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Ptolemy - The Risen

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Everything posted by Ptolemy - The Risen

  1. The :angry: . First off, let me just say: So mood, yeah, pretty dang good. My morning started as usual, except a difference I kept hitting the alarm clock and kept turning it off so I just barely had enough time to do my stuff. Then off to school, I was! German was kind of annoying, I really wasn't in the mood to talk, much less in a complete other language. U.S. History was pretty enjoyable. After finishing up a video on the Civil War, Mr. Freeman let us chat the rest of class (which I used to sleep). Then there was fun old orchestra and finished it off with typing an essay for AP Language (yes, I have two AP English courses). So after all of dumb school, I picked up my friend Jason and called my girlfriend to see if she was coming (but she had a wake to go to). So it was just us two guys on guys night out and we went to Wehrenberg, picked up the two tickets I ordered this morning and got in line for 'Twilight.' The movie was, surprisingly, good. I liked it more than I thought I would and I think I may buy it eventually. But what happened AROUND the movie was hilarious. Before it started, it took like 10-20 minutes longer because of technical difficulties. After a short period of silence, some girl a few rows up and to the right yelled: "FREEZE! Everybody clap your hands!" (if you don't know that song....sad...) And everybody clapped. And then during the movie, at the part where Edward walks into the light...the film 'sploded...meaning it was too close to the lens and melted. The manager came in and calmed us down (there was about to be a riot). In the end we all got free tickets....yaaaay. End of story.
  2. So I will be blogging now, of my daily life, as The :angry: ...yes, The Irate Pirate. Today started off with a BANG as I began early early early in the morning trying to finish up reading "Heart of Darkness" as well as annotating it...Boy, THAT was fun. I didn't even finish it and soon fell asleep on the floor of my room. I woke up in time to take my usual shower and drove off to school, where I finished up what I could of the very very horrible book before AP Literature. Then in that class we were discussing the novela while I, being the diligent student that I am, decided I should do some review for the Pre-Calculus test...which I tried before my teacher snatched by Calc. book away...*sigh* another zero. But I did do well in that test the next hour... The rest of school was uneventful save for a Pre-Physics test that was a breeze. After school, after arguing with my girlfriend about plans for this weekend, we went to the mall and watched Saw V, which I thought was okay, me never having seen a Saw movie before...And now here I am...I'm pretty sure I'll get better at these in the future, but I'm sleepy - yes that's my excuse. Goodnight. :angry: over and out.
  3. I mean, I do have facial hair...but that's just....not me on the left XD.

  4. There isn't, but you can go with a higher grade student as their date (as I did).

  5. Lol, I'm not old and hairy :P.

  6. Nope, I've only went to Homecoming this year (my Junior year). I went to Prom as a sophomore last year though (Junior date). I just really wasn't interested in school stuff until this year...

  7. Did you do the truthbox comment "You need to get back into Harry Potter" or something like that?

  8. Ouch that hurt my arm! What's up!?

  9. Nothing much, keeping up with a bunch of school stuff and the girl...:P

  10. awww i wasn't on when it was your birthday :(, sorry, HAPPY late BIRTHDAY :(! Um...that's me and a member of "Building Rome" a local band, in a Slackers.

  11. Pretty good, but school's started again :(.

  12. You won't get it. It's an inside joke between me and Bri.

  13. No this is not my profile.

  14. Hmm, thank ya ^_^. We are starting a race together, and that's why I had to do the pic XD.

  15. pretty good i just got my profile picture changed! now i just gotta wait till i can change my name to match it! :D

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