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Unit online. Stand by for mission objective... Mission ????: Searching... ... ... Final Message:... ... ... He goes around with a thousand-mile stare. They say he left out of a dare. Who is he and should we care? Its Mike. A re-imagining of one of the more bizarre combo models out there, Hiker Mike.
Sub Slizer: ScuBa WotFace Jayko the Quick, Eagle of Talonjay (Previous post for Troddon, the Poor and Disadvantaged) This month I finished a 'Self-Moc' and participated in two collabs and a competition. Highly doubt I'll ever build at this pace again, but I'll try!
Jungle Slizer: Amazon Units online. Stand by for mission objectives... Mission 8500: Search for diamonds. Mission 8501: Search for ice crystals. Mission 8502: Search for radioactive fuel. Mission 8503: Search for "special pearls." Mission 8504: Sear- WORLD DOMINATION. Mission 8505: Search for energy-resin. Mission 8506: Search for "heavy water." Mission 8507: Search for neutrons. Mission 8520: BALANCE OF POWER. Mission 8521: Search for lava crystals. Mission 8522: Search for electrons. Mission 8523: Sear- OBEY JUDGE. Final Message: WE ARE SLIZER. JOIN US.
The turn of a new millennium was at hand for the citizens of the Slizer Planet - a giant ball of flame hid the sun from view, casting its ominous red light over the Judge’s Dome. Inside, a tall, black-and-yellow mechanoid, a Slizer by the name of Jet, rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “There is a storm brewing,” he said in a raspy voice. He looked away from the fiery light in the sky, turning towards the center of the chamber he stood in. There stood four stasis canisters. Four of us will wait out this storm, thought Jet. Carefully pressing his hand against one of the capsules, he closed his eyes, sighing sorrowfully. Only four. There are no more canisters on the whole Planet. We will have to draw straws to decide who will be saved. And I somehow doubt I’ll get a lucky draw… “We have answered your summons, Judge,” came a voice to his right, shaking him free of his own thoughts. At the entrance of the chamber, the seven stood - seven Slizers from the Seven Regions of the Slizer Planet. Jet mustered a warm smile. At the head of the seven was a mechanoid in red and black, hot as flame. Torch. He eyed the canisters with unease. Behind him was Scuba, an insightful blue Slizer from the depths of the Water Region. And behind Scuba, the Slizer Ice stood, his skiing goggles lifted. Next was a teal Slizer - Turbo, conqueror of the City’s streets. Not used to walking upright, the racer awkwardly stumbled after Ice, barely bumping into him. The rest of them - Amazon the Jungle Slizer, Granite the Rock Slizer, and Electro the Energy Slizer - lagged behind. “I hope you know why I have summoned you to my Dome?” Jet began. Turbo was the first to speak. “Nope. Enlighten us, bright-head.” “Keep your mouth shut, supersonic disaster,” grumbled Granite, poking him with his leg. “Shut up, stone head-” “Silence!” Jet interrupted. “Can you stop squabbling, even for one moment?” Scuba shook his head and stepped forward. “Do not be angry with our brothers, Jet. please, tell us: what is this about?” The judge Slizer turned his head to the fiery orb in the sky. The other Slizers shuffle forward to look at it too. “A disaster is upon us, the likes of which we have never seen before, and of which no records can be found,” said Jet. “What kind of disaster?” Electro asked, raising his brow. Jet said nothing. The rest of the assembled Slizers exchanged worried glances. Scuba touched his comrade’s shoulder. “Jet?” “The flaming orb in the sky,” he replied. “It is an asteroid, massive in size, pulled in by our planet’s gravity. Soon, it will hit our planet, and even I cannot comprehend the damage it will cause.” A strained silence ensued. Those present looked from the asteroid to each other, to the four canisters in the room with them. “I have prepared for the worst,” the Judge Slizer continued. “Our Disks of Power, along with our