shinryu. "If I confuse Josefina, can you get in there long enough to transmute the tar into something like...I dunno, water? It should be easy to get the Flags then."
  15. IC:As Zadakh was being attacked, he noticed BZPP, and, while he was glad that there was at least one of his teammates to help, he didn't think it looked like things were about to change in their favor just yet.We need to get out of their range so I can set the plan in motion...
  16. IC:Zadakh just kept getting hit.OOC: Yeah, this doesn't look like it's gonna change anytime soon. I'm off for the night, see ya tomorrow.
  17. IC:Zadakh was tossed around, beat up, and everything, and he was seriously annoyed. But...he couldn't do anything about it while still being fair about the fact three people were attacking him at once. So, his options are get beat up, or godmod...so he's getting beat up."Well, could be worse."
  18. IC:The Armor of Shinryu really helped Zadakh, but he still took some damage, and had no way of getting one of the flags. Too bad he didn't have help.
  19. IC:Zadakh flew to avoid the rounds, saying, "Great, now they remembered they only have to attack ME...where the heck are you, Paladin?! Alchemy would make retrieiving those flags real easy!"
  20. OOC: ThanksIC:Reaper smacked Zadakh to wake him up, and Zadakh said, "Hey, aren't you guys on the same team?!"After a moment, he said, "Maybe I shouldn't have reminded them..."
  21. IC:Zadakh didn't know where to look for the description of the special weapon that had just been used against him, so he assumed he had to remain asleep and, uh...remained asleep.
  22. IC:Zadakh grumbled to himself, wondering if he stood any chance of actually securing one--let alone all three--flags for the Red Team on his own."I can't give up!" Zadakh said, striking a pose. "I still have three awesome special weapons to win!!"He flew towards Capricorn...but then banked, charged JiMing, and kicked him down, stealing Flag A for the Red Team.
  23. IC:Zadakh switched off his audio receptors, although the intense sonic waves still caused him some damage. "In Soviet Russia, epicness completes you."He switched to the Armor of Shinryu, obliterated the orchestra, and then slapped Capricorn on the forehead, saying, "You could've had a V8."Flag C captured for Red Team.Since the rest of the Red Team had been gone for so long, Zadakh could only assume that they had all been up way too late New Year's Eve and were now experiencing a group hangover. He was glad that he had been at home asleep while the rest of them were out waiting to celebrate the fact that they needed to swap one calendar for another. Disappoint.
  24. IC:Zadakh hit the ground, saying, "You know, this is a little unfair, me taking on a number of Blue Team fighters all by myself.""Don't start singing," Reaper said. "I know you were going to. Why don't you just use the Armor of Shinryu?""Eh, not sure if raw power's the best way to go here..."
  25. IC:Zadakh was sent flying past JiMing, so he reached out and captured Flag A for Red Team."Awesome recovery, right?""No," Reaper said.
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