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I do not exist

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Everything posted by I do not exist

  1. Oh ok, It's just that the members of one of the factions, Omni-Tek (see avatar for logo), are typically called "Omnis" so I just assumed.

  2. Just curious, do you play Anarchy by any chance?

  3. Pretty good I guess, I'm just sitting around waiting for a part for my paintball marker to show up.

  4. I play without VoIP, btw.

  5. Hey I saw your avatar was an EU guy, I recently got into BF 2142 myself. I usually play Assault, I'm a corporal silver, and my username is Destroyer0975.

  6. Halo is far from geeky, my friend.

  7. -ish, yeah. We don't have orange, red, or purple belts, but there are stripes for all but white belt, so I don't know how similar our ranking systems are.

  8. Thank you, I'm glad someone finally agrees! The majority of people just say "I'm insulted! You consider me stupid because I don't share your rather unusual intrests?!" or something along the lines of that.

  9. Your face. It scares me greatly. :fear:

  10. Yep, I've been taking Tae Kwon Do(/Judo/Hapkido mixed in) for the past...4 years maybe?

  11. So when's the new comic going to be up?

  12. 9 posts away from 11k. Wow.

  13. I do not exist

    My Name

    I always thought it meant infinity.
  14. So Caboose, what happened to Gilk? The topic's still alive, btw.

  15. Awesome personal pic lol.

  16. Oh, Krika? He's gonna be my first summer purchase! He's like a bloodied white praying mantis covered in spikes! How could you go wrong?

  17. I really like it, but yeah one with the bowstring drawn back would be nice, if you wouldn't mind. Although I have already put the bow to use: spriteme_on_the_hunt.png

  18. How does that make it "Whasdown"? =P

  19. Um, I think you want the shoulder leather. It's good and tough. And a big piece is only about $25. And I mean a BIG piece like over 5 vambraces could be made from it. I'm not sure on locations to buy it, just look around in your area I guess. And it's almost assuredly cheaper to make your own vambraces with a custom fit than to buy them from somebody.

  20. DoF, I got my AK for $93 with shipping on eBay and I've spent about $40 on ammo so far. Which comes to a grand total of...$133 USD. XD

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