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Tufi Piyufi

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Blog Entries posted by Tufi Piyufi

  1. Tufi Piyufi
    To my dearest Brickfair-attending minions:
    Even now, a comrade of yours goes without a figure of Our Patron Saint that he is owed. I should not have to tell you what a frightful state this is. Fortunately, he who owes your comrade Our Patron Saint will also be attending Brickfair. Serendipitous!
    I will not tell you what to do, but I will simply let your senses of justice guide you. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, but do everything I would.
  2. Tufi Piyufi
    So, I have this blog. I also haven't posted anything in this blog for a while. I also also have this MOC. I am not especially attached to making a topic for it just to send my post count up a tiny bit. As well, the text and meaning behind the MOC would be more at home in a blog entry than in a topic. Therefore, the solution is to post an entry about it.
    As we all know, Bionicle is a subset of the general Lego realm. It also isn't an especially loved one (outside of the whole Bionicle fandom, of course). It's been a little over five years now, and yet it's still scoffed at and reviled by the 'System-side' of things. People still cringe when they see so much as a hip joint and limb in a System set. They cry out 'contamination!' and other such things. They mock Bionicle's 'incompatibility' with System, and yet, when Bionicle does pop up in a System set... it's the end of the world.
    I find this attitude extremely tiring, for lack of a better word. That's what makes the inevitability all the sweeter. You see, you guys are growing up. Some of you are in your late teens. Some of you are already past that 18-year mark. This last group of you are, by definition, AFOLs. Yet, you like Bionicle. You're not adverse to it. You may even build with it. You prove that the Bionicle-loving AFOL is not an oxymoron.
    Thus, the vignette. On the table is the MOC Washimilna (found elsewhere in my gallery, and painfully overdue for a rebuild) and a few of the Fun With Toa figures. Go ahead and guess who. On the floor are a couple of people. One has just mocked the presence of Bionicle at a convention. The other one isn't too amused by this. The other one also has a glaive. It started off as a relatively simple annoyed-Tufi vignette, but now I guess you could see the two people as representative of the two generations, if you were so inclined.
    If there was ever a contest theme I'd revisit (though I prefer new ideas), it'd be Fusion Freebuild. That'd be a good one to combine with the off-BZP concept of #38. Alas, we've still got a fair bit of time before we should be considering that one. Still...
    A MOC with a message. Enjoy.
  3. Tufi Piyufi
    So, some of you might pass through BBC on your journeys through the forums. Even if you don't, you should make a pass through there right now. There might be something interesting. Those of you who kick around in GD a lot might want to take a look. It's like a sweet blend of both my lands, this thing I'm hinting at.
    One request, though: if you want to discuss the thing it's based off of, please take it to the very well-established topics for such subjects in GD. The nameless topic in BBC tends to get big enough as it is. Please, for my sanity?
    Now to prime The Red Sharpie. And as for you guys... get looking already!
    Ah, it's been all too long...
  4. Tufi Piyufi
    It is far too late at night for me to be up. I have not posted an entry in far too long. These two do not make for a stellar combination, though some may present a contrary theory. Oh no. I fully expect to look back on this entry in the morning and make every attempt to forget it ever existed, short of actually nuking it. Why not go the whole distance, I don't know.
    Yet here I am now.
    Contest is good so far. Lots of people respecting the rules, lots of good entries, lots of love for the guy. All very good. Of course, we're still far enough away from the polls for everything to be happy. To be specific... prelims. They are an experience all their own, I assure you. You come away from making prelims feeling changed. Also tired. Maybe hungry. They take a while.
    Snagged me a Belville set last week or so. 7579. First one to make a crack at that gets pain, as do the second, third, and so forth. Yes, I do have plans for all the little bits and things. Especially that fairy. That fairy has massive picture-story potential.
    And on an unrelated note, glaivescythe. Blades on both ends of the stick. It would be a weapon of pure awesome and win, truly.
    Now to kick off the regret phase of the whole deal.