gliders, are already safely stored beneath the Dome. Four of us will do everything in our power to prevent the coming catastrophe. The other four will survive, and rebuild the Planet if the first four should fail. His comrades gasped. Turbo was the first to break the silence. “How will we decide who is to do this?” Jet did not answer, turning and walking to a locker mounted on the wall. He opened it, taking out eight sticks. “Four of these are shorter than the rest. We will take it in turns to draw one each. Whoever draws a long straw will be put into stasis,” he said, pointing at the canisters. “And then, they will be launched into space.” Torch huffed and stepped forward, clenching his fists. “I won’t be drawing,” he challenged. “Because I will not be called a coward for waiting out this storm. I will stop the asteroid, even if I have to do it myself!” The red-and-black Slizer turned away, shaking off his brothers who tried to stop him, and started for the exit. Jet sighed and swung his arm, a Disk of Power at the ready. It flew across the chamber, striking Torch square in the back, paralyzing him. “Wh- why?” He gasped, falling to the ground. “Because I do not want you to die in vain, brother,” Jet replied, shaking his head. “Scuba, put him in the first canister. Torch made his choice. I only hope that none of you are foolish enough to also pass up the draw.” While the Water Slizer was busy opening the canister, Jet offered the straws to the rest of them in turn. Turbo and Ice drew long straws. Granite and Electro drew the short ones. “It looks like it’s you and me left, eh, Scuba?” Amazon chuckled, eyeing the handful of straws skeptically. “You first?” Scuba shrugged, drawing a stick from Jet’s hand and inspecting it. It was longer than the others. “Let it be as it is,” he said simply. “Such is life, I guess,” replied the Jungle Slizer, forcing a smile and helping his brother into the canister. After Turbo finally entered his canister, grumbling stubbornly all the way, Jet activated the built-in rocket boosters. Together with the three remaining Slizers, he backed towards the chamber’s far wall. “Goodbye, my friends,” he whispered as the canisters launched, eventually fading into fiery dots in the crimson sky. “Let the gods protect you…” The new millennium began with global catastrophe, sowing terror in the hearts of the Slizer Planet’s inhabitants: the asteroid struck the Sea of Energy, sparking a chain reaction the created a powerful storm. The storm rolled across the planet, incinerating the Jungle, levelling the mountains, and destroying almost all inhabitants of those regions. Those who survived were changed by the storm’s energy, becoming an entirely new species - the horrifying mutants, Slizers of the Millennium.
- I know, the bike is just a slightly pimped out version of the original, but for it I cannibalized The Forgotten Rider MOC for it, but I tried to balance out the black, red and bit of grey. Also made Millennium itself is give more points of articulation while keeping his size nearly the same size, also balancing out the colors on him, and yes I know I used two different grey colors but it still works well. Detail shots:
- First MOC to get shot by my new camera (would have used it earlier but a little technical hiccup happened but that got fixed since). Just for comparison here is the 2010 first version Took a little inspiration from the Stealth Tank from the NOD faction in Command and Conquer, and a minor influence of RoboRider Boss too. Sure he turned into a battle tank, but he needs some edge over those vehicle eating fuel trucks no? Detailshots:
