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Status Updates posted by HERP DERP DERP

  1. ...and now it's Cobra Commander.

    Are you going to be Megatron next?

  2. ...and yes, I'm using this comment section like a blog. So what?

  3. ...he just got suspended for only criticising something quite politely.

    Smells like Spanish inquisition.

  4. "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."

  5. "Lol, did you know that Kalmah is actually the name of a Finnish melodic death metal band?"

    ...it is? How do you foreigners know these things better than us Finnish?

  6. A is for apple. B is for bear. V is for Vakama. C is for Carmen Sandiego.

  7. Absolutely nothing.

  8. Also, The Question wants to say this: "It's not very nice to attack a person verbally when he cannot obviously answer anything. Also, nice way to misinterpret my rant."

  9. And after finally speaking up, my member rating goes from five stars to four stars. How ironic.

  10. Are you sure? Not the Great Duck I know.

  11. Ashes to ashes, funk to funky, we know major Tom's a junkie, strung out in heaven's high...

  12. Aye, truly show your opinions and you may be banned! Turn into a mindless fanboy, and you'll be spared... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may ban our accounts, but they'll never take... OUR FREEDOM! (

  13. Because he's a communist.

  14. Beware! The Great Duck is docking into the bay!

  15. Beware. The onion ninjas are coming.

  16. Brakelatabasaasta feed him.

  17. but that makes so much sense

  18. Delet'd. And yes,I have one.

  19. Do you two ever stop fighting?

  20. Doesn't mean he can't still make comics even if he's banned.

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