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Blue Fire

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Blog Entries posted by Blue Fire

  1. Blue Fire
    I finally got around to seeing Jurassic World, and I enjoyed it.
    When going to see it, my friend mentioned that it was along the lines of a soft-reboot, ie: new people, but the previous stories remain intact.
    The two points I want to focus on: the literal ending (how to do this without spoiling it... I'll figure that out), and the Brontosaurus scene.
    Brontosaurus scene: Absolutely heartbreaking scene. Borderline tears in my eyes watching that. It was like watching a family dog slowly fade away. I like to think that most kids growing up are heavily invested in the awesomeness of dinosaurs. Even in Jurassic Park when the Brontosaurus is traveling with across the screen, it was an awe inspiring moment for me (and hopefully others) growing up. To see the (possibly the same, if not (again, hopefully) a related) Brontosaurus in the state it was left... just heartbreaking.
    Literal ending: I think the best way I can say this without giving it away: I got chills watching that. Not the bad kind, the great kind. Like a king rightfully taking back his throne.
    It was glorious.
  2. Blue Fire
    After 34 levels, a hundred hours, all the progress I have made in Skyrim came to an end...
    Because Bethesda cannot make a game without glitches.
    WELP *claps hands* glad I borrowed it from my buddy!
  3. Blue Fire
    You know how I said I wanted to go to Finland to study abroad?
    Well, I've finally done it.
    After two years of planning, I got onto a plane back in August (I am really terrible at keeping up with my blog). And since being here, I have made many Swedish-speaking Finnish friends, explored the towns, took a cruise on over to Stockholm, and so much more.
    I have been to sitz parties (so much better than the parties back home: there's food!), I have a pair of overalls with over a dozen patches either on it or ready to be sewn onto it.
    I'll try to remember some BZP appropriate stories. Maybe they'll be funny, maybe you'll hate me for wasting your time.
    But the Best way I can summarize Finland: I was born in the US, but I found my heart in Finland.
  4. Blue Fire
    So the final episode of How I Met You Mother aired tonight.
    Everything was set up perfectly, and was executed perfectly.
    I loved this series, up until the last three minutes. Barney finally growing up, brought a tear to my eye. Everything afterwords just got me angry.
    I want to hear your thoughts: what did you think of the finale?
  5. Blue Fire
    So I find out a few days ago that my best friend won't be coming back to college for a semester.
    So, five days later, with only three days planning, I get some friends together and we do a road trip all the way from Central New York, all the way to Western Massachusetts. Around a three hour drive.
    Once we picked him up, we went to 99's and ate there (I had the Jammin' Crab, my friends had wings, and potatoe skins). We went to a local mall (where I finally found a Metal Gear Solid Foxhound T-shirt), and I got Mad Men Season 2 (because Mom loves the show, and I got her season 1 for her birthday. Take a wild guess what her Mother's Day gift shall be?).
    Then we went to my friend's grandmother's place back in New York, and had a homecooked meal (and it was spaghetti, so that made my night). Somehow, along the way to my friend's grandmother's, we went through Vermont... still not sure how that happened, but that's another state to cross off my list.
    Followed by a continued drive home, where I fall asleep to music that most people would just randomly start singing to. We got back to the CNY around 9PM or 10PM. I don't know when, I just went to bed and slept.
    So yeah. I can plan a road trip in three days to visit a friend.