Sup. I'm clearing out some unneeded collectibles from my collection, here's photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. And below is the complete list, plus prices. Underlined items are FREE of charge, save for shipping and handling. My prices are in euro, but you can check what the equivalent is in your currency. I will accept PayPal payments only, in both euro and dollars. I live in Bulgaria, but shipping costs are very cheap, even with tracking, as long as you keep the package under 1 kilogram. US buyers, please be informed that currently doesn't provide online tracking information for certain countries, but it's still advisable to take the extra precaution and pay for tracking. I will not be held responsible for lost packages that aren't traceable. Now that we have gotten the basics out of the way, here's the list. Everything, including prices, shipping and payment is still negotiable, as long as the offer is reasonable. SLIZER DISKS (1999) – €0.50 SUB/SCUBA: 3 Lights, 4 Lights, 5 Lights ICE/SKI: 2 Lights (x2) CITY/TURBO: 2 Lights, 3 Lights JUDGE/JET: 3 Lights ROCK/GRANITE: 3 Lights JUNGLE/AMAZON: 2 Lights, 6 Lights ROBORIDER WHEELS (2002) – €0.50 FROST: Flame DUST: Fuel, Stunner ONYX: Laser, Twin Saw POWER: Grab LAVA: Driller, Flame, Stunner, Toxic (x2) SWAMP: Fuel, Ninja (x2), Skeleton THE BOSS: Axer, Driller, Laser KANOHI (2001/2002) – €3.00 AKAKU: Silver KAUKAU: Black KRANA (2002) – €1.00 ZA: Purple (Dark?) VU: Dark Green (x2), Black CA: Red, Purple (Dark?), Lime YO: Light Blue, Yellow JA: Dark Gray, Yellow, Purple (Dark?) SU: Light Blue, Orange, Yellow, Tan BO: White (x2), Yellow KRANA-KAL (2003) – €1.00 ZA-KAL: Gahlok-Kal VU-KAL: Pahrak-Kal CA-KAL: Lehvak-Kal YO-KAL: Tahnok-Kal, Nuhvok-Kal BO-KAL: Kohrak-Kal KRAATA (2003) – €0.50 (Standard), €1.00 (Nonstandard) LEVEL 2: Standard Lerahk LEVEL 3: Black/Sand Yellow Metallic LEVEL 4: Standard Guurahk, Standard Panrahk LEVEL 5: Lemon Metallic/Dark Green, Dark Gray/Sand Blue Metallic LEVEL 6: Standard Kurahk, Standard Vorahk KANOKA (2004) – €1.00 GA-METRU: 265 ONU-METRU: 631 MISCELLANEOUS – €0.00 KANOHI SHELEK: Black/Silver TOA MATA HEAD PIECE: Silver GLATORIAN HAND PIECE: Crimson
- After this being just an idea still in limbo I finally got around to build my revamp after my friend and I started playing some Fallout 3 and I saw the Mirelurks. The horseshoe crab design was the base of this revamps construction. There is also a slight influence of Barraki Kalmah and Mantax with the clawed tentacle hand. I also accidentally gave it a turning waist , also the arms have a slightly limited articulation due to me using Hordika neck pieces. Detail shots:
Greetings, BZPers! I'm currently trying to obtain a full set of Slizer/Throwbots disks, and these are the ones I'm still missing: Sub/Scuba: 7 lightsFire/Torch: 7 lightsCity/Turbo: 7 lightsI'm especially interested in the last one (City's sixth disk, with seven lights), as it doesn't seem to be available anywhere online. So if you have that disk, don't hesitate to make me an offer.
I have a quickie: is anyone familiar with the branding process of throwing disks? I'm talking about the ones that came originally with the Slizers/Throwbots and were subsequently recycled in BIONICLE as Matoran disks and Kanoka. I want to see if I can have a custom image printed over a blank disk, but I need to learn the basics of the process first. Any suggestions, recommendations and/or explanations are welcome!
- Today I finished building the revamp of the old technic set Slizer's Flare one of the three mutants (As well as Spark), I re-used the wing design from energy but a bit longer and two pair of wings this time, trying to give back the original set's look, going for a sort of an alien pterodactyl of sort. Detail shots. Spark Not the best main pose, but oh well, also I know I mirrored it's arms, but I'm going with it. This was also finished today, though I had a previous idea of this guy that didn't work out so I had to reconstruct it. Detail shots: Edit: So, what's with this 0 view thing for days? You know, I'm finding it hard to believe nobody clicks on a thread for days. This is ridiculous why should I bother uploading here if this keeps going on?
EDIT: Updated the looks by adding more blue to the revamp While I was waiting (still am at the moment) for a few BrickLink orders to arrive so I can finish a few MOCs to 100% I built the revamp version of the Slizer/ThrowBot Ice/Ski.
