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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour
    This entry will help me keep track of members who have pre-ordered shirts, what the size and type, and if they have paid.
    Please note. The only was to get a concrete pre-order is to pay ahead, and then get your shirt will be saved for you.

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Name: GlatorianJaller Type: Faded, Size: Small
    Form of payment: Pay at Event
    Name: ChocolateFrogs
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size: Staff Shirt, Large
    Form of Payment: Pay at Event
    Name: InnerRayg
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size: Staff, Size Medium
    Form of payment: Cash or Paypal
    Name: Sisen, or you mean real name? Jon.
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size: Staff Shirt, Medium
    Form of payment: PayPal or Cash at BrickFair.
    Name: Oh my miru
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size: Large Faded and Normal Medium
    Form of payment: Cash at BrickFair
    Name: Xccj
    Shirt Type: Normal
    Shirt Size: Large
    Form of payment: Cash at BrickFair
    Name: Nukaya Cloud Fire
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size: small staff
    Form of payment: Cash at BrickFair
    Black Six (Andrew)
    Staff Edition, Large
    Cash at BrickFair
    Name: Kondoki
    Shirt Type: Normal
    Shirt Size: Large
    Payment: Cold, Hard, Cash
    Name: ~Aero~
    Shirt: BZP Faded shirt
    Size: Large
    Payment: Cash at Brickfair.

    Paid Pre-Orders:

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Fresh! Type: Normal Medium
    Name: Primus
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size: Faded, Large

    If you have an issue about you're pre-order or shirt information being shown. Let me know.
  2. Brappy Hour
    I realized something in the last few days. Something people have been saying for a while, but I was never able to understand until now. So I'm sorry if this is old news and you're not interested in reading.
    Alright. When Bionicle was said to be canceled and the new line was to be released. Like a die hard Bionicle fan. I hated all the aspects, ideas and the sets that were replacing my favorite toy line. I was hurt and did not want anything to change. I know now it was wrong to bring hatred in my arguments against Hero Factory, even though it was mostly when it was first introduced.
    Lets start with a conversation I had. I talked with the owner of a small toys tore in my home town. they had many non-commercial brands, but they did have LEGO, and they had a lot of Bionicle. Anyway I asked him about Bionicle stuff due to there being no canister sets left. He said that Bionicle had been canceled, but noted that it had been around for ten years and had a great run. That made me realize that yeah. Bionicle did have a great run! Not many series can show that they were great enough to last nine to ten years. Bionicle had a great beginning, and even if we didn't want it and they way it was. It had to end.
    My next subject is limitations and story. As we all learned. Bionicle grew from a little island in the middle of nowhere. To a whole universe of creatures and beings inside one giant robot. Even more than that, there was even more "planets" and perhaps a whole universe full of characters. During the story of Bionicle we were introduced to may I say hundreds of characters. Some were only there to take up space, and others we got to see grow and mature over time. The prime example is Tahu. What I'm getting at, is that even though the story was great. It grew to an imense size that many have a hard time understanding and some don't enjoy anymore. Lots of things were explained to deeply and it drove many fans away. Lets call it the "Star Wars Effect".
    Anyway. I understand why LEGO decided to part with the Bionicle line. There were storyline limitations that they couldn't stress any longer, and so many ideas and imaginative ways can be done. So Bionicle was ended, but of course not in the way we wanted.
    Hero Factory is a clean slate. Right now. Any storyline and plot twist or character introduction is possible. Again like Star Wars. Hero Factory takes place in a whole universe. Which means that many ideas are in the making. Lets hope we have some great minds behind this story, and see if it can develop. It may seem silly now, but perhaps the story may become more than just a fake police service hot line.
    The sets are okay. I'm more interested in the villains than the actual heroes. In my earlier arguments I would say that there was no imagination in these sets, and they borrowed too heavily from Bionicle parts. But when Bionicle started they too borrowed parts from older LEGO Technic lines. So perhaps if the first year of Hero Factory goes well. Perhaps they'll come up with even better parts.
    I feel really, Really, REALLY dumb for not realizing the ending points some things need, and the potential for new beginnings. I was once a hurt die hard Bionicle fan who wouldn't dream of buying anything or even caring for anything other than it. Now I am an optimistic LEGO fan who will love Bionicle forever, but will also come to love change and new stories to enjoy, and new characters to see grow and develop.
    I'll try Hero Factory. See if it's worth the hype and if it has a fun story. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
    Thanks for reading, and lets have high hopes for Hero Factory. Bionicle's young brethren.
  3. Brappy Hour
    I went to my ToyRus today, and I saw all the Hero Factory sets with the Bionicle items, and for some reason...... I was tempted to buy one. Thankfully I didn't and went to another store and got a replacement for the Tahu Star I gave away as a gift.
    It's just that for the last nine years I've always waited for new sets to come. It feels like an instinct, and the sets look alright, and the story isn't that bad.... actually after thinking about it lowers the temptation.
    Does anyone have an idea of how I can rid myself of this temptation?
  4. Brappy Hour
    From Watashi Wa:

    It's such an honor I can't begin to explain. Thanks Watashi Wa. But most of all I thank all of the people who have traded with me over the years.
    Thanks to the Trading Forum. I've completed the majority of my Bionicle collection, and I'll keep trading as long as I have things to trade with.
    Thanks again to all.
  5. Brappy Hour
    Just wanted to let you all know in case you didn't already. It's double experience points for Transformers: War For Cybertron multiplayer for the remainder of this weekend. As well as 8 times the experience in Gears of War 2 until July 6th.
    So go on to getting those upper rank achievements!
    BTW- I think Scientist may be my favorite class in Transformers.
  6. Brappy Hour
    Well I beat the game on hard. Once again it was short. Got stuck in some areas though, but that's to be expected from a harder difficulty.
    Lots of easy achievements too. So I'll try multiplayer more and see how far I can get.
    Also. It's hard to understand which series the game belongs too. Is it Generation One or the Movies?
    I liked this game compared to the others. Especially since there was no human counterparts in it. I watch the movies and shows for the Transformers. Not the annoying human characters and emotionless hot chicks.
  7. Brappy Hour
    Transformers: War For Cybertron, was a really short game. I beat it in just a few hours. It was okay. Not great, just okay.
    So now I'm just going to play the multiplayer and try to get some achievements. So if you have the game and want to kill robots with a fellow BZP member, my gamertag is in my signature.
    (Soundwave is the best btw, of course)
  8. Brappy Hour
    Welcome to the official blog for the BZPower T-shirt Project! Please post suggestions, thoughts, and discuss with others in this entry. This blog will also be updated with news pics and news when they become available.
    Where To Buy: These shirts are being made so that BZP members at BrickFair and other LEGO conventions can show off their love for their favorite forum! So of course for now, these shirts will only be available to buy at BrickFair. However when BrickFair ends and if I have any extra shirts they should be sold to whoever wants them over BZP. It it does better then well. I'll see about making more.
    Price: Due to using the BZP logo as well as Bionicle designs. I can only sell them for the price I made them. I'd say the price would be $5.
    Current News: Shirts are done!
    BZP Shirt
    BZP Fade Edition
    BZP Staff Edition
    Shirts Stock & How To Order
    Normal BZP shirt:
    8 Small
    10 Medium
    9 Large
    BZP Faded Edition:
    1 Small - Is in really bad shape
    5 Medium
    4 Large All (Pre-Ordered)
    4 XLarge
    The BZP Staff Edition:
    8 Small
    8 Medium
    3 Large (All Pre-Ordered)
    5 XLarge
    If you're going to BrickFair, and would like a BZP t-shirt. You can buy it in two different was. You can pre-order online, and have your shirt reserved for you at BrickFair. Or you can wait until BrickFair.
    Price at BrickFair - $5
    How to order:
    Send this order form through PM to me.
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size
    Form of payment
    Also. There may be changes on how and ways to buy shirts, so please bear with me.
  9. Brappy Hour
    Found some cool Halo figures at ToysRus and GameStop over the course of two days. I was really surprised to find the Arbiter so soon. They must have just put them out.
    Halo Wars Arbiter
    Halo 2 Master Chief
    I like keeping the in their packages for some reason. I used to buy Matchmaking figures too, but I lost interest in them. Seeing as it's the same figures constantly repainted. If you want to see more of my collection, I'd be happy to let you see. B)
    Also have to start my new job tomorrow. 11:30 am to 8:00 pm. I hope I can manage such a long work schedule.
  10. Brappy Hour
    Well here's the shirt I made for myself. I know I'm not staff, my apologies. However this shirt was the perfect size for my current stature, and blah blah blah blah. But I added a little something I thought would differentiate myself from staff as well as give a hint to everyone who I am.
    Closer Look
    I got that image from another screen that was about to be wiped clean. So I used it one last time.
    What do you think?
  11. Brappy Hour
    High School Graduation is tomorrow. Just in time for a weekend full of celebrations.
    Followed a week later by a new summer job! Need money for BrickFair and other Bionicle stuff. Oh yeah, and for the future too.
    Please let me know if you're still interested in reserving a BZP shirt. It helps a great deal.
  12. Brappy Hour
    My business partner EW spoke to me earlier this afternoon and made a suggestion. B) So I've made a revision to the shirt ordering.
    Shirts can be pre-ordered, but you can't receive them until BrickFair. The only way you can reserve a shirt is if you pay the cost for one, and then pick it up when you arrive at the convention. So that everyone who is at the convention has a chance to get one.
    Does that sound fair to everyone?
  13. Brappy Hour
    Finally counted up all the shirts I have. Here's what you can choose from.
    Normal BZP shirt: Picture
    8 Small
    10 Medium
    9 Large
    BZP Faded Edition: Picture
    1 Small - Is in really bad shape
    5 Medium
    4 Large
    4 XLarge
    The BZP Staff Edition: Picture
    8 Small
    8 Medium
    3 Large
    5 XLarge
    If you're going to BrickFair, and would like a BZP t-shirt. You can buy it in two different was. You can pre-order online, and have your shirt reserved for you at BrickFair. Or you can wait until BrickFair.
