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plue nuva

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Status Updates posted by plue nuva

  1. awesomeriffic drawings!

  2. Awwwe! Look at da wittwe kitty!

  3. Awwwe! U guys still care about me! Nao I feel speshal!

  4. because it is awesomeriffic

  5. Because you is AWESOMEZ! :P

  6. Black Sun is new, but I've known him for 6 years.

  7. bok choi, and chow mein. I am attempting to name every type of Chinese food by the end of the year.

  8. Boom! With the click of a button I can change my gender!

  9. Both of those topics are closed now, but I don't understand how people completely miss something printed right at the top.

  10. Both Takanuva 2008 and Takanuva 2.0 were Awesome!

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