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Advent Child

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Everything posted by Advent Child

  1. IC: Spencer's eyes widened as he saw Angel coming closer, and with a yelp, he bounded off of the wall, leaving a splash of quickly created webbing in his wake hoping Angel would fly into it. The webspinner swung along the ceiling of the Danger Room, sticking to the opposite wall while he waited for Angel to react.
  2. OOC: A few points from a different point of view. One, sure, a vacuum couldn't contain itself, if it was self manifesting. But this vacuum is being generated by superpowers. Different laws apply. The vacuum is being consciously generated and contained, meaning the air wouldn't refill the space at a proper rate until the power itself ceases being used. Two, while all of this Quicksilver is ka-dead stuff may have been pre-approved, that doesn't mean another RPer on the opposing side can't try and stop it. To be going off about that is just silly. Three, A forcefield was placed around Quicksilver around last page, I believe? So aside from possibly the electrocution, nothing else should have hit or hurt him. just saying. Continuing on, while the use of direct affecting powers is usually frowned upon, his particular ability, the ability to affect something so elusive as probability should be handled with care on both sides. It's not as if the gu exploded, or ceased working entirely. It misfired once. It's not that bad.And moving on to another subject, one that's been bothering me, how is practucally the whole Brotherhood and an island full of people having this much trouble against a girl with arrows, a lone super-soldier, a gguy in a metal suit and a plastic robot? Because it seems like the Brotherhood has superior statistical ability, and yet our super-speedster magnetism controlling leader is apparently dead, and the only reason a member of the opposing team is out of commission is because she knocked herself out. It seems like we're only here to lose. And that makes me kind of sad.IC: Asura plowed along through the prison, trying to find the confiscated items storeroom, or wherever they were being held. He figured it was time to pawn off some items and make some side cash.
  3. IC: Asura nodded in a very satisfied manner. "Well don't that just beat all. Alright, well you guys start heading out. Bust some heads, hop on the plane. Whatever works for you."Turning to Rosalina, he replied "Sounds good. Looks like we're almost ready to get out of here, then."Finally, to the new arrival, "No clue. But I'll be glad to help you look. There's bound to be some kind of cool **** in there that I can take off their hands."
  4. IC: Asura grinned. "Funny you should ask! Turns out that's exactly why me and mine are here! To break this can of worms we call Riker's wide open, and get as many of you out as we can. Got a plane outside and everything. Feel like bustin' this joint?"
  5. IC: It took Asura a moment to realize that he was speaking to the Lizard. His initial mental reaction, despite all of the weird things he's seen, let alone what he can do was 'Talking lizard... huhwha?!?'. His brain caught up soon enough though, and he responded in kind. "How 'ya doing? Nice day, eh?"
  6. IC: Once the unibeam had stopped, Asura's various arms had gotten the chance to heal up with nothing impeding his healing factor. Not entirely, but enough for them to be of far more use. When Iron Man pressed off of the wall, Asura side stepped, then reached out and grabbed Iron Man's leg with two arms as he passed, letting the escape flight pull him along... Or at least, that was the plan. Once the Rhino broke through the wall, Asura abandoned that and backstepped far harder, trying to not be in the path of two different charging objects. Yeah, Asura was strong, but that was just too much of a disadvantage for his liking.
  7. IC: As fast as Asura had been charging, dodging the blast was practically impossible, so Asura crossed another two arms over his face and tanked the beam, the blast burning the skin off of his forearms. The mutant roared with rage as the blast continued searing his arms, but began pressing forward into the beam, rage and adrenaline fueling his already impressive strength. When he got as close as he could to Iron Man, he placed two of his hands over the unibeam emitter, holding the blast in that on spot, damage to his hands be da***d. With his two non blasted hands, Asura began raining blows at Iron Man's face, while the two that he was using for nothing began to heal, Asura's healing factor kicking in where it could.---Adrian sat and acted as if he was listening as Beast's chemistry class droned on, but in all honesty, he was more wondering about the people who had arrived at the school earlier. It seems like the whole thing had just blown over, but as far as Adrian was concerned, that just seemed like the way the faculty was acting so as to not disrupt the students. Bothersome...---Not too far away, Nero had fallen asleep at his desk. Video gaming all night was a terrible idea.---Spencer watched as the students continued to throw down with the original X-Men, not knowing exactly where to jump in. Combat wasn't exactly his specialty. Not that he couldn't fight, at least, on paper. But his combat senses weren't exactly honed, so jumping in wasn't the best idea for him at the moment.