  6. Blue Fire
    So Guinness Book of World Records held a poll asking what were the top 50 video game endings of all time. The end result is this list:
    50. Resident Evil 4
    49. Star Wars: Knights of the old Republic
    48. Ratchet & Clank: a Crack in Time
    47. Crysis 2
    46. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
    45. Call of Duty: World at War
    44. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
    43. Half-Life 2: Episode Tow
    42. Super Metroid
    41. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
    40. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
    39. inFamous
    38. Fallout 3
    37. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    36. Gears of War 2
    35. Bioshock
    34. Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty
    33. Sonic Adventures 2
    32. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
    31. Kingdom Hearts II
    30. Mass Effect
    29. Super Mario Galaxy
    28. Sonic the Hedgehog
    27. Metal Gear Solid
    26. Assassin’s Creed II
    25. Assassin’s Creed
    24. Shadow of the Colossus
    23. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
    22. Kingdom Hearts
    21. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
    20. Super Mario Galaxy 2
    19. Mass Effect 2
    18. Grand Theft Auto IV
    17. Portal 2
    16. Assassins Creed: Brotherhood
    15. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
    14. Halo: Combat Evolved
    13. Halo 3
    12. Pokemon Black and White
    11. Super Mario Bros
    10. Heavy Rain
    9. Final Fantasy VII
    8. Metal Gear Solid 4
    7. Portal
    6. Red Dead Redemption
    5. God of War
    4. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
    3. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    2. Halo: Reach
    1. Call of Duty: Black Ops
    Does anyone feel that half (well, more than half) the games on this list shouldn't be here? I mean, I understand it was a poll, but seriously?
  7. Blue Fire
    I took a trip to Buffalo, New York, on June 11th, and met Marcus Luttrell at a book signing at Barnes and Noble.
    I read 'Lone Survivor' (if you haven't, go read it. It's a depressing read, but an amazing one. I shed man-tears at the end of it.), but I didn't bring it with me though (I let my friend borrow it. He didn't finish it. Or he did and he doesn't want to give it back). But I did bring his latest book 'Service' and I got that signed.
    I walked into the building, got in line, and saw him. I was filled with some sort of feeling... a mix of excitement, with some fear... like I didn't deserve to be in his presence.
    Did you ever have one of those moments where you've spent a long time wanting to meet someone so bad, that once you finally meet them, you're at a loss for words?
    Yep. I had one of those moments. My jaw dropped, and I couldn't say a thing. So I said what came to my mind at that moment: "Ever since I've read 'Lone Survivor' I wanted to meet you." I got a picture with him, I shook his hand, and then thanked him.
    It. Was. Amazing.
  8. Blue Fire
    So I got an e-mail a few days ago.
    This Fall, I will be studying abroad in Finland
    I have friends out in Finland who will help me out, and I have friends that studied abroad recently (though, they went to Ireland (How many people at my college went to Finland?)). Either way, I have a great support group for this.
    Of course, this means I'll have to resign from my LEN Vice-Presidency sooner than expected (Originally thought Finland would happen in the Spring), but I let the current President long before hand. Made a letter of resignation, and I recommended somebody for the position. So the club should be okay.
  9. Blue Fire
    Due to visa issues, it looks like I'll be delaying studying abroad in Finland until the Spring 2015 semester.
    That leads to a whole set of other issues like graduating on time (more on that much later), but at this point, I don't care.
    i want to go to Finland. I'm not going to let anything get in my way of that.
  10. Blue Fire
    In the ending of Medal of Honor: Heroes, Col. Hargrove tells you that Sergeant John Baker is being transfered to the Pacific to aid Corporal Joseph Griffin in POW rescue raids.
    Now, in that statement alone, there is a noticable flaw (of which is in bold). In Mission 6 of Medal of honor Rising Sun, titled Singapore Sling, Floyd (aka OSS Agent with sunglasses) says: "Take a seat, Sergeant Griffin." From there, the events of Medal of Honor Rising Sun takes place from March to July of 1944. MOH Heroes' ending takes place sometime after the Battle of the Bulge, which takes place around 1945. Now somewhere in that time, Griffin was demoted, because I doubt Hargrove would forget/be uninformed someone's rank, especially if they are in the OSS.
