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Ptolemy - The Risen

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Everything posted by Ptolemy - The Risen

  1. The :angry: Mood: Stupid Chase Daniel and stupid defense...grr. Good job, I guess, Oklahoma. Go kill Florida now, kaythanksbai. But MIZZOU is still my favorite .
  2. Hey! :angry: I stand by my opinions I said in the topic. Texting was invented so teenage girls could dump their boyfriends. Simple as that. ~~Hasta la Vista No no no, I didn't mean that sarcasm meaning only you. I probably used sarcasm as much as you did, mate...And I agree with that statement. Even though I've seen guys use it more like that.
  3. The :angry: Mood: SO have any of you heard of the artist (as in music) "A Fine Frenzy"? I found out about her through Pandora Radio and I'm really liking her music. It's very pleasant. You should check her out and get back to me on what you think.
  4. Honestly, depending on how much you want, I'll buy....
  5. Is there any reason in particular? Or just a preference?
  6. And also, if you read, you'd know that I'm talking about excessive texting (like whole what would take more then ten minutes in talking, worth of conversation...).
  7. I know, I kinda started that whole thing. That's why I reported it (I guess after you already closed it?). Sarcasm led to more sarcasm led to...yeah.
  8. No, I reported it myself. It erupted into a flame war, largely due to my retorts. Oh hi there Shard. Didn't expect to see you here.
  9. The :angry: Mood: Okay, texting. What is it with younger teenagers, and even older teenagers?!?!?!? Why are they so addicted to it? It doesn't make sense!!! In my opinion, that's just like saying, "Hey, I don't think you're important enough to talk to on the phone like traditional, so I'm going to send you text because I'm lazy." Now now, this does not refer to people who text every so often, or as a means to tell people where they are. I'm talking about those who have long drawn-out conversations with people. And TEXTING IN SCHOOL! STOP!!! All that CLICKING ANNOYS PEOPLE! It really does! You know what I did one time? I told the teacher as I got up to go to the bathroom that so-and-so was texting and distracting me. And later in the class the teacher walks down the row and catches her texting (I laughed my behind off). And before you say anything about that, it was perfectly in my right, because it was distracting me from learning (which I need to do in that class because my grades are slipping). It really is one thing I hate. AND I HAVE HAD TEXTING IN THE PAST. I don't see why people are so addicted to it. Like, okay, especially when you're hanging out with FRIENDS or significant others. PUT THE PHONE AWAY. My girlfriend, whenever we are together, if she gets her phone out, I take it and put it in my pocket. And she doesn't pout or anything, because she know's she broke my number one rule of not texting while we're together, unless its important. Now back to school. If you're just doing that to be rebellious, I can tell you, there are MANY things that are more fun and rebellious. Most I cannot mention, and some have repercussions, but the truth is they are a lot more entertaining then annoying other people with senseless clicking. Okay My rant is over....The Irate Pirate.
  10. The :angry: Mood: So yes, everybody recovered from Turkey day? I hope so. I'm better than ever. And ahem...though they may have lost to Kansas (very close game mind you), Mizzou is going to take on Oklahoma for the Big 12 Championship!!! I mean, last year they lost to Oklahoma twice but...we can hope for a miracle, right? Aheh...right? (I seriously don't think Mizzou will win, Oklahoma is top notch, but a fan can wish... ...for a Gold and Black Miracle). In other words... MIZZOU!!! And also, from now on this won't be daily, but it won't be weekly either. It'll be like every 2 or 3 days, I think .
  11. Tongue Burning is the absolute worst...
  12. The :angry: Mood: :wakeup2: Ahhhh.....so, we're almost done with the famed Thanksgiving weekend. How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Did everyone have fun? Feel free to comment and tell me about yours! As for me....I WORKED. Yes, while, because it was a holiday I made like $12.07 an hour, STILL....and because it was a hospital, we totally got free Thanksgiving food...but still, I didn't get to see my nephews and nieces and stuff.... But I spent the night at a friend's Thursday night....we tried to make a chocolate pie but it was too watery....and it burned my hand REALLY bad...And yesterday I hung out with more friends and we shot things with BB guns and then went to Pizza Street and finally went to see "City of Ember" at the dollar show. I LOVED IT. I mean, it should have explained why the city was made anyway (you never really find out), but I think it was still good, and the music was stellar.
  13. It did...but I eated it...

