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Everything posted by Planetperson

  1. I found it on some person's Brickshelf, it was part of a promotional booklet, in Russian, given out at a toy event when the Mistika were being revealed. It's a shame that it's only places like those that you can find these kinds of things! Whatever BS01 has, there's obviously more that Lego hasn't released. It's tantalizing.
  2. Just think, there's some hard drive sitting at the Lego company that has all of the Bionicle promo or conceptual art ever created on it. I mean, did we ever see awesome images like these back in 2005? Someone wanna go on a raid with me? Bink should consider putting up a site that's just galleries of all the high-res Bionicle artwork they've done. I mean, it probably can't fit in the web budget, but it's a heavenly idea.
  3. Sunday, November 16, 2008 I was Googling stuff and stumbled upon these babes: Nuhrii Ahkmou Orkahm Vhisola Tehutti Ehrye Gallery
  4. Realizing from what you pointed out, SI, ALL of the Glatorian have an odd sort of disk -- I think it's a point counter, like for a D&D sort of game -- on their foor or on their back. That's a new thing for Bionicle.
  5. I have no worries that 2009 isn't going to be good.
  6. I used to watch Thomas.

  7. They're ill. They have a fever.
  8. I agree that the blades are really cliche, but the head and armor are sick.
  9. Maybe it's a sign of the return of combiners, like how the Toa Mata had random pegs so they could be used in the alternate models. That would be nice.
  10. How about some more big jpegs from Target.com? » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Malum Vorox Skrall Gresh Strakk Tarix
  11. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I just noticed the guys behind Strakk. Then I saw you went all-out with finding guys in the rest of the backgrounds.
  12. Saturday, November 15, 2008 Often the most effective way to understand and experience a Lego model is in taking it apart. All of the pieces are revealed, and how they connected becomes apparent in the disassembly. You can gain a great deal of insight from a model even you yourself built. We also have the art of building, creation, putting the pieces together. It requires knowledge of the rules of structure beforehand, rules you almost certainly observed and learned in the world around you without being aware of it or taking an academic course for it. Is it better to understand by taking apart or putting together? The words analysis and synthesis literally mean “taking apart” and “putting together,” respectively. According to the popular and allegedly pseudoscientific right-brain/left-brain theory, the left brain is the seat of analytical thinking, along with its connotations of cold calculation, numerical computation, decisiveness. On the other hand, the right brain houses synthetic thinking, along with inclusiveness, conceptuality, creativity. Is any one superior to the other? Could any one do without the other? I hope not.
  13. It's a fairly safe bet. We know black sets are not earth... they wouldn't be fire, jungle, ice, or water, as the other colors of sets have very apparently laid claim to... earth must be tan, and rock must be black.
  14. Friday, November 14, 2008 BARA MAGNA • The inhabitants of Bara Magna have heard of the Great Beings but generally do not call them that. • One of the winter Agori sets is the leader of his tribe. • Neither Fero nor Atakus is an Earth villager -- Rock is black, and Earth is tan! • The inhabitants of Bara Magna have seen the Three Virtues symbol but have no idea what it refers to. THE UNIVERSE • The Three Virtues map does not show a means of getting from one universe to another. • There was no intelligent life in the endless ocean before Mata Nui crashed in it. • Spherus Magna is not the name of the endless ocean planet. • The organic birds were not from the endless ocean planet. • The Red Star is a good deal smaller than Mata Nui. • The Red Star occasionally serves functions relevant to Mata Nui and the universe around him. • The Red Star has been in orbit elsewhere than the endless ocean planet. • The Ignika turns back from silver to gold once it is far from the Matoran universe. MATA NUI • The Matoran who labored in darkness, not knowing the purpose for their labors, during the years of the Matoran universe's creation were building Mata Nui. • Mata Nui has external powers. • Mata Nui has propulsion to enable him to travel from planet to planet. • Greg: "I basically see Mata Nui as being a ruler of benevolent indifference. He has no negative feelings for his people, no ambitions that would harm them, or any desire NOT to protect them, but he is very hands-off. He's not going to interfere with their lives. Mata Nui, at best, expects the best work the Matoran can do and hopes for their respect. Makuta, on the [other] hand, demands their worship. His rule is self-aggrandizing, totally about his ambitions, and while he too needs the Matoran now, he is not above sacrificing some as an example to the others. He will actively enforce his will in the universe, regardless of the environment that it may create." • Greg: "When Mata Nui lands on a planet for the purposes of observation, his system creates a disguise for his face by creating a rocky surface and then growing plants that look like the local flora. When it is time for him to leave, the Bohrok clean all that plant life off and weaken the surface so it can be cracked open when Mata Nui rises." BROTHERS IN ARMS • Mazeka is a full Order of Mata Nui member. DESTINY WAR • Tridax's relationship to the Tridax pod is that he suggested the idea. • The Makuta creation pool cannot turn other beings into Makuta. • Brutaka's empowered state will last a while. He is now closer to Makuta power level than Tren Krom's. • The same anti-protosteel virus that killed Kojol was used to dissolve Tridax's arm. • The Olmak in Tridax's possession is the same one that was used by Jovan's team. GENERAL • A Matoran's Rhotuka would not necessarily be elemental, but it would be weaker than that of Roodaka or a Toa. • Since the GBs designed Mata Nui, as well as created Artakha, it would make sense Artakha would know something of the design scheme for Mata Nui and base the Toa Mata off it. • The Codrex is made of the same substance the walls of Karda Nui are made of. • Jovan's team used the Ignika at the Codrex. • Unlike the Bohrok, the Bohrok Va were created as they are. • Tren Krom was aware that Mata Nui was the Matoran universe.
  15. Planetperson


    It's an accomplishment already to speak such an irregular, difficult language fluently, though. You might say we're lucky.
  16. Well, iVahi, to put it simply, I'm afraid you'd have to be familiar not just with ten-year-old Macs but also the compatibility issues between them and Windows in order to give me any useful advice. Even I'm left grasping for straws.
  17. It's not a bad game. It takes some thought and skill.
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