  5. Tufi Piyufi
    11:59 PM on a Wednesday night. Board is still down whilst we try to work on things. I have had the urge to blog for ages, yet only now do I have the material. Please, folks, do I look like your 'entry-every-day-about-boring-boring-life' blogger? I should hope you know me better than that.
    Festivus is the 23rd. That means I have two, three days to get it done and posted.
    "It?" you ask. "Ah yes. And you've mentioned the idea itself for ages now. Why the sudden deadlineitis?"
    Because I'm making things all the more official today.
    That, my dears, was the gauntlet that just fell. Don't worry: it's for me.
    It will make much, much more sense when you actually see the whole thing, which you really will I promise you. I just have to work out a few teensy little details first. Like how to make a Barbie phone stay in a hipjoint hand. Also, those accursed curtains. And the miniature...
    Also, the photography and post-production. Minor details like those. Other than that, the script is done (and huge... oh gods why does it have to be so huge), the cast is done, the stage is done, I know the last things that must be done...
    It's 11:59, and I wanna stay alive.
  6. Tufi Piyufi
    Exhibit four: random tablettings. Mostly formal wear-type things, some architecture. Also a random ninja puffin, for the heck of it. Haven't drawn a ninja puffin in a long time. Now I have, so it's all swell.
    So yeah. Clearly this isn't the normal day-to-day wear. I can't imagine any of the stuff up there being suitable for work in the field. Still, sometimes the situation arises where you gotta look nice, and then it's time to somehow get the princes into their suits (back/front shown, for clarity). Threats of princesses tend to work well.
    Also random building. Mostly for heck of it, I'll admit. Then again, can it really hurt to toss something like that in there? Oh, and it's not (part of) the palace. Oh no. I still need to tackle that thing once and for all.
    And yes, ninja puffin. Why not?
  7. Tufi Piyufi
    There's a word people love to throw around when it comes to MOCs, artwork, and sets. But not just any examples, oh no. It only really pops up when the subjects are female.
    You don't get to be surprised that's what this blog entry in this blog is about.
    I've seen some great female MOCs get posted in BBC. Streamlined yet well-armoured, minus the woefully out-of-place ponytail, and in footwear you can actually fight in. I often regret not publically recognizing them as they come up for just plain getting it. Something always comes up and before I know it, I've lost the chance. And believe me, it is regret. It is a deep regret that I never manage to post in these topics and applaud the builders. I can't tell you how much I regret not offering a voice counter to what's heard instead.
    These MOCs are great, you see. Maybe some general technical and/or aesthetic qualms, but you'd be hard-pressed to find any MOC without them. But that's rarely the problem. Instead, I see people talk about how these MOCs are 'great, but not very feminine'. These MOCs, with silhouettes and lines of movement that have captured je ne sais quoi in a jar and put it on a shelf. These MOCs, already a step ahead of the general crowd. These MOCs, that for once, are actually feminine.
    And then it dawns on me like a smoggy sunrise.
    These MOCs also tend to avoid the trend of putting two things on her chest just 'cause girls have two things on their chests. And believe me, they're things. They're not breasts. They bear no resemblance. Sometimes they're round? But that and the numbers are the only resemblances. They stick out terribly. Did I ever mention in this or any other entry that they always stick out? There is no room for anything less than a D-cup in Bionicle, it seems. Even that's on the small end of things.
    And then, the MOCs with spine-shattering chest tumours are the ones deemed 'feminine'. Really. Never mind that they could have shoulders that'd be out of place on Onua. Never mind that they could have the hips of an especially elfin 10-year-old Matoran boy. Never mind they could have all the grace of a herd of half-tranquilized gorillas. I guarantee you, the vast majority of posts in topics like these will praise the 'femininity' of the featured MOC.
    So near as I can tell, according to the Bionicle fandom at large, 'femininity' isn't a set of subtle qualities that work together to convey a general aesthetic sense. To be 'feminine', all you need is huge round things on your chest. That is the definition I have determined from countless posts and topics. That's the definition that seems to be on the books.
