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plue nuva

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Status Updates posted by plue nuva

  1. Wompwompwommpppppppppppppp.... Nawwwe well. It's not like I care. WHat i do care about is that I have 3 months worth of web serials to catch up on and if I don't read anyone I'll never have accomplished anything in my life!

  2. mmm.... pie! *gives you a blue hau*

  3. Oh my.... lol I'm so glad I fleed while I could. Can you update me on why Lev changed again, or was it just another random move because he got suspicious of everyone?

  4. ...... I forgot what I was gonna say. XD

  5. How 'bout this.....

  6. glob ym ot emoc

  7. Maybe... or maybe Ziwgor! It's backwards!

  8. All of the y-k-h, come to my blog.

  9. Thanks! :o

    I miss your old name... but I like your new name!

  10. He SAAAAAAAAYS he's back... but I walked over to his house one day and he was FORTH! XD

  11. HAPPPPPPPPPPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!! But since everyone seems to be sending you merry Christmas messages.... MERRY CHRISTMAS!

  12. ADD ME AS A FREN!!

  13. I just woke up from a coma. Read my Sig.

  14. HES A BACK!!!!!!!!!

  15. The server ate my post!!!! Was my post spam?

  16. YOu didn't se Spirit's video??? LOOK NAO!

  17. MANTAX FACTS!!!!!

    "Mantax killed Steve Irwin!"

  18. lol @ meh own sig

  19. *Dies from reading BL11*

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