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Brappy Hour

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Brappy Hour

  1. Brappy Hour


    I still have my deck. Ready for battle anytime. B)
  2. Hooray! Jurassic Park! Actually. The book has quite a dark tone when compared to the movie. As do many of Micheal Crichton books.
  3. Brappy Hour

    I Am Relief

    Hooray! *throws confetti*
  4. Why are you a skeleton Taka?
  5. Did they just shoehorn an entire years worth of story and sets in a 20 minute show? Seriously? And yet Ninjago and Chima get entire seasons. Why does LEGO care so little about this series? I left this comment after watching the new Hero Factory "Webisode". Which is just Hero Factory episode 9. On the video hosting site I left it on I received a couple replies, and to my surprise none of were negative. They were all positive towards my response. If you wish to see why I made this comment, and why I and many others feel this way. I suggest you watch this "webisode" and see for yourself. However there will be a series of books written by the great Greg Farshtey, as well as rumors that there may be more episodes for this year, but that doesn't help the fact that this whole event that they were advertising to be a huge battle, wasn't huge at all. It was seriously underwhelming. It's as if they made any one of the Bionicle movies 20 minutes long. It seems like LEGO is caring less and less every year. It was disappointing enough that there was only two episode for last year, and only half of that years sets were featured. Perhaps I'll dive into this more later. I don't know. I'm just hoping I can be more active around BZP. Thanks for reading, Raptor
  6. Brappy Hour

    GI Woes

    Wait. Those are real words?
  7. Brappy Hour

    Grumble Grumble

    Stupid? What's wrong with the Break of Spring?
  8. What's your preferable genre of movies?
  9. Brappy Hour


    It's always exciting to see what new idea you've made into another great MOC.
  10. I want to personally thank Jedi Master J. for purchasing the remaining BrickFair shirts. Which was A LOT of shirts. Now I can start planning on shirts for this year. I'm going to try to lower the price for the shirts for this year, and hopefully more people will be able to afford them. Speaking of BrickFair. I recently registered and paid for BrickFair VA. Plus I was able to reserve a room. Can't wait. P.S. I realized that my name changed back on it's own. I guess it wasn't meant to be? Thanks for reading, Raptor.
  11. Thank you so much for taking such great pics.
  12. Brappy Hour

    Name Change

    Thank you very much. I look forward to seeing how the change turns out. Like I said. You can always call me Raptor if you prefer. I enjoy it when people call me Raptor too.
  13. Brappy Hour

    Name Change

    Hello everyone. I decided to try out a new screen name. I've been wanting to change my name for a while, but I was always reluctant to. Now I feel more comfortable with the name that I had earned, and has a lot of meaning to me as well. If it doesn't work out, I can change it back later You can always call me Raptor, but I just felt like trying something new. I hope you like it. Thanks for reading, Silent Helper
  14. Brappy Hour

    My Weekend Plans

    Argh. You awesome man you. D:
  15. Goodness. You're quite the adventurer!
  16. Enjoy the game, friend.
  17. Brappy Hour

    Well yay!

    Most excellent!
  18. It.was only sold/given? At the San Diego Comic Con and contains a super rare disk with the logo of the SDCC No. It doesn't. They never packaged the Comic Con disks with the actual set. It's a long complicated story. The only thing valuable is the canister, that advertises an item it doesn't contain. I'll buy the Vakama right now if you're interested. $20 all together.
  19. Chima looks like LEGO Thunder Cats to me. Why are the reptiles always the bad guys.
  20. $8? Hmmmm. Well let me look through my parts.
  21. Brappy Hour


    They said it would snow here, but it didn't.
  22. Brappy Hour

    Fevers fevers

    I'm so confused. My college just started back up. Why are there so many people still taking finals? I hope you can get a 3DS. You certainly wouldn't want to miss X and Y.
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