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Tenebrae Invictus

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Tenebrae Invictus

  1. Why'd you remove the snowball fight banner?

  2. Umm... Vahki Unleashed? :P Just hope they make more when someone get at least 18000 or 20000.

  3. Well, you name history didn't include FP2X.

  4. Hey, glad you decided to add me, like a whole bunch of new members have been doing.

  5. Well, because it was the unexpected. And for some reason I thought when you were Kaxix before Shadow Takanuva you were already an Emerging Defender Of Mata-Nui :P

  6. Now to get 20000, or the Clikits Discovered :P You won't be leaving this rank in a while.

  7. Whoa.. You scared me. Didn't know you were Kaxix XD...


  8. Oh, missed by two days: Happy late birthday!

  9. I posted in your topic, pretty much.

  10. Oh, it's 12000 when you hit Mask Of Time Discovered. Congrats anyway.

  11. Um... I think it's in your settings, I can't remember already... Go around your settings and the community blog to find out- Because I forgot :(

  12. Yeah, I rated you 5 but too many people rated you 4 >.

  13. Hey, go make a blog or something :P

  14. Oh, I never noticed I had 1100 views already. Yay!

  15. I added Onua, since you asked.

  16. Wow, mother and daughter both become staff... karma :P

  17. You know, umm... You 're a Premier Member till Monday, along with every other member. You can make a G&T game, poll, or even a blog, like Premier do. Ta-da!

  18. Did you look in my name history? That was some time ago and Black Six had to fix it for me.

  19. Oh. I wasn't there to see >.

  20. Are you really on Mars? :P

  21. Uhhh... You've got Premier Images for the rest of the week :)

  22. About 1000 more posts till your next rank: Mask Of Time Discovered :)

  23. It's Premier Ranks for normal members week!

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