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Tenebrae Invictus

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Tenebrae Invictus

  1. In your dreams, Kaxix =P Depends on how far you actually get.

  2. Well, 590 more till 5000.

  3. Oh, and E.D.O.M.N. is the rank after Ice Warrior ;) Just didn't want to put lots of effort into writing it.

  4. You'll surpass me by tomorrow :/ But fear not because we'll keep surpassing each other :P

  5. You better do that. I don't feel like posting much for the rest of the week. I exerted myself just reaching E.D.O.M.N.

  6. Also because 12 days after my spinny it's my birthday.

  7. Former staff member? You advanced quickly.

  8. I want to hit 5000 before I get my 4 year spinny.

  9. Good luck, I've got to hit 5000 by this month.

  10. That looks like Darth Revan in your personal photo..

  11. Which would be 1000 by October unless you go post hungry several times a week.

  12. Well it took me almost 4 years just to do it... But since May I've already made 900 posts...

  13. Finally surpassed you heh heh heh.

  14. I finally ranked up to Emerging Defender of Mata-Nui :)

  15. Oh cool. You two are twins?

  16. What was the change to -Gimli- for? Just going along with -Legolas-?

  17. I don't need 4400 more, why'd I need 8700 posts?

  18. You should've picked all the Mistika instead of a PS3 :P

  19. You were a Moderator right? I can hardly remember back from 4 years ago.

  20. I minorly changed your comment on my entry. You should see it.

  21. Kewl B) vut I think I'd have to go to the previous town if I want any Mistika, because where I lived they cleared out all the Toa Phantoka and Neo-Shifter boxes took their place :(

  22. Orly? Nevermind you never had to PM me when I saw it in your blog.

  23. Mind PMing a picture approval?

  24. That's the thing- I wasn't paying big attention :P

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