    That is an absolutely terrible definition.
  8. Tufi Piyufi
    Exhibit six.
    Once again, see entry title. Schizo seems to have no right/his-left shoulder. That's not the same brush I stumbled across so very long ago for grass. It's generally... I dunno. And I know I'll never get around to posting a topic for this. So, here.
    Also made a wallpaper out of it, mostly because I've been staring at the same awful image for at least over a year. If you really want to see it, exhibit seven. Quite happy with the sky gradient, though. At least I have that.
    So, there you go. Cripes do I need something decent to write about.
  9. Tufi Piyufi
    If you'll look to your right, you'll see a shiny new content block. You get three guesses as to which one it is.
    I've had the idea for a while now, but it took the suggestion of such by one BCii to get me seriously thinking about it. Now, here it is. Some of the stuff's super-old, and some hasn't even been posted ever. Not only has it all been gathered up, but it's also in an assumedly continuous order. Hurrah.
  10. Tufi Piyufi
    I've been meaning to get around to this for a while, but here we are now. I've been sidetracked bigtime, folks. That's all you need to know.
    BR's already talked about this a bit in the Reference Desk topic. Yeah, contest #42 started off as a joke. That's why the introduction is especially silly. If it was serious from the start, I doubt I'd have done it up quite like that. Anyhow, I posted it as a joke. I was kinda entertaining notions of just keeping it going anyway (I mean, why waste a number like 42?), but nothing too committed yet.
    I go to sleep. The next day, when everyone's up and about and panicking way too much, I check out my little contest. The outcry, the riots, the flaming... where is it? Is that... is that... sincere approval of the theme? It can't be. No no.
    But it was. Oh, was it ever. A 200+ ever at this point, but that's not important at this stage. At that early stage, what I saw was a whole bunch of people who seemed to really enjoy the theme and who hoped it was for real. I saw people who never poke around in BBC taking interest in the theme. Do you realize how fantastic this was for me?
    So I put in a word with the admin-types that I was gonna take this one and run with it after all. My major reasons are as follows:

    A lot of you showed interest in it. And not even sarcastic interest either. Yeah, sure, there were some naysayers, but we get those every contest. I wouldn't dream of trying to please everyone: if I wind up doing that, then there's definitely something wrong. It hauled out people who don't usually poke around in BBC much. Bringing in fresh blood and ideas? Giving people a theme that's very friendly to the extremely casual/never-does-it builder? I'd be nuts to pass it up. You can't just slap a humanoid in here and call it your entry. You actually have to try building something different. You have to try something new: breaking out of your cozy little comfort zone and expanding as a builder is essential for many people in this contest. As well, in virtually all cases, you can't enter 'that MOC you're saving up for a contest that fits it'. 'Contest' means 'challenge', people. You're supposed to build to it, not have it fit you. It's fun and evil forcing a forum filled with guys to make 'cute' stuff. You know me and my evil. It's like a joke-turned-early-self-birthday-present. Except you can all get in on it. Enjoy, folks.
  11. Tufi Piyufi
    I think I've got something here.
    So there's this forum, you see. BBC. Bionicle-Based Creations. With these people who staff it. It's affectionataly known as the BBC Empire. We're a crazy lot, too... well, you gotta be to deal with contests and all that other stuff. I daresay, one may even be tempted to call some of our activities 'hijinks.' They certainly ensue, that's for sure.
    And I've become increasingly more tempted to write some manner of comedic story based on all this. Namely, the hijinks in the more fictional Empire, with palaces and everything. Something could be done there, I'm sure. Except I'm not sure about what that something is. I know it's there, but...
    So then I had the idea to blog about it. Ideas, folks?
  12. Tufi Piyufi
    A brief one, too, since the longer I go on, the more likely it is I'll spoil something.
    So I saw 'Snakes on a Plane' yesterday. It's a fantastic movie, provided that you're old enough (no encouragement to fly in the face of the ratings system here... sorry, folks). Don't go in expecting high cinema, and you're gold.
