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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour
    Hello everyone. I'm writing to show you all how I made the BZP shirts I'll be selling soon. I've divided them into steps so no one will get confused.
    Step One: Place your screen on the holder that you will be using to print the paint on the shirt. Picture
    Step Two: Place your shirt on the shirt holder, be sure that the shirt is completely smooth and have no wrinkles when placed on the base. So to prevent misprinting of the t-shirts. I of course I made this mistake a few time, but it's not really noticeable. Picture
    Step Three: Place the screen on top of the shirt and put paint on the screen. Picture
    Step Four: Spread the paint across the screen fairly, covering up the hole image. Then use the squeegee to press hard and down on the screen about two or three times. Picture
    Step Five: Lift the screen and inspect the shirt you just printed on. Picture
    Step Six: Dry your shirt in the belt heater at 315 degrees about four to six times. Picture
    Step Seven: Wear and enjoy! Picture
  2. Brappy Hour
    Yes! The shirts finally came, and I worked on screen printing all day. I got paint all over my hands and arms. (I feel like Nukaya. )
    There's a problem though. Since these shirts are hand made, there are a few mistakes on a lot of the shirts, mostly the mediums. Some are minor and some I fear are bad. I feel a bit embarrassed actually. Seeing how all the shirts are all different, and none the same. I fear that no one will enjoy or purchase them.
    Speaking of money. I got the bill today too. Holy Moly!
  3. Brappy Hour
    I have an estimate of the shirts and sizes I would like to order for now. The sizes are universal, so any gender can wear them.
    Small - 10
    Medium - 15
    Large - 15
    X Large - 5
    2XL - 5
    Let me know what you think. Also, you have a choice to preorder your shirts now and make sure you have one.
    I'm just updating to see keep everyone informed, and remember. If you pre-order a shirt, commit to buying the shirt.
    I have 8 days to make them!
    BTW - A lot of my class mates saw my designs and loved the 2001 Toa Kanohi. They want to buy them too!
  4. Brappy Hour
    A while ago I met a nice young woman here on BZP. We chatted once in a while and became friends. About over 6 months ago we started running into each other more often than usual. We found that we shared a lot in common and that we enjoyed each others company..... a lot. So I asked her if she would be my girlfriend. Suprisinly she agreed. So we became a BZP couple.
    After a while of PMing each other through BZP and other sites, We exchanged phone numbers and pictures to strengthen our relationship. We have exchanged secrets and made promises to each other that hopefully will stay strong. We both have our faults, but in we help each other with our troubles. As well as encourage each other to do their best at what they do. I hope to do my best as a boyfriend and make her happy as much as possible.
    The point? I love my girlfriend. toa of life. And I couldn't ask for anyone better.
  5. Brappy Hour
    I feel right writing for some reason lately. So why not express my opinion tonight?
    Now that Bionicle has ended. Many fans or collectors are directing their attention to other LEGO products, mostly Bionicle's replacement Hero Factory. Some others (like me), are even buying items that aren't even LEGO products at all.
    A lot of times I'm asked if I'll buy the Hero Factory sets. My reply is no, on the basis that it isn't Bionicle and that there isn't a point in buying them if they have nothing to do with Bionicle. The response from others is "You're stubborn and have no taste. They're made just like Bionicle sets so you should give them a chance". So that's the reason? Because they look like Bionicle sets and even are made of the same parts I should instantly take interest? I don't really see the point in that. It seems even weirder that people are jumping on the HF bandwagon just for this reason alone without even a thought. I guess you could lie to yourself and think it's Bionicle In the Future if you're that much in denial.
    Anyway, I don't hate Hero Factory. I just don't see why I should like it. By all means if you enjoy it please love it until your hearts content, but I'll pass.
  6. Brappy Hour
    Yes. Last night I finally finished Endure. The last Vidmaster Achievement I needed. Now I'm sporting some Recon shoulders and have one hundred percent completion on Halo 3 and Halo 3 ODST.
    I'd like to thank Potu, Jack of Blades, and of course Kiba. Who stayed up till twelve o'clock to help me get this headache of an achievement. I can't thank them enough.
    Best of all. I finished before the Halo Reach Beta starting Monday. It's going to be a blast.
    Who else is looking forward to Reach?

