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The Captain

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by The Captain

  1. Not sure if you saw it or not, but my Tahu Nuva remake of your Phantoka is up. :) A link is in my sig

  2. To each his own *nibbles on nail*

  3. Oh yes, iron nails are scrumtuous. And bowls tend to get stuck in my air pipe. :(

  4. Without any milk.

  5. I eat a bowl of nails for breakfast.

  6. Setsuna has SET SUN TUNA! WOOT!1!11!


  8. Thought I'd drop by and make sure Setsuna didn't kill you yet. :)

  9. I'm diversity? Woot!

  10. lol, I want Combustion Man. ;_;

    I have a great name for you.

    Munki with Vanilla-Flavored Chinchilla Milk

  11. I need the Hak/Zorvok issue resolved in order for me to post anything new about Koh's team. Sorry.



  13. I figure seeing Setsuna's name ove rand over get's rather repetitive, so I decided to pop up. :D

  14. I officicially dub you Best RPG Buddy, seeing as Doc deserted us. ;)

  15. I meant Kyzak. My bad.

  16. As a late birthday present, expect a Chamai drawing and maybe a Vorzann later...

  17. Seeing Hak's note, I'ma ssuming you recently had a birthday. So Happy Birthday. ^_^

    *gives cyber-cake*

    Mine was on the 18th.

  18. I'm not on your friend's list???

    j/k :P

    Haven't seen you in a while.

  19. A part of me just died inside. This sickens me. :P

  20. Dang, these **** hackers got Khote! Noooooooo! Get back soon!

  21. Just to say, you have one dang cool banner.

    BTW, haven't seen you around a lot lately. Is LTSL still alive?

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