    Anyhow. So I'd heard some things about how it was filmed here in Vancouver. Okie. Lots of things are filmed here. Lots of funky things. Wouldn't be too surprising. Thing is, though, I hadn't heard a thing from anyone around here about working on or knowing anybody who worked on it. That's a bit weirder. You'd think someone I/my mother knows would be willing to mention their experiences on 'this new movie with Samuel L. Jackson'.
    Then we saw the movie. I'll tell you right now, in a lot of the non-plane scenes, it's pretty darn obvious this was filmed in Vancouver. Sure, there aren't any of the immediately-betraying skyline shots, but the scenery... And I swear I've been in that neighborhood before. Or, if not that exact place, then a few others like it.
    Yep. Totally filmed here. No wonder it's such a pure grade of awesome.
    So I guess the point of this entry is 'yay Vancouver'. So... yay Vancouver.
    Because I could, changed enouigh to enough.
  13. Tufi Piyufi
    So I change my avatar one night, see. So I post the strip I got it from in that same night, see. And before I know it, poof. Four instant copycats. Outrageous.
    Argument #588 against blog bumping: killing the original post dates of entries
    That's right, baby. I'm the original.
    What's more, the two FAs in the bunch have their avatars set to 100x100. This is not standard procedure. I shall find that treacherous admin who granted this irregular glory to these mere minions and make him pay with his blood.
    But wait, what's this? A minion daring to claim the origin as all his own?...
    I will be busy for a while. Excuse me.
  14. Tufi Piyufi
    As progress should, lest it forsake the meaning of the word itself.
    Exhibit three: random things. Half general BBC-ish things, half tablet practice. I think I'm getting the hang of this thing. Well, both, really. And messy Tufi-tablet-writing cheatsheet:
    original shape
    current shape
    puffin glaive
    It's really really really hard to see in the picture, but the princes are wearing what sorta turns out to be tuxedo coats. They don't have either of their tiaras in that one, though Schizo is trying on the Empress's tiara. Yeah. Fun could abound. Fun could really abound here.
    Look, I even made a new category for all this. That shows commitment. Right?
  15. Tufi Piyufi
    First of all, if you post spoilers for book #13 of A Series of Unfortunate Events, you will face full modly wrath. Seriously. Not even in tags; you know people can't resist temptation. Every single part of that book is something that one should be first exposed to as they read it. I'd have killed if anyone told me any of the big things that went on.
    So, that said, I'd just like to announce this:
    I so called Beatrice's history.
    For years, at that. Since the Unauthorized Autobiography first came out, though it was lacking a great deal of support at that time, I'll admit. But now... oh yeah.
    If you've read it, you should know what I mean. If you haven't read it, go and read it. I'm not gonna tell you anything. I just needed to get this out there.
    But oh, I called it.
  16. Tufi Piyufi
    The location of a related picture. Oh, Photo-Paint.
    Yes, yes, I'm alive, huzzah. Haven't had much to blog about lately, is all. But now I have the above to show you. Oh yes. Working on the people portion as we speak. That should be fun. Also conversion of the picture into a desktop. Cripes do I need a new desktop.
    Oh, and also finished one of them stories for the comedy portion. Hurrah. Now to start on some more. Not posting that thing until I get at least three done, you see. Two to go...
  17. Tufi Piyufi
    Status: Dress rehearsal
    Current location: Beginning of Act II
    Note to self: drink water before standing in one spot in dress shirt and vest for ten minutes. Not a fun feeling, being ready to collapse on stage.
    This thing's a lot funnier than Midsummer Night's Dream, which was definitely written by a man who defined a comedy as 'everyone lives to see the end and then they all couple up'. However, there is definitely a tradeoff... this thing's a whole lot longer. Takes us so long just to get through the first two acts... Gah. But the other two seem shorter. That's the current theory, anyways. Here's hoping it's right.
    We'll be here until dinnertime, at least... but then again, rumour has it pizza of some manner will be ordered. Yay!