  14. Really? You've been wondering what "Irate" meant for a while? Dictionary? :P

  15. The :angry: Mood: Ecstatic My girlfriend and I got back together! Hurrah! And I got no sleep this night, AGAIN, hurrah!
  16. Awww I love Pon and Zi!!!! :D

  17. It means "angry". So I'm "The Angry Pirate". Only if you have irate and you mispronounce pirate, it sounds the same. i-rate pie-rate

  18. The :angry: Mood: I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm talking to my now-ex tonight...
  19. The :angry: Mood: Well my girlfriend HASN'T done it yet (that's why I'm still calling her yet) but she will tonight, when she calls me. I told her over aim that, "I won't accept it over this....it's not right." Because it isn't. Breaking up over aim just isn't right, or messages, etc...I already cried so I think everything's gonna be a little better. We're still going to be friends. So that's good. She's a good person. ? I don't know. Not a good mood, not AS BAD a mood.... Oh yeah and this is going to be my blog of the day, because all we did at school today was watch movies, go over tests, and, at least for me, sleep.
  20. The :angry: Mood: B) Well today it was Kourtni's birthday, so we all met up at the school parking lot (all 15 of us) and drove our little caravan to St. Louis. EVERYONE got lost once we got in the city, because mapquest didn't think about all the roadwork...My car was the last to reach our destination. This resulted in a very angry argument with one of the other guys there, whom was giving us "directions" that were very very horrible. I wanted to kill him, quite literally. But we started having fun. The City Museum is a pretty fun place. We climbed all over the place, slid down a couple stories on a use spiral slide. We played hide-and-go-seek in the caverns. And the funnest thing we did was probably going into the ball pit. We had such a blast pelting each other with balls. Except for me. When I jumped in there were no balls where I landed and my knee hit the concrete pretty hard...And then I kept getting hit in the head hard enough to make my head hit the concrete too...It was still fun though, because I got revenge several hundred times... Getting out of the city took forever too...Gosh I'm such an aggressive angry driver, I'm surprised no one got killed....
  21. The :angry: Mood: Going to the City Museum for my friend Kourtni's 18th Birthday...Let's see how this plays out....
  22. The :angry: Mood: Ecstaaatic! So the day was typical. Well, a typical Saturday, in any case. Woke up, had my :wakeup2: and hopped on the computer. Around 11 I gave my girlfriend a call to wake her up and try to coordinate some sort of gameplan today before I had to go to work. No such luck - she was out (and by out I mean, like, sleeping heavily). Determined to not let my day go down in flames because of her sleepiness, I call my now-college friend Willy and find out what he's doing. To my surprise and delight, he is doing nothing; and neither is our other friend Charles. We all decide to go to the mall to buy our friend Kourtni a present for her birthday (which is today, the 23rd). As we get to the mall, we get asked by an information gathering place to give them input for upcoming movies surveys, and we decide to do it for like 2 bucks apiece. It was really stupid...and I hate old people even more for their slow typing skills. We were really hungry afterward and went to the food court. To my great sadness, Panda Express was really really packed so I had subway with them instead - I had the Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki Toasted Sub. It was delicious . It always makes me drool. Then we went to Spencer's to get Kourtni her gift. It took us forever because we are teenagers and highly amused at shirts and whatnot and all the other shenanigans that is housed by Spencer's Emporium of Awesomeness. We really wanted to get Kourtni something "good". And finally we found out what we wanted, and bought it. No I won't say what "it" is. Suffice it to say that it is something we cannot mention on these forums because of its explicit nature. Then I had to go to work - blech! - and I thought my good day was over. BUT ALAS! - the ANGELS SING!. There were only 128 patients! We got off like half an hour earlier then usual. Using this for momentum (much like baseball teams going into the world series: Go Cards?), I first tried to call my friend Bri who lives in Maryland. She's a very sweet, amazing girl who I had the priviledge of meeting through my ex...but have not had the priviledge to physically meet. We have, however, made plans to meet up our senior year in a giant joint St. Charles - Her City (I forgot it XD) Road trip across the U.S. of A. Anyway, she didn't answer, so I called Kayluh (girlfriend) to see if she was able to do anything. She was hanging out with her friend (coincidentally named Alex, like me), so I decided to call Willy. We decide, we guys need a "Guys Night IN!" and I go over to Charles' and call him as I pull in the driveway, tell him the plan and ask him if he's in. "Yes," he says. "Good, because I'm outside!" I reply. . Sneaky sneaky. After getting the two to my house, complete with popcorn and marijuana-looking tea, we decide to grab Kourtni too, and I drive over there and pick her up. And yes, it still was a "Guys Night IN!" XD. She's one of us, the same as us in all except sex. And smell. Her hoody usually smells like smoke or marijuana because of her mom... Anyway, so we watch Trophic Thunder and The Comebacks Unrated. Tropic Thunder was just AMAZING and we loved every second of it...well...almost every second. The Comebacks Unrated was kinda stupid. I saw The Comebacks in theatres and the unrated version wasn't really any better (if you know what I mean...) so it was sort of a let down. After that I took everyone home and that's the end of the story! The end!
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