  8. IC: Asura tried to cross four of his arms in front of him as fast as he could, but at that range was still hit in the chest and sent skidding back, furrows digging into the ground as he fought to maintain his upright position. When he finally stopped, Asura's raised his head revealing a dark grin. "That tickles." Asura then began bull rushing at Iron Man, skin returning to normal, then his various arms shifting to have intricate openings along the elbows, and a strange piston looking bone protrusion along the forearms. with the stone and metal no longer weighing him down, Asura picked up speed far more easily, two arms crossed in front of his face, and the other four pulled back to attack.
  9. IC: Iron Man's energy blast scorched through the air, but made contact with nothing as Asura yanked Prototype out of the path of the beam with one arm. "Pretty sure shooting at your date is frowned upon too, shellhead." The morphing mutant's other five arms all swung intent to crash on Iron Man in unison, bundles of kinetic energy making Asura a terrible force to be reckoned with at the moment.
  10. IC: Mid flight to Iron Man, Asura noted not only the Hard Light dome forming and the tear gas spreading within, but also Demon appearing in front of Howard. Asura cursed, then reached out and grabbed the leg of a wrecked sentinel as he was passing to slow his momentum. He used it to pull himself to the ground, then ripped off the sentinel leg, and started twirling using the massive leg to blow the tear gas away towards one side of the dome. When he had dispersed it enough, Asura dropped the leg, and started running back towards where the source of the gas was, odd plating shifting over his nose and mouth.If the person who dropped the gas was anywhere near there, Asura was about to make their stay at the Pain Hotel a very unpleasant one.
  11. OOC: From this point on, Nero will be posting in Purple. Dunno if anyone cares, but to avoid any confusion if ya do, there ya go.IC: By this point, Asura had been causing so much havoc that he had spawned another four arms and had bulked up again, stone/adamantium hybrid spikes erupting from his joints furthering his monstrous look. It was all kins of rare that he got to indulge this much. He had just plowed through another Sentinel and skidded to a stop when he heard a multitude of random speeches from wannabe heroes. "Oh look. The cavalry has arrived. A bunch of zeroes lookin' for some schoolin' as far as I can tell. Consider me more than glad to provide. Class is in session, (expletive deletive referring to multiple dogs of the female gender)!"Asura had begun dragging a sentinel torso behind him in at this point, an spun twice before hurling the thing with ridiculous force at the gundam reject, then slammed his fists into the ground to propel himself at "Iron" Man. More like Foil Man, if you asked Asura.---Nero had finally remembered what he was forgetting.Classes.Nero briefly considered freaking out, but realized it was most definitely a lost cause, so decided there was no use crying over spilled milk, and headed to the cafeteria. It seemed like everyone was pressed up against the windows or staring out of them in some way, so Nero decided to take advantage and grab some eats while there was minimal line.---Adrian was one of the many students gazing out the window, trying to see what was going on with the group of X-Men outside. He idly munched on a sandwich as time passed, hoping nothing particularly volatile started. That would be just too much work to bother with.
