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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour

    Palm Pilot

    It should be a fictional item. So it will never be out of date.
  2. Brappy Hour


    What posted image?
  3. Brappy Hour

    "Test" tomorrow.

    Best of wishes to you, my good friend.
  4. I'm sorry, I don't know what the font is or where to get it. It may be better asking fellow BZP artists.
  5. Brappy Hour

    Leaving Dallas

    I've got my fingers crossed then!
  6. Well. At least we got a cool doodle out of it.
  7. Brappy Hour

    Leaving Dallas

    Please tell me you'll be at BrickFair in August. D:
  8. It says they're available online now, but some are still unlisted. Still though. Any place is cheaper than ToysRus. >_<;
  9. Very nice. Downward Spiral. Hur hur hur.
  10. Your third one looks splendid. Simple design but entertaining.
  11. The previous shirt images should help. Simple is fine though.
  12. End of May, just like it says. I don't think so.
  13. Yes it must be digital, you can submit more than one, and it must be in black and white. Dimensions would be more or so the area of a sheet of paper, Png high resolution, It must be black and white. It needs to be 2003 design, and try and I'll let you know if it's alright. Nooooooooo. Yes, and try to submit your designs here.
  14. Probably the best looking, as well as the one that fits the requirements best.
  15. Brappy Hour

    End of an Internship

    My lack of activity is also disheartening. I should really think of something to do!
  16. Greetings BZPers. It's that time of the year again, and I hope you're just as artistic as ever; because it's time for another BrickFair BZPower T-Shirt contest! How about some simple rules and info shall we? Info: The theme this year will be Takanuva, in celebration of the 10th anniversary of Bionicle: Mask of Light the movie! Rules: Your design must be a simple design, and must be medium sized. You may post your entries in this thread. The Prize: The maker of the winning design will receive a free T-Shirt! That's about it. The contest will run now until the end of May. So please help BZPower look awesome at BrickFair 2013! Please feel free to ask any questions, and thanks for reading, Raptor Past Designs: 2010 2011 2012
  17. Brappy Hour


    It may seem really silly at times, but it's still a blast of nostalgia for me.
  18. Brappy Hour

    Meh... [art]

    Perfection takes time my dear.
  19. Glad you were able to showcase your creativity! Nice shirt btw.
  20. I'm trying so hard to find words or put together sentences to explain my feelings about seeing my most favorite film in a theater. The film that has impacted my life and inspired me so much, as well as the reason for half of my screenname. I was 2 yrs old when it was released, and now I had the chance to experience for myself what others had 20 yrs ago, but even better. I might even go again, and this time bring other friends and family so that they may enjoy it just as much as I. Heck. If I could. I'd bring all you fine fellows with me! If are planning to or have already seen it, I hope that that you enjoy(ed) it just as much as I have my entire life. Thanks for reading, Raptor.
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