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Year 19

About Katuko

  • Birthday 01/10/1991

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  • Interests
    Computer games (I'm also making some), art (especially digital), animation, manga and anime.

    Genres: Sci-fi and fantasy mostly, but most anything can be good if done right.

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  1. Hey, can I take from your post in the desktop thread that you're familiar with the Touhou series of games?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Katuko


      There have been more recent Castlevania games on the DS as well as Playstation 3, XBOX 360 and PSP. :) The series is not as well-known as Mario, of course, but it's still big. Symphony of the Night, as well as Super Metroid, actually coined the term "Metroidvania"; referring to a game in which you back and forth and gather upgrades in order to reach new areas of one massive "world map". Both Dracula's castle (the "Castlevania" of the title) and planet Zebes fro...

    3. Blue Dragon

      Blue Dragon

      I see. I'm not sure about Castlevania, but I might try out Touhouvania.

      That aside, do you, aside from Sakuya, any other Touhou characters you like?

    4. Katuko


      Well, from what I can see Touhouvania plays almost identical in physics to Symphony of the night, just saying, if you like the feel of it.


      As for characters, let's see... I like Marisa, due to her antics. Thieving little witch with an attitude. :D Remilia as well, at least her plotline in Hisoutensoku was pretty funny to me. I also like Reisen, perhaps for being a blazer-wearing bunny girl with (literally!) crazy laser powers. I also like each of these character's theme...

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