    Price at BrickFair - $5
    How to order:
    Send this order form through PM to me.
    Shirt Type, Shirt Size
    Form of payment
    There you are. If you have any questions or suggestions, just ask.
  14. Brappy Hour
    Yup. On my last day of school I was making more shirts as well as dry the faded ones... Lets see... I have.... Picture
    8 Smalls
    I think over 5 mediums
    2 or 3 Larges
    5 XLs
    So if you're BZP Staff and you want to buy your shirt for BrickFair. Let me know.
    More detailed list tommorow.
  15. Brappy Hour
    Since I'm a senior at my high school. I was able to paint on a spot on the wall in my graphics class. Guess what I painted? Picture B)
    I painted it using a stencil I printed and cut with an exacto-knife. That means it took a long time.
    (Oh Noes! My identity has been revealed even further!)
  16. Brappy Hour
    Hello everyone. I'm writing to show you all how I made the BZP shirts I'll be selling soon. I've divided them into steps so no one will get confused.
    Step One: Place your screen on the holder that you will be using to print the paint on the shirt. Picture
    Step Two: Place your shirt on the shirt holder, be sure that the shirt is completely smooth and have no wrinkles when placed on the base. So to prevent misprinting of the t-shirts. I of course I made this mistake a few time, but it's not really noticeable. Picture
    Step Three: Place the screen on top of the shirt and put paint on the screen. Picture
    Step Four: Spread the paint across the screen fairly, covering up the hole image. Then use the squeegee to press hard and down on the screen about two or three times. Picture
    Step Five: Lift the screen and inspect the shirt you just printed on. Picture
    Step Six: Dry your shirt in the belt heater at 315 degrees about four to six times. Picture
    Step Seven: Wear and enjoy! Picture
  17. Brappy Hour
    Hello everyone. It seems my little shirt operation hit a snag today. I finished printing all of the shirts, but later when I washed them in the school washer, a lot of shirts lost paint and became faded. Thankfully I kept another load of them. So not all of them are ruined. Apparently some of the shirts had not been heated all the way, so the paint did not stick and came off in the washer. I was so mad and disappointed. But I made sure to re-heat the ones that weren't ruined, so that they wouldn't fall to the same fate. I feel the most awful that I won't be able to get as many shirts out to those who want them as I wanted, and the whole size of XL was lost. But I have a plan, and a surprise.
    Shirts for sale are now categorized in this manner:
    Normal BZP shirt: Picture
    9 Small
    9 Medium
    9 Large
    BZP Faded Edition:
    These shirts will be heated again and sold to those who like it's design, but no two faded shirts are the same. Picture
    The inventory of these shirts will be posted when available.
    And Introducing.......
    The BZP Staff Edition!: Picture
    Only four shirts were made today, and I'm not too sure if I can make more.
    1 Small
    3 Medium
    That's all for now. Let me know what you think.
  18. Brappy Hour
    Yes! The shirts finally came, and I worked on screen printing all day. I got paint all over my hands and arms. (I feel like Nukaya. )
    There's a problem though. Since these shirts are hand made, there are a few mistakes on a lot of the shirts, mostly the mediums. Some are minor and some I fear are bad. I feel a bit embarrassed actually. Seeing how all the shirts are all different, and none the same. I fear that no one will enjoy or purchase them.
    Speaking of money. I got the bill today too. Holy Moly!
  19. Brappy Hour
    A while ago I met a nice young woman here on BZP. We chatted once in a while and became friends. About over 6 months ago we started running into each other more often than usual. We found that we shared a lot in common and that we enjoyed each others company..... a lot. So I asked her if she would be my girlfriend. Suprisinly she agreed. So we became a BZP couple.
    After a while of PMing each other through BZP and other sites, We exchanged phone numbers and pictures to strengthen our relationship. We have exchanged secrets and made promises to each other that hopefully will stay strong. We both have our faults, but in we help each other with our troubles. As well as encourage each other to do their best at what they do. I hope to do my best as a boyfriend and make her happy as much as possible.
    The point? I love my girlfriend. toa of life. And I couldn't ask for anyone better.
  20. Brappy Hour
    There you go! The prototype shirt! This is a size large, so the logo will look better on smaller shirts. As for some smudges and mistakes. Chill. It's a test shirt, and did I mention it's hand made.
    Love, Bionicle Raptor
    Logo Closeup
    Shirt Hung Up
    BTW- I saw that the Shirt Project in the news was linked to EW's blog. Shouldn't it be linked to here?
  21. Brappy Hour
    I have an estimate of the shirts and sizes I would like to order for now. The sizes are universal, so any gender can wear them.
    Small - 10
    Medium - 15
    Large - 15
    X Large - 5
    2XL - 5
    Let me know what you think. Also, you have a choice to preorder your shirts now and make sure you have one.
    I'm just updating to see keep everyone informed, and remember. If you pre-order a shirt, commit to buying the shirt.
    I have 8 days to make them!
    BTW - A lot of my class mates saw my designs and loved the 2001 Toa Kanohi. They want to buy them too!
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