  7. Brappy Hour
    There you go! The prototype shirt! This is a size large, so the logo will look better on smaller shirts. As for some smudges and mistakes. Chill. It's a test shirt, and did I mention it's hand made.
    Love, Bionicle Raptor
    Logo Closeup
    Shirt Hung Up
    BTW- I saw that the Shirt Project in the news was linked to EW's blog. Shouldn't it be linked to here?
  8. Brappy Hour
    Just finished my last Halo Reach Beta match. It was a Covy Slayer match, and it was a victory. But later tonight all of the medals, rank, and armor that I've collected over time will be erased. That's a shame. I be able to play it forever in September though. Thanks Bungie for the chance to play.
    I need help deciding what shade of blue to make the shirt. Please offer ideas?
  9. Brappy Hour
    Took pics of the screen on a small woman's shirt. This is not the final color though. The shirt will be a shade of blue and the image will be white.
    Spread the word of the BZPower T-shirts, and feel free to offer opinions and ideas!
    Shirt Design Normal
    Shirt Design In Middle
  10. Brappy Hour
    I got the final image of what the design will look like on the shirt. It looks awesome. B)
    But I want to get an estimate of how many shirts to make. Also how many of each size to buy, plus the number of woman and men sizes needed.
    The price for a shirt would be at least $7 as of now.
    So how should I raise awareness so I can figure out the number of shirts I need to order? Should I report it to news?
  11. Brappy Hour
    When I think of words to describe myself, I try to think of truthful answers. Respectful, Honorable, Fair, and whatever else may come to mind. Of course there are also negatives. Some say that I am negative myself, and may have a tendency to complain. Fair enough. Close friends and family also tell me that I don't give myself enough credit for my accomplishments and achievements.
    Why? I feel that if I took too much pride in my success it may lead to awful things. Also, some say that I don't deserve what I have been given. I can't really do anything but to feel a bit discomfort in regards to that.
    I also have a great hatred for my jealousy. Jealousy for those who have great talent, are successful, and who are loved by many. I'm even jealous of my friends, which is an awful thing to do. I then tell myself of all the good things that have happened to me, and the gifts given to me by life.
    Lets use this blog forum as an example. Right now, I see myself as a serious person, maybe not. I can't think of any funny things to post, I don't have any wonderful poems or fancy artwork to post, or have snazzy comments to say. So I post my opinion and things that have happened to me. I feel so blaned and generic. It makes me feel like I'm being dumb just having a blog in the first place.
    I'm not trying to be depressing. This is just what happens sometimes when I, or even others are in deep thought.
    That's about it. Thanks for reading.
  12. Brappy Hour
    Yup. Just came back from my Senior Prom. Danced, socialized, and dipped food in the chocolate fountain.
    Went by myself of course. Mainly cause a lack of popularity, as well as the love of my life not being able to join me. But I had a great time. I'm glad I went.
    It turned out much better than I had hoped, and now I'm waiting for friend(s) to come over for an after Prom party.
    I hope everyone enjoyed their Friday as well.
  13. Brappy Hour
    Alright. Just wanted to show everyone the final design that was decided for this years BZP t-shirts. Click
    I'm thinking of adding something to the back as well.
    Don't forget though, that these shirts will be screen printed by hand.
    Congrats to Chunky for winning BTW.
  14. Brappy Hour
    Made another animation! This time shorter, but with blur affects! I'm adding affects to my first animation as well.
    Of course credit once again goes to InnerRayg for the sprites.

    The Reach Beta is Fantastic by the way. Lots of changes, and lots of fun to be had.
  15. Brappy Hour
    In celebration of the Halo Reach Beta tomorrow. I decided to finally share this animation I made. There are some mistakes, but whateva.
    Halo Sprites made by InnerRayg.
  16. Brappy Hour
    Haven't written a new entry in a while. So I decided to change the layout again.
    I shall add more as time passes, and as I think of them. Also thinking of writing more if I have the attention span.
    How is everyone btw?
  17. Brappy Hour
    Ah yes. April 1st is tomorrow, and I'm quite eager to see how we will be lied to about Bionicle returning or a Mata Nui Robot set to be released. We'll just have to wait and see won't we?
    Just wanted to let you know that I saw it coming.
    Gaming News:
    Xbox 360 came back Monday, and it's all fixed and nicey nice. Still playing my DS though. So it'll have to wait a little while. Unless people really need me, or I'm tempted to finally get Endure finally on ODST. I swear that if I ever get that achievement the world would probably explode.

  18. Brappy Hour
    Well. For those who were generous enough to stop by and take interest in my cereal box project. It is complete.
    Here is the whole box. Click Here
    It shows the sides, back, bottom, top, and of course the front.
    Please feel free to comment and add your opinion!

    Mechagodzilla II
  19. Brappy Hour
    I came back from my Order of The Arrow trip today. Last night I was nominated and chosen along with a few others to receive the rank of Vigil Member, the highest rank you can be in the Order of The Arrow. It's a great honor to be nominated out of the many members of my lodge, and being recognized for the work and duties I do for it. It's a great feeling, as well as a awesome surprise.

    I won't be getting the rank till later this year of course, but it's exciting enough to know you're getting it.
    Here's the next part as I promised. It's the final image for the cereal box cover. Click Here

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