This took really, REEEEEAAAAALLY long to make. I wanted to cover just about every little thing about these guys I could, leaving no stone unturned (aside from the combo models, the boxes and the skull spiders, which I'll go over in the LoSS review). I wanted to make this THE definitive review of the new Toa for anyone just jumping into this. And, in case anyone's missed it, here's the Protectors review. Now, the thing to keep in mind about the Toa review... yes. It's very, very long. I am looking at all six of them in one video, after all, and there's a lot more to talk about with them than the Protectors. There's more to it than that, though. If I just went over the basic gist of the Toa themselves, the review itself would be half as long. The first twenty minutes or so are me... actually REVIEWING the Toa in the same style as the Protectors, because that's how long it took me to go over most of the finer points of them. The last twenty minutes, though, are me going down memory lane and talking about what constraction's always meant to people, for good and ill. It's mainly a much needed defense of CCBS, though, to combat the ignorance being spread by people (mostly on youtube) who say things like "You're a bad moccist if you use hero factory parts" or "If you like these new sets, you have no credibility and nothing you say should be taken seriously." There is an ALARMING number of people like this. Simply disliking CCBS is fine, but the reasons for it I'm hearing are... pretty crazy. So, I felt compelled to take this chance to push back at the ignorance being spread, to make some kind of final statement on the true value of these toys, and if any of you have been dealing with these sorts of people, this video should be some sort of catharsis for you, and maybe something to share with those people. Don't worry, there's no swear words or harsh language. I was originally going to save those final thoughts for the end of the LoSS review, but I realized they just wouldn't have a tenth of the impact then, if I did that. I had to include it in the Toa review, the new face of Bionicle that so many people disregard unfairly. Anyway, I hope this starts a good discussion. If you know anyone who you think should see this (be it the first twenty minutes or the last twenty minutes), please don't hesitate to share it with them. I made this to be THE final word on these things, CCBS an' all that. I know that sounds incredibly arrogant, like I'm making myself the man in charge, but I'm not. Just saying, if anyone gives you trouble for liking the new sets, shoot them down with this. Anything to combat the spread of ignorance. Enjoy! I rarely do toy reviews like this, so feedback is much appreciated.
So... This is pretty much the only MOC I made over the entire Summer. Guess where my priorities weren't. Anyways, so I saw all of Transformers: Animated, Beast Machines, Transformers: Robots in Disguise, and the first half of the original Transformers show (about episode 50-ish, about when the 80's movie takes place). I grew up with Beast Wars, so I saw most of the episodes, so I saw the ones I didn't see, but yeah, I want to make some TransforMOCs. Instead of doing what I usually do (making an already-created Transformer out of Bionicle), I wanted to do something original. After deciding to do a snowmobile (mainly because I had Cendox to base it off of), I looked up snowmobile on the Transformers wiki and didn't see one, so I picked that. That's also the reason the color scheme is what it is, so please keep that in mind.Some story elements: Frostbyte was an infamous sharpshooter and assasin in the Decepticon ranks, as well as one of the few Decepticons incapable of flight. He more than makes up for this with his special camo plating, his silence and coldness, and his ability to wait extremely long periods of time for his target. Frostbyte can blend into any background and even use the plating to adjust to normal temperatures and filter out uneccessary motions. When offline, however, the armor is bright yellow and black, which then makes him farily easy to spot. The armor also has some bugs in it, so it sometimes flickers on and off very briefly. Frostbyte was one of the Decepticons to leave with Megatron to track down and board the Ark, the Autobot's ship that departed to search for Energon. Since then, he has been stationed in Russia, Alaska, and Tibet to search for Energon as well as keep tabs on any Autobots that he encounters. Frostbyte is armed with a pair of dual arm guns as well as two large shredder swords.Vehicle ModeFrontLeftBackRightTransform!1234567891011Robot ModeFrontLeftBackRightGuns flipped backPretty much the only things I don't like are the arms and the feet when in vehicle mode. The arms stand out too much and I think there's too much of a gap between the feet as well. But, aside from that, I'm pretty happy. Oh, yeah, the shin pieces are supposed to be like the flames you see on motorcycles. Please comment and enjoy!