    Now then, Medal of Honor Rising Sun was cheated out of a proper ending/a sequel. The majority of the reasons were that the people involved with Rising Sun were never mentioned again. So I just limited it down to the two most important people:
    1) Major Borov, a Soviet who would be willing to make peace with the Germans/change the USSR's leadership that would aid the Germans in someway. Possibly by killing Stalin. Now if that were to play out like with the Czar in WWI, the USSR would pull out, having the Germans focus their attention on the Western front. Not even saying his conspiracy was uncovered and he was arrested by the Soviets is unjustifiable.
    2) Shima. Not only is he responsible for the death of Tanaka (a fellow OSS agent), but he also manages to escape the Supercarrier with your brother. The last place he'd take him is to a random POW camp. If anything, he'd keep Donnie (your brother), close by for leverage in the case of an assault led by you. Who wouldn't want revenge against him?
    Medal of Honor Rising Sun was cheated out of a sequel, and was only given a cop-out ending in MOH: Heroes, that couldn't even keep consistancy with MOHRS's storyline. Even if its in a graphic novel collection of MOH stories (call it MOH Legends), Rising Sun needs a proper ending. Heck, I could write one. Even MOH Heroes 2 could've corrected this, but instead, they make a new guy (someone we've never even heard of, sort of going against the point of Heroes) and place him and the hardly-heard-of battlefields in France.
  11. Blue Fire
    I've been having a serious unexplainable nostalgia of wanting to play this game. Probably because of the soundtrack, but anyway...
    I need to get my hands on a copy again. I'm practically foaming at the mouth wanting to play it.
    Has anyone else felt like this for a video game, let alone a movie based video game?
  12. Blue Fire
    I'm back from seeing Act of Valor. Up until today, I have never seen the audience clap at the end of a movie.
    Did you see the movie? If so, what were your thoughts on it?
  13. Blue Fire
    In the College Life: Since the semester ended, I've started going to the gym and I lost around 10-15 pounds, and I'm able to lift up to 90 pounds on weights (yeah, it's not much, but "The journey of a thousand miles..." and all that).
    I worked my college Orientation, and I liked it for the most part. Somebody lost their key on the football field, so my buddy and I went searching for it (keep in mind that this was in the dark). We turned up nothing. Went back to the Residence Hall, chugged down a Mountain Dew, and searched for that key again (cuz I wasn't going to let my school to replace a lock and key). didn't find it.
    The next day/morning, it's found when one of the football players step on it. So, all was good.
    In My Regular Life: After working Orientation, I went shopping with my friend, and we ate at Friendly's afterwards. I talked with her about all the other blood-boiling stuff that happened during Orientation (which she tells me happens every year... Challenge Accepted (for 2014)). And shopping with her was surprisingly fun. We went to Barnes and Noble, and she helped me out in deciding which Star Wars book to get (Book of the Sith, or Imperial Commando). She helped me in going for Imperial Commando, and it's a pretty good read. Along they way, she had to go shoe shopping (her sandal was broken, and it only lasted two minutes (This is something worth bragging about: shoe shopping normally NEVER takes two minutes with anyone. It was sheer luck that we walked in, and instantly found the shoes).
    The Lone Survivor movie trailer has been released, and I'm already excited to see it. I'm preparing to go see it as a midnight release, and then a second time with friends.
    I have a friend that's moving to Connecticut, and I'm already making road-trip plans to visit her. I'm aiming for visiting during Thanksgiving, but I have to find somebody willing to drive for four hours (I'd do it, but I lack a license) to and from (unless we can spend the night somewhere). At the absolute worst, I will buy a bus ticket to where I need to go. Nothing will stop me from seeing my friend.
    Gaming: I have (finally) started getting into the Assassin's Creed series. It started off a bit slow (learning controls and such), but I liked it. My main complaint though was that there really much variety with saving the citizens (which I've heard is fixed in later games, so nothing to worry about there).
    I have 100% in Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare. Like the main game, it is so much fun.
