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Status Updates posted by Neaku

  1. How do I does buy money.

  2. welllllll it is only $7 c_c

  3. I noo ;-; I kinda want to renew it, but I dunno. It costs money. :(

  4. hooow good B)

  5. Okay I went to your profile and I was pretty amazed at all the stuff you have. mine is so basic :(

    also friended

  6. :o

    okay downloaded this is awesome

  7. I don't know how to work, so maybe there is a way to play specific songs, but all I know is that you can play the band "radio" or whatever. :/

  8. yeah thats what I loved about it, it is just annoying adding music and stuff.. I dunno I like to choose specific songs to listen to. =/

  9. I do, but I have not used it recently, and I never really used it before too.

    maybe I should start again. :L

  10. wow you and chunky man, dat banner man oh god its lovely.

  11. yo dude I was walking through chinatown and saw LP4's album art on the door of a shop. my hopes skyrocketed but I looked at the shop and looked inside and there was nothing even remotely related to music.

    wait wut

  12. Oh haha no, that's Ratatat's new album art. I dunno what kinda bird they are though.

  13. Name change because B)

    and what about seagulls?

  14. Even cooler name B)

    Also cool banner

  15. I usually don't listen to it as an album, so I just skip some songs. oh god all this ratatat is making me really excited


  17. zomg just stalking and noticed 9 Beats. zomg one four six and nine ruuuule

  18. I missed commenting back on your profile by like a minute. :( and yesssss LP3 is amazing. LP4 is coming out I think like May 17th, so I'm super pumped.

  19. calm thyself, I'll do it, but I have homework and internet banishment at 11. IT SUCKS

  20. you must teach me how to make image dumps like that... or is it just a moderately long .gif?

  21. ohemgee I never noticed your av's abilities. :3

  22. Squirtle from the original episodes!

  23. I love it~~~~

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