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From the depths of Space and Time comes greatest heroes ever known before Bionicle began! There's not much known about them, but Slizers (also known as Throwbots) won my heart from the first time I saw them in the catalogue. After all these years, when I no longer possess any of the original sets, I decided to give a new life to once beloved characters. These MOCs are not targeted for intense game therefore there is no cogs and throwing discs. But instead, it's a mixture of brick-built bodies and Hero Factory limbs, combined together to bring the ultimate line of action figures, inspired by long-lost Lego theme, to life! Behold! The Mini-Slizer! Let's start from original eight Slizers, main antagonists/protagonists of the theme, caught in endless struggle over Planet Slizer and it's seven regions and Dome City. Mini-Slizer - Torch by The Mugbearer, on Flickr Sturdy hunchback Torch roams his fiery region, looking for any fuel he can consume. He uses his disc throwing hand and twin flamethrower to repel attacks of furious Lava Elementals. Mini-Slizer - Scuba by The Mugbearer, on Flickr Scuba, the dweller of depth. He is riding torrents and streams in search for precious pearls. His diving suit and harpoon gun allows Scuba to easily avoid encounters with giant brain jellyfishes and other horrible monsters of water region. Mini-Slizer - Ice by The Mugbearer, on Flickr Ice lives in an eternal movement, always descending from higher peaks of ice region on his trusty skis. Although his skiing pole is not the most intimidating weapon, he rarely get himself in a fight, preferring fast and daring escapes. Mini-Slizer - Turbo Car by The Mugbearer, on Flickr Turbo, the city Slizer. Likes speed more than anything, that's probably why he's in good relationship with his neighbor Ice. If not for limited supplies of fuel, Turbo would race with monster trucks and wind forever. Mini-Slizer - Turbo Robot by The Mugbearer, on Flickr Turbo also can transform himself into a bipedal form to communicate better with his teammates, but he prefers his car form over this one. Mini-Slizer - Judge by The Mugbearer, on Flickr Judge (aka Jet) is cunning and ominous adversary. He uses double throwing arms and twin rotor propellers to patrol Dome City from air, searching for tresspassers. Mini-Slizer - Amazon by The Mugbearer, on Flickr Amazon, the feral Jungle Slizer, is renown hunter, fearless and cold-blooded. He uses his katana both for cutting agressive treants in the swamps of jungle region and for cutting enemy limbs. Mini-Slizer - Electro by The Mugbearer, on Flickr Electro is more of an insect than a complete sentient Slizer, but it doesn't mean that he cannot outwit and electrify his prey. He feels better in the streams of Energy, constantly furrowing his region. Mini-Slizer - Granite by The Mugbearer, on Flickr Granite is a crafty miner. He cannot stop digging, given that it's his only true passion. He even has small drills on his legs for more digging. But at beginning of another millennium, out of nowhere appeared a giant asteroid that smashed into a Slizer Planet, destroying Energy, Jungle and Mountain regions. From the ashes rose horrible abominations, Mutants. Blinded by rage, they began their crusade on remaining Slizer. Mini-Slizer - Mutants - Flare 1 by The Mugbearer, on Flickr Flare, the 'youngest' member of mutant team. Her actions determined not by her actual age, but by her dare-devil attitude. She always on the fly, enjoying diving on unaware enemy and snatching him by her sharp bird-like claws. Mini-Slizer - Mutants - Spark by The Mugbearer, on Flickr Spark is cold-blooded as Amazon and Electro combined together (probably, she really is merged from those two). She possesses an arm shield that she uses to reflect any incoming shots back to her foes. Mini-Slizer - Mutants - Blaster by The Mugbearer, on Flickr Blaster, unofficial leader of Mutants, biggest and baddest of them all. A towering brute, that can crush a Lava Element by flinging at it discs generated by his double throwing arm. Mini-Slizer - Millenium by The Mugbearer, on Flickr This Slizer do not know his past. Others know him as Millenium: a lone rider on the crushed roads of city region. Nobody have seen him without his abnormal bike. Scuba assumes that Millenium is not a Slizer, nor a Mutant, but something in between. He seem to struggle against transformation processes in his body, unwilling to become one of Blaster's gang, but he never officially opposed them in battle. That's pretty much all! I owe some special thanks to LewiTaur (aka LewiMOCs) for inspiring me with his LDD Slizer MOCs. Copyrights time! Ah yes, forgot to mention. The models of Slizers (except for Mutants for now) are official character designs for Russian Project Slizer.
