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The Orb

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Blog Comments posted by The Orb

    • Are you mad at me for not updating my blog? Not really.
    • What's new? My birthday is the 10th 8D
    • I put in 9.25 hours at work yesterday. What did you do? Slept in and lazed around.
    • What would make a good question to put here? "Lolwut?"
    • What would be a good answer to question you put as your answer to the last question? Lolyes.
  1. Nothing is sacred except politics, religion, and the word filter

    While I love this sentence in general, politics and religion often get the best jokes.

    Oh well, doesn't make this any worse. Looks like the best comedy on BZP so far.




    How can you know the quality of something IF IT DOESN'T EXIST YET

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