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Status Updates posted by HERP DERP DERP

  1. That Zero Punctuation avatar wins.

  2. A is for apple. B is for bear. V is for Vakama. C is for Carmen Sandiego.

  3. Delet'd. And yes,I have one.

  4. Haven't had time to do it lately. I'll most likely finish it in a Short Story or Epic form,but hey,I could always make one more RPG. Time will tell.

  5. That's not a hamster. That's a Magnum,the world's most powerful hand gun.

    I don't know why it's pink,though.

  6. Are you sure? Not the Great Duck I know.

  7. ...he just got suspended for only criticising something quite politely.

    Smells like Spanish inquisition.

  8. Absolutely nothing.

  9. Some people have a birthday today. V has a birthday.

  10. Peanut butter. Yummy.

  11. Beware. The onion ninjas are coming.

  12. The great Spirit Cake Duck is coming to us,brothers. If you want to be saved,give me your money.

    And some cookies. Chocolate chip ones.

  13. Beware! The Great Duck is docking into the bay!


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