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Hello,I am selling my collection of bionicles, and a few slizers, and am looking for some advise on where to sell them and whether to sell them individually or all together.Alternatively, if anyone here would like to buy a number of them or would just like additional information then please post any comments or offers.The collection:Slizers:8500 Torch8505 Amazon8506 GraniteBionicles:10023 Master Builder Set8531 Pohatu8532 Onua8533 Gali8534 Tahu8535 Lewa8536 Kopaka8550 Gahlok Va8551 Kohrak Va8552 Lehvak Va8553 Pahrak Va8554 Tahnok Va8555 Nuhvok Va8574 Tahnok kal8566 Onua Nuva8567 Lewa Nuva8568 Pohatu Nuva8570 Gali Nuva8571 Kopaka Nuva8572 Tahu Nuva8587 Panrahk8588 Kurahk8589 Lerahk8590 Guurahk8591 Vorahk8593 Makuta8596 Takanuva and Ussanui8611 OrkahmThanks in advance
No frog this time, sorry.I purposely kept a bit closer to the original with this one--my thinking was that Ski would have to be pretty small and light so as to not sink into the snow.Also, he's a robot with amazing reflexes and stuff, so that's why he only needs one ski pole. The original set designers and I have an...understanding.Share and enjoy!
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- yeti not included
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so proud to say me (the creator of the slizer show) will be doing a remake of the mask of light movie!now i was thinking of making costumes for toa tahu and takua and so on and so forth,but then i decided to re tell it in a different way, so pretty much it would be like what if bionicle was in real life, so instead of kohlii it would be lacrosse (since its similar).its a real life version of bionicle but the mask of light would still be the mask of light and the character would be the same.what do you think leave a comment below!
BIONICLE: THE FORGOTTEN BOND PrologueIn the time before time, when the Great Beings were just about to create the Matoran, a mysterious entity approached them and offered them an object of great power. It was a large (Lego) brick-shaped object that glowed bright blue with pure energy, and they were told that if they were to use this object’s energy in their new creations, said creations would not only fulfill their intended purpose, but one day may go on to do something even greater. Taken by curiosity, the Great Beings used the brick’s energy in the creation of the Matoran and moved on to other matters, expecting to one day find out if the stranger had indeed told them the truth. As they waited the evil Makuta struck against Mata Nui, bringing an age of great darkness upon the Matoran, but six heroes—the Toa Mata—rose and defeated Makuta. Retreating deeper into the darkness, Makuta plans his next strike against the Matoran…“Foolish Toa,” Makuta said. “They think they have won, but they are only that much closer to defeat.”Still, the battle with the Toa had wounded him—he would need time to heal before he could properly take revenge. He turned to a small Bohrok nest and began contemplating its usefulness, and just as he raised an arm he heard a laugh come from behind him.“I thought you’d have a back-up plan,” someone said. “I grow more and more impressed, Makuta. But before you wake up those insects, I’d like to share a possible alternative with you.”Makuta spun around to see a figure hidden in the shadows, and he asked, “Who are you? How did you find this place?”“Don’t worry, Makuta, I’m on your side,” the stranger said. “We can both help each other achieve our goals…will you listen to what I have to say?”“…Speak,” Makuta said. “If what you say proves interesting, then I may not destroy you.” Review
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This is Slizer Amazon, my own version of him. Slizers originally belongs to the Lego Company and was closed as the series in 90-th after two years since opening. Now one of my very best friends is reviving the series in the 'Project Slizer'. My Slizer art is considers as the fan-art because officially Slizers are robots, but I'm imaging them as the reptile-like creatures. Amazon is the protector of Jungle Region. Despite the fact that Jungle Slizers do not like the heavy armors and Exo-suits Amazon use it because of traditions. His suit is most lighty of other Slizer Heroes' which allows him to travel through the Jungles by the lianas, and also it has a disc-throwing hand. The primary weapon of Amazon is his katana. Inked Version.