    And thus, some boredom was smote. Just another page to go until I get to go back on, yay... yay yay yay...
  18. Tufi Piyufi
    The scanner lives, the card reader lives, the tablet lives. It is a glorious occasion.
    And, to celebrate, I bring you pictures. You know, to prove I'm not all talk and no action about this. Which has happened far too many times in the past, I will readily admit. But not this time. Oh no. I have you guys to hold me to things.
    Exhibit one: some manner of preliminary map. For starters, I wouldn't hold me to anything but the most basic outline of the palace, and maybe not even that. No clue what I was doing there. I know there's a big open garden-type place fenced in by those walls you see there, though. The rectangular-looking part. That much is for certain. Also, minifig feet/legs. Those aren't actually there. And the road to the pollish area should prolly be southward. Otherwise, I present The General Idea.
    And exhibit two, for the heck of it: in relation to the rest of the Creative Outlet. Come to think of it, I should prolly figure out where all the other forum-type places are. I can't imagine all the action staying in BBC. Oh no. Those other people are plenty crazy too.
    So? Convinced I'm not just bluffing yet?
  19. Tufi Piyufi
    Well, there goes my fifteenth BBC contest.
    There was a time (notably, the last half-hour of the entry period) where I wondered 'is it gonna be a full 300?'. With each entry added to the list, this developed into what one might call a curious fear. You see, prelims for approximately 150 entries is madness enough. Polls for twice that?...
    Then it capped out at 290, and there was relief. After the removal of DQed entries, entries without working entry pics at the time of pollmaking, and a doubled entry (honestly, I'm amazed I didn't make any more similar slipups given all the stuff there was to keep track of), the total was 284. This still worked out to 29 polls. Believe me, finding names for those last three polls was the least of my worries.
    Somehow, I got all that done. It was a flurry of copy/paste copy/paste copy/paste wait wait wait go back undo/copy/paste, and yet there were still a couple comments of 'pffft, rigged polls'. If there was s way to make all contest entrants site-wide make a set of prelim-like polls before they could enter, oh, how quickly I would jump on that. That accusation is a glaring sign that you don't really comprehend the kind of work and how much work goes into prelims, folks. It really is.
    Then semis. Then the final. Then the results topic. Then the unpinning of the entry-related topics. Then the blogging.
    And yet, I still feel like I can keep up the impression of sanity. Amazing.
  20. Tufi Piyufi
    What a fantastic concept indeed. And they're all mine, too. Get yer hands away from my ninja puffins.
    And here's some now. Well, just three ninja puffin doodles, really. There's also a guy with a hat, a ninja puffin sword, random shark-thing, and a bit of Orthano going 'huh'. Still, there are ninja puffins in there, and that is what is important.
    That is all.
    (man, Othie looks baffled)
  21. Tufi Piyufi
    So three years ago today, I became a moderator. Standard blue-type, nothing too fancy yet. I go in Sets; considering the catalogue wounds were still fresh, a given. Movies and Books; hey, Mask of Light just came out, the place needed all the help it could get. BBC... I'd actually been poked towards asking for BBC, and since I didn't know what in blue blazes I wanted in terms of forums, I figured 'what the heck.'
    Over time, I picked up Artwork and G&T, got assigned to Artwork II through that bit of forum mitosis, temped in S&T (yes, you heard me... hey, an assignment's an assignment), finally got into GD (once a GD Junkie, always a GD Junkie), dropped G&T, lost M&B somewhere along the way, and I've even had my name on the contest voting forum a few times. And then, a good while later, I got guest keys to all the forums anyway.
    But BBC has always been the unchaging, permanent fixture of my lineup. Not that I mind, as I have kinda grown to absolutely love it to bits. Yeah... you might've been able to tell that already.
    I mostly remember it was today since it was a very good week in general: school was back in, the 'What Will You Make?' tour was in town, I met up with the local club at said tour, impressed them with my ability to touch Bionicle pieces and not recieve unholy burns (this was a few years ago, you must remember)... It was a very good week.
