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Brappy Hour


I realized something in the last few days. Something people have been saying for a while, but I was never able to understand until now. So I'm sorry if this is old news and you're not interested in reading.


Alright. When Bionicle was said to be canceled and the new line was to be released. Like a die hard Bionicle fan. I hated all the aspects, ideas and the sets that were replacing my favorite toy line. I was hurt and did not want anything to change. I know now it was wrong to bring hatred in my arguments against Hero Factory, even though it was mostly when it was first introduced.


Lets start with a conversation I had. I talked with the owner of a small toys tore in my home town. they had many non-commercial brands, but they did have LEGO, and they had a lot of Bionicle. Anyway I asked him about Bionicle stuff due to there being no canister sets left. He said that Bionicle had been canceled, but noted that it had been around for ten years and had a great run. That made me realize that yeah. Bionicle did have a great run! Not many series can show that they were great enough to last nine to ten years. Bionicle had a great beginning, and even if we didn't want it and they way it was. It had to end.


My next subject is limitations and story. As we all learned. Bionicle grew from a little island in the middle of nowhere. To a whole universe of creatures and beings inside one giant robot. Even more than that, there was even more "planets" and perhaps a whole universe full of characters. During the story of Bionicle we were introduced to may I say hundreds of characters. Some were only there to take up space, and others we got to see grow and mature over time. The prime example is Tahu. What I'm getting at, is that even though the story was great. It grew to an imense size that many have a hard time understanding and some don't enjoy anymore. Lots of things were explained to deeply and it drove many fans away. Lets call it the "Star Wars Effect".


Anyway. I understand why LEGO decided to part with the Bionicle line. There were storyline limitations that they couldn't stress any longer, and so many ideas and imaginative ways can be done. So Bionicle was ended, but of course not in the way we wanted.


Hero Factory is a clean slate. Right now. Any storyline and plot twist or character introduction is possible. Again like Star Wars. Hero Factory takes place in a whole universe. Which means that many ideas are in the making. Lets hope we have some great minds behind this story, and see if it can develop. It may seem silly now, but perhaps the story may become more than just a fake police service hot line.


The sets are okay. I'm more interested in the villains than the actual heroes. In my earlier arguments I would say that there was no imagination in these sets, and they borrowed too heavily from Bionicle parts. But when Bionicle started they too borrowed parts from older LEGO Technic lines. So perhaps if the first year of Hero Factory goes well. Perhaps they'll come up with even better parts.


I feel really, Really, REALLY dumb for not realizing the ending points some things need, and the potential for new beginnings. I was once a hurt die hard Bionicle fan who wouldn't dream of buying anything or even caring for anything other than it. Now I am an optimistic LEGO fan who will love Bionicle forever, but will also come to love change and new stories to enjoy, and new characters to see grow and develop.


I'll try Hero Factory. See if it's worth the hype and if it has a fun story. I'll keep my fingers crossed.


Thanks for reading, and lets have high hopes for Hero Factory. Bionicle's young brethren. ^_^


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think of hero factory like star wars some didnt like the prequal trilogy now look at it.

its almost loved as much as the original trilogy


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Seriously? :o


I thought everyone still hated it.

im pretty sure everyone started to love the prequal trilogy after awhile maybe it was for the fight scenes

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Huh. Well I must be off on my Star Wars info then. :P

Thats what happens when you don't watch all 6 movies in a marathon

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I don't agree w you. My loving bf. I understand where u r coming from. Where almost everything has an end. But I see this as the time where our childish dreams and toy "die" as our childhood ends as well making us grow up and leave alot of these toy ideas behind.


I am ready to move forward w my life w you, my Jami... But only if you r too. Or..


please understand there is a time to be childish and rest to be an adult.


Toa of Life

Kara Nui

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It's not just about toys Kara dear. It's about the story and the fun of building them.


I don't see why growing older constitutes a stop to buying and building.



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I don't see why growing older constitutes a stop to buying and building.

It doesn't. Someone has to design kids toys, write books for kids, etc., but even if you don't get that job where you pretty much get to play with "kids" toys for a living, doesn't mean you have to stop playing.



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Raptor, that is exactly what so many people have tried to say.


It's had a good run, and while i'll miss it, Hero Factory has a lot of Set Aspects that are better. There's always a chance too for fanfiction, seeing as Hero Factory Heroes can "Travel through space and time..." Also the black hole staff.


While HF leaves us with nicer looking sets (Like Corroder IMO), Bionicle still leaves openings for Fan Fiction... as long as we keep MoCing and Writing and making Art, the sets may die but Bionicle Never really will.

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