    Television: I've only recently came across How I Met Your Mother. Why haven't I seen this show before? The first few episodes that I watch, and I end up loving the show (namely the episodes with Honey, Ted getting left at the altar, and Marshal and Lilly's House Warming Party).
    While I do like Big Bang Theory, no matter how hard I try to watch it, I need to watch it with friends. It's probably because I first started watching it with friends,
    And that's it for my life as of late.
  14. Blue Fire
    After some serious talks with my friends, and despite my fear of flying, I am honestly considering studying abroad in Finland.
    Now this means I'll have to bump my GPA up to AT LEAST a 3.0, and that will be tough. But once that's finished, I'll do what I can to try and attend a semester in Finland.
    Now why Finland?
    1) One of my friends is Finnish, and provided allot of info on the college that I would try to attend.
    2) Not gonna lie, I want to meet foreign people (I know I can go to Canada for that, but it's not exactly the same).
    3) The college there provides classes in History (my major) and Political Science (my hobby). The fact that one of the classes is Nordic History makes everything more interesting.
  15. Blue Fire
    Alright! August 28th, I started college. Right now, I'm taking five classes at a total of 13 credits. (I'll need 30 credits every year, or 15 per semester. I went into college with 3).
    The History Class is allot darker than anything I've taken in high school, so it's a nice refresher from all the sugarcoated history I was taught.
    The English class is interesting (partly because the teacher can keep our attention, partly because to the right of me are four girls haha). So far we've been doing readings of short-stories, and on occassion, he cracks a joke about the students in the class.
    Math is Math, which really isn't saying much.
    I'm taking a Communications class. Why I decided to do so is to help me with my public speaking, which in turn would make me look good in front of my friends when i make 'spur-of-the-moment' speeches.
    And then there's researching history, which is a good class, but for thirty minutes. After that, it's a bit of a fight to keep focusing.
    I've paid a visit to the College's library. I haven't checked anything out, but I have spotted many books that have caught my eye. In addition, I've gained a hatred for the Dewey Decimal and Library of Congress system (years at Barnes and Noble have lead me to prefer genre, then alphabetical by author). But what can you do?
    I've joined the political science club (partly because they have pizza, mostly because of in depth political discussions), as well as The League of Extraordinary Nerds (awesome group. We'll be having a discussion of Batman next week, and we're working on getting the Bat Signal at the college).
    Seeing as how I'm a commuter, and I can't drive, I'm usually dropped off at the campus around 7 in the morning, with my earliest class Communications (8:30AM Monday, Wednesday, Friday), or History (11:30AM Tuesday, Thursday). But there are some people I talk with while I'm waiting, and they're great to talk to. They really bring down my stress levels before (and sometimes after) some classes. And the fact that some of my friends go there is a big plus too.
  16. Blue Fire
    So I got my first semester of college done! Averaging out with a 2.74 GPA.
    I'd say I'm pretty happy with the grade, and I'll have nowhere else to go but up from here.
    Merry Christmas, and have a fantastic New Years.
  17. Blue Fire
    I swear, school can be pretty awesome at times.
    Okay, right after the face melt, where Indiana Jones and Marion free themselves, how do they get back to the states? I'm not familiar with them, but I don't think U-Boats can be piloted (that's the right word?) by two people.
  18. Blue Fire
    Is it too hard for them to make a Star Wars video game that has an undisputed dark side victory? No redemption, no "I'm dead, but I at least kept the sith tradition alive!", and none of that "Evil has won... for now". I just want to play as a Sith, and have it actually be canon.
  19. Blue Fire
    So from August 3-5, I was at the New York DeMolay Convention. It was a fun time.
    Friday, I showed up with a Captain America hoody and shirt (which soon after got me the nickname of Captain America). We held our State elections for Master Councilor, Deputy Master Councilor, Senior Councilor, Junior Councilor, and Sweetheart. Then after, we proceeded to eat pizza and play games, of which our Region won 3/4 times. Went back to where we were staying, I went to bed, I just passed out.
