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Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Catra

  1. Good job naming the RPG polls after guitars. ¬_¬ :P

  2. Hey you, out there in the cold, getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me?

  3. Catra

    Ha! That might explain it...

  4. *rubs face* Thanks, I needed that. *sniffles* So I am indeed still a boy?

  5. Your personal pic is... win? *hides*

  6. ¬_¬ Can't imagine why...

  7. Ah but Big D wasn't the first member! Phyoohrii was

  8. <_< >_> Why's everyone being so serious? It's not like we're in some skeleton's profile, so liven up!
  9. So what's goin' down on this side of town? :P

  10. True. So, pulling another all-nighter, eh, Smeagy McStalkerpanrs? :P

  11. Now you know how it feels to have your feelings shattered like cheap glass >:P

  12. Catra

    Ordinary Orange

  13. HEY WAIT!! *sobs* You're so hurtful, you-you-you ghostbuster wannabe!!

  14. Once again, you have proven your winliness! Or you're stalking me

  15. Uuuhhh... woot?

  16. Catra

    I could've sworn you were around before '07, too...

  17. <_< >_> Woot, first comment!
  18. Happy late Easter, Greg. :)

  19. Katy?! Hi, Katy! *runs and hides under throne*

  20. *starts crawling out from under Tufi's throne*

  21. She hasn't PM'd or commented me in a while... so... can I come out now?

  22. Wait, that's just cat hair. *sobs*

  23. I have found a hair on my arm! As we speak, manliness courses through my veins! Then I shall have revenge....

  24. KajI said my name was 100% X, 0% Y. I hope you're happy, now! *resumes sobbing*

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