  12. OOC: A new character, as approved by Flex.Name: Adrian RavenwoodCodename: PeacemakerAge: 19Gender: MaleFaction: X-MenPower(S): Superhuman Durability: Capable of withstanding explosions, bullets and piercing weapons with little trouble, the durability level is dependent on aspects of Adrian's fatigue level; the more tired he is as a result of being attacked/being in combat, the less durability he has, so constant fighting, wear and tear will lead to him becoming more and more vulnerableEnhanced Strength: Capable of lifting between 2-4 tonsNull Wind: Adrian's primary power is the reason for his codename; Adrian is capable of exuding a field which negates the effects of abilities non-physical in nature, an ability he uses to swiftly bring peace to conflict. This field specifically only negates the effects if they are affecting him, anyone else within the field will still be affected by any abilities used while in the field. People caught within the field aside from Adrian, instead of being unaffected by abilities, will have their injuries "nullified", slowly healing as long as they're within the field. Adrian himself absolutely cannot heal with this ability, much to his dismay.To provide an in action example, we'll say a fireball or energy bolt gets tossed at Adrian. The projectile would still have been thrown, but it would disperse harmlessly on contact with Adrian. If projecting the Null Wind in field form, anyone else hit by the projectile while in the field will still get burned/hurt, but as long as they're in the field, the injury will slowly heal. Appearance: Adrian stands at 6 foot 4, an absolute tree of a man. His muscle tone is impressive, though he's not all bulging rippling muscle. He has a fair face, handsome enough to be a looker, but not the be all and end all. Adrian's bright heterochromatic blue and green eyes constantly give off some sort of skeptic glint from behind his thin wire framed glasses. Adrian's teeth are a tad sharper than usual, making his grin seem fairly intimidating, but it's not a vibe he tries to give off. He has rather stupidly long blue, almost black hair, usually kept back in a low ponytail tied at the base of his hair as opposed to the base of his neck, leaving a fair bit to frame his face. Adrian usually dresses very casually, wearing a loose t-shirt, fairly relaxed jeans and comfortable sneakers.Weapons: NoneSkills: Adrian has a rather impressive ability to keep his cool and maintain his concentration, even when it seems like he's reacting emotionally. This makes him capable of intricate plans and reactions even when it seems like he's off balance. Adrian is also an instinctively excellent fighter, having both partaken in and stopped a great many fights in his time. Finally, Adrian is an excellent swimmer, and can hold his breath for extreme extents. This has also increased his overall stamina and lung strength, both of which prove quite useful.Personality: Adrian is lazy as all get out by nature, so he primarily prefers not fighting and maintaining peace so he doesn't have to deal with the high intensity. This runs contrary to the way he carries himself, however, as he can sometimes be fairly quick tongued and sarcastic, occasionally causing himself far more trouble than he would like. He's a fairly relaxed guy at the end of the day, but Adrian doesn't well tolerate fools or those who abuse the weak, or ignite conflict for no reason.Weakness: Adrian's Null Wind has to be consciously maintained if extended; if his concentration is broken, the Null Wind fades back to only himself. When not extended, he has the inverse issue; he must consciously turn it off, as he can't be affected by even beneficial abilities, which means if something were to hurt him, he could not be healed unless he actively shut the field off. In addition, Adrian's Null Wind field is indiscrimate, so heroes and villains alike within the field will be healed, regardless of how Adrian feels about it. Finally, due to the density of his bones and muscles, it's far harder for Adrian to heal from wounds and such, even if someone is actively healing him. Power aside, Adrian has little to no options at far range, and so must bring most if not all of his fights face to face.Bio: As far as Adrian is aware, from what he was told, Adrian was left at the Xavier institute from a young age, abandoned by parents who were unwilling to handle the life of raising a mutant. Adrian grew up content with his Institute family, however, and so does not think too much about what could have been. As he gained more and more control over his abilities, Adrian took to intercepting and stopping fights. At the moment, he lives as a student studying for an extra year at the institute. He hasn't joined the X-Men yet as a full member yet, preferring to remain as a reserve member up until the situation gets truly grim. But it seems like that grim time is coming...
  13. IC: Now bored, Nero rolled back into the school and headed back to his room. Honestly, going back to sleep just seemed so much more inviting than waiting for something to happen with whoever the visitors were. Plus, Nero was pretty sure he was seeing things, because he could have sworn most of them looked like students at the school; Ashlynn in particular stuck out when she confronted the other redhead...Nero decided not to think about it anymore, and continued on.