    Saturday, I took the position as our Region's news editor. Very nice for me. In addition, myself and a few others pooled some money and got to pie our former State Master Councilor. I snuck a piece of the pie, and it was good. Lemon flavored, I believe. Later in the day, we had a dance, and that was pretty fun. Went back to the hotel, and since my roommate is beyond awesome, he brought back Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Roll Ups (I haven't had those since my elementry school years), and gushers (which were my first time having them). I close my eyes because a commercial was on TV, and the next thing I knew, I was asleep.
    Sunday saw the close of the Convention, and me being myself, I was awoken by my alarm around 7:00AM. I turned it off, thinking I'd get up after a few more minute. It was 9:48AM by the time i woke up the second time, and I was practically having a heart attack because I thought I missed something. But I recovered, and it was all good. Took home a DeMolay shirt (building a collection now), a glass that I can use as a gavel, a rare pin, and a Batman poster that includes the posters of all the previous Batman films.
    The only disappointing thing I have to say about it is the fact it only happens once a year. I mean it was soooo much fun.
  20. Blue Fire
    As of June 8, I officially graduated from High School.
    And now I have over a dozen graduation parties to go to today (I'm throwing mine in August, away from everyone else's).
    And on June 10, I will be in Albany at the Albany Comic Con. I might see some of you there, or not. Depends on what I find.
  21. Blue Fire
    I got to go on the Senior Cruise with my NJROTC Unit Monday and today in Groton, CT. Despite the name, only NS3s (The Highest cadets in our unit can get up to) could go, and we didn't really go on a cruise.
    We did, however, go on a Submarine (an actual in-commission Sub (Today), and a museum (Monday)). The one in commission was so cramped I sucked in my gut in order to get through some areas, and I had a full stomach (BTW, if you're ever in that area, GET THE NEW ENGLAND CLAM CHOWDER!). And the museum... it was a bit cramped as well, but I could at least move around a little.
    Had General Tso's chicken at the hotel's restruaunt. Somebody was complaining about not feeling well after, but I felt fine (in fact, I could've went for more). And before that, we went to a Sauna, and everyone was relaxed and stuff (until the steam was starting to take the fresh air away). Then we just went into the jacuzzi.
    Earlier today, we went to the Mystic Aquarium. Saw a Beluga Whale, Sea Lion, penguins, seals, and many more. Saw Spongebob in 4D, which was intresting (the pirate guy will give me nightmares, however). I pet a Stingray (it felt weird).
    I took around 200 pictures. Some of boats, fish, friends, and medals, others of local architecture and 20mm cannons.
    So, even though we spent one day in Groton... it was worth it. I had fun, I got two magnets, a T-shirt, and allot of memories.
  22. Blue Fire
    I was at Barnes and Noble back in October. I was looking at the comic books, looking at whatever caught my eye. Then I find this one comic book, and from the corner, it had that look and a font that I would find in a World War Two propaganda poster. I picked it up, and it had The Red Skull on it.
    Being a fan of Captain America, and knowing who his nemesis is, I decided to pick it up, and get a little backstory on the guy. Even though it was the third in a series of five, I didn't believe I would've missed much. Right now, I'm have regrets that I didn't find this series sooner (and I'm looking for parts 1 and 2 as we speak).
    I can't really describe the story overall (again, I need parts 1 and 2), but it's one of those stories where you sort of feel bad for the villian. Like a tragedy, you watch as what could've become a good person, takes the most depressing of a fall (if that's the right word), to the point of where he becomes one of the cruelest characters in Marvel's Universe.
    So, what can I say about the story's theme? I want to say that its theme was about wasted potential, because someone tells Johann that they can change the world for the better, for the weaker people, but Johann, after going through the life he had, he just wants to be strong, and only strong, at any cost. And that was shown through-out this issue.
    Now, to go on the hunt for Magneto: Testament. I hear that's pretty dang depressing.
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