    So, in short, wow. Three years. Wow.
  22. Tufi Piyufi
    or, A Numerical Listing
    1. You post a link to your entry picture in the post where you give me your entry info. You don't make me dig around for one in your gallery. You especially do not make me dig around for one in your topic. You are provided with a format for submitting your entry: it would be ever so nice if you did something even remotely similar to that.
    2. You do not just give me a link to your topic and run off. I will only acknowledge your topic as long as it takes me to get an entry pic out of it. You ignored the entry format: do not expect much more attention than that in return.
    3. If you want your entry to be named on the list, then you say what its name is in your entry post. This is like #1: the entry name is one of the fields of the oft-forgotten format.
    Okay, I might sound a teensy bit irked there. Maybe 3+ years of built-up irkedness coming out in a single night. It's possible.
    Seriously, folks, note this. And don't even try the 'lol noobs' comment. If only this was something commited solely by the inexperienced. If only.
  23. Tufi Piyufi
    Below is a large chunk of the text from my post in the official Pokemon topic. The list is the same, but some of the 'buffer' text around it is cut or altered, just because it flows better that way.
    Understand that I love the Underground. Also understand that I have a ton of Combees. If you remember these two points, the rest of the post runs like the smoothest water in the sleekest stream.
    In my time in the Underground, I have uncovered many items. Stones of all hues, rocks in varying forms, Heart Scales... Oh cripes, the Heart Scales. I have a ton of them. You really don't want to know how many. Just know that I can hook you up.
    When not underground, I will also spend some of my time as a Pokemon breedeuse, as the French so wouldn't say. Why, there was this one time when I was trying to get a female Combee when I kept getting male after male after male... I wound up with almost twenty spare male Combees in the end. I really don't need that many. I can spare them.
    Therefore, I bring offerings.

    What I Have Pokemon:
    19 male Combees - all L. 1 - varying natures (if you really have any specific request, let me know)
    14 female Igglybuffs - all L. 1 - varying natures (specify if desired)
    -2 have Sing, Charm, Perish Song
    -9 have the above plus Water Pulse
    -3 have Sing, Charm, Water Pulse
    2 male Igglybuffs - both L. 1 - natures below:
    -Timid Igglybuff has Sing, Charm and Water Pulse
    -Gentle Igglybuff has the above plus Perish Song
    All Igglybuff are named 'Doompuff' - this is not negotiable!

    Items: (quantity ranges from 'very few' to 'Heart Scale')
    King's Rock - very few
    Leaf Stone - few
    Fire Stone - tons
    Thunder Stone - tons
    Water Stone - very few
    Sun Stone - a bunch
    Moon Stone - very few
    Dusk Stone - very few
    Dawn Stone - very few
    Shiny Stone - very few
    Smooth Rock (extends Sandstorm) - very few
    Damp Rock (extends Rain Dance) - very few
    Icy Rock (extends Hail) - few
    Heat Rock (extends Sunny Day) - few
    Claw Fossil - very few
    Skull Fossil - a bunch
    Helix Fossil - few
    Heart Scale - oh cripes do not ask me how many Heart Scales I have

    Stuff I Really, Really Wouldn't Mind Getting In Return Pokemon:

    Items: (not necessary, but they are nice) 
    Dubious Disk
    The way it works is you choose a Pokemon, and then you choose the item that you want. You PM me and tell me what you're willing to toss my way in exchange for this. At some point, we reach an accord, codes are exchanged if this is the first transaction, and at that point...
    ... oh, the caveat. Seeing as how my wireless access is not actually within my home, I can't just fire it up and start the trade right away. Therefore, not only will trading times be restricted to between 2:00 PM and 5:00 PM Pacific, but we have to decide exactly when we go about the whole thing. This will be part of the barter banter, but just a heads up.
    Different Pokemon to come whenever I feel like breeding a whole bunch up. Well? Anything up there interesting enought to PM me about?
    Also, if you have anything in particular you'd like to see, just let me know. I'll see what can be done, but no guarantees.
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