  14. IC: Nero's window wasn't too far from the front gate of the mansion, so the constant back and forthing eventually woke him up. Rather sluggishly, he dragged himself to his chair, and wheeled over to his dresser where he grabbed some clothes, then hit a washroom to freshen up as best he could, before changing, and beginning to make his way down to the first floor, where he wheeled to just outside the front door to see what was going on. It took a minute for him to start paying attention, as he fell asleep in his chair at least twice, but eventually, he caught his morning wind. Something niggled in his brain that made him wonder if he was forgetting something, but he couldn't quite remember what it was, too sleepy, so he ignored it.
  15. IC: Nero had rolled slightly when the gate exploded, hearing it even in his sleep, but his subconscious chalked it up to part of a dream, and so he continued sleeping hard.
  16. IC: Spencer crawled into the classroom from the top of the open doorway, and zipped over to his seat across the ceiling, dropping into it with a soft plop. "Whew. Barely made it!" he sighed in relief.---Nero snored on. It was english class for him, or at least, it was supposed to be. Instead, sleep continued to hinder his educational progress. Ah well.
  17. IC: Spencer had been up since 5:30 crouched in his window ledge watching the sun illuminate the sky. Spencer sighed before closing some of his eyes, and pulling his hat down low over a majority of them, only leaving his most normal eyes visible. He then washed, and slipped into clothes for the day before heading down to the cafeteria. A little breakfast was necessary before any work could get done.---Nero snored into a pillow, blissfully unaware of the time due to him having blown up yet another alarm clock. He would get up at some point, but it wouldn't be now.
  18. OOC: That would be something cool! Reminds me of the twin musicians from Kung Fu Hustle (provided you've seen that movie.).IC: Leaping from the destroyed head of his third Sentinel, Asura landed in the spine of a retreating enforcer, then used his body like a cannonball, tossing him into another enforcer who went flying a small distance. Laughing semi-maniacally, Asura's form flexed and grew slightly larger, and he pressed on towards another Sentinel.
  19. OOC: Yessir. I thought it would be cool to have a wheelchair bound character, since so many people are acrobatic/practice Parkour in this RPG. I've been having some sincere fun playing the character, though I haven't gotten to do anything particularly huge with him.IC: After blasting through "Through the Fire and Flames", Nero settled in for a more relaxed ride (by comparison) by playing "One".
  20. OOC: Wow, Ultimate Elijah sure sounds cool. A very interesting design choice, and radically different from his regular universe counterpart. At least, aesthetically.IC: Nero wheeled back into his room from grabbing a cup of coffee, and turned his sound system volume up to high, making sure to block the sound in the hallway as he got down in some Guitar Hero 3. An oldie but a goodie.
  21. IC: Asura cracked his neck again, and dropped to one knee as a stone/metal hybrid coating covered his skin from head to toe. Looking now more like a golem of destruction than a man, Asura smirked viciously. "Let's get this party started."Asura took off at a run out of the plane, rushing towards the closest enforcers he could find, and batting them aside like so much dust in the wind before leaping up to a Sentinel's chest, climbing up to it's face, and beginning to pound at it's face plate with obscene fury.
  22. IC: Asura nodded, a rather content look on his face. "Now that's more like it. I like your style, comrade." he leaned back a little in his seat, excitement now driving his fingers constant drumming as opposed to boredom.
  23. IC: Asura laughed and made a rude gesture at Windrider. "Says balloon boy over here. Ain't you a funny one? Why don't you wiggle your little fingers and bring some wind to our sails, eh?"
  24. IC: Asura cracked his knuckles repeatedly, boredom rocking his brain. "This flight needs to hurry up and touch down." he muttered irritatedly.---Some solid brawling later, Nero had switched to CoD, busting through games like a hot knife through butter.
  25. IC: Nero had settled in and was ready for a solid night of gaming. He would, as usual, come to regret this in the morning. Woe be to his new alarm clock.---Spencer hoped into his room via the window after his conversation with Jordan. It was probably a good time to take a solid nap.OOC: Nero and Spencer ready for the timeskip.
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