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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Blog Entries posted by CzaR

  1. CzaR
    The MoC
    As for the story, I regret to inform you all that I have been denied on my quest to NW Brickcon this year. I had planned on going for a long time, after missing Brickfest I vowed not to miss this one. However life has reared its ugly head again and I am strapped for cash since I am still waiting for my old job to call me back to work. Plus the trasportation and babysitting issues are going to keep me at home. That MoC was going to be one of 3 others I had planned to showcase there. My apologies go out to Roa McToa, who I had told I would be attending after her gracious invite. Please do not smite me Roa! I did not want this to happen but I suppose I am going to have to wait for another year. I may still be able to mail in some of my work, I am hopeful.
  2. CzaR
    Hapori Tohu!
    Well, thats my take on ol Hap anyway. I always pictured him similar to Mata Nui, a white/silver and slender being. MoC has full articulation, you can read all about it Here. Too early to tell how far this entry will go, but I am hopeful to make the semi-final round of voting this time around. I have a semi-final streak going dating back to BBC 39 so I am hoping to keep that in tact after BBC 44!
    One more thing of note, this is my first ever MoC that features the Chrome Hau, that I have owned for several years now.
  3. CzaR
    I had to go shopping for some things today, so I went to Rite Aid and found this for sale at 5 bucks!

    At last I have a little bit more brown, maybe now I can actually build another MoC with brown. To date I have only ONE build with brown parts. They also had some rhotuka spinner packs but I have a ton of those anyway.
  4. CzaR
    So far I will have these MoCs on deck:
    War Worm
    Chromium Annelida
    Pink Floyd
    Geometric Rose
    I hope to get a few more done before its time. Im open to suggestions! What MoCs of mine should go?
  5. CzaR
    I always knew it was there, but until just very recently, I never knew how to do it.
    The game is Simcity for Super Nintendo. You might remember I had a blog entry on this game before. Since it was released in 1991, I found myself hooked on this game, it is simple yet extremely complex at the same time. I have been doing searches online since I had the internet, looking for the elusive debug code for this game. Nothing ever surfaced.
    But now, it has finally been revealed. If anyone is interested, here is the code:
    Debug Menu:
    Load or start a new city, then choose END from the Save/Load menu. When the "See you soon!" screen appears, press the following on controller 2: Left, A, Right, Y, Up, B, Down, X, Select, Start, Start, Select, R, R, L, L. Press Up or Down to scroll through the options, and press Left or Right to toggle them on or off. To activate the selected features, change MEMORY to SET and reset the SNES (they will remain active even if you power off). To deactivate everything, go back into the menu, change MEMORY to CLR, and press B.
    The code enables things that were never before thought possible. Why it took 18 years for it to surface just baffles me. I have several video gaming sites bookmarked, none of them ever had it. I am guessing that the person who contributed the code must have been a game developer, no one else could have possibly known the code. I am now tinkering around with it on my SNES console, I should have some pics soon of the ultimate city, with a record population mark.
  6. CzaR
    With any luck Ill have a small demo area set up for some of my stuff. I cannot attend all of it though, I must leave on Saturday after the event is over for that day, cant miss too much work now! I plan on bringing the camera and having full updates from brickcon in the blog, so stay tuned and you might get some exclusives!
  7. CzaR
    Just got kicked off Brawling with Laka and Kohaku, and I got my rear end handed to me. Only won once on a fluke!
    To complicate matters, I cannot seem to find my nunchuck controller, so getting used to these new controller configurations is taking its toll on my skills. I seem to be doing the best with just the wiimote, but I needs my nunchuck! Good games!
  8. CzaR
    Well I got to work today and settled in, little did I know the day I would have.
    A truck pulls up to our outer gas pumps, and calls for me to open it. I do, and routinely jot down the license plate numbers, vehicle model/color, and driver description. After he fills about 58 dollars, I notice he is acting strangely and I exit the store to check on him. As I walk up, he starts his truck, so now I know he is going to try and get away.
    Probably not my smartest move, but I was angry, I chase after the truck and slam my fist into his window to get his attention. He looks at me with a look of fright, acclerates very quickly, knocking my elbow on his front headlight very hard and drives away like a mainiac. He would have ran me over without a second thought, and nearly did had I not pulled away when I did. I could see it in his eyes that he was desperate, but still I was very angry and my adrenaline was pumping like crazy.
    Once I get back into the store, I notice blood coming down my arm, and see a gash on my elbow. I must have been so pumped off the rush I didnt feel how bad the injury was. I called the police, they took a report and picture of my injury. They also told me to never ever do that again. Turns out the guy is an escaped convict in a stolen vehicle. I will be pressing charges if he is found, if the thinks he scared me he is oh so wrong. Quite a day at the job!
  9. CzaR
    I still refuse to pay 12 bucks for a Mistika set. In fact the only new sets I have actually purchased are Rockoh and Mazeka, which I sold. Do not get me wrong, I want a Gorast/Bitil/Krika just as bad as the next bloke, but I cannot bring myself to shell out the dough.
    So, am I a cheapskate?
  10. CzaR
    Well I have decided to go for the lego ambassador thing, which you can read more on Here. So lets start with my lego origins.
    Lego Origins
    The year was about 1986, I was only 5 years old. At Toys R Us, I noticed a cool looking building set, I believe it was This set. Anyway I got it home and had some trouble with it, being so young. However it was fun and eventually I built it the correct way. Ever since that day I was hooked, I got all the huge sets like the Futuron Monorail and Airport Shuttle. Then my mom bought me 2 sets that changed my view on LEGO Bricks. They were Nautica and my favorite all time lego set, the Mega Core Magnetizer. For the first time I thought about using those parts for building my own creations or (MoC). Back then I never knew the huge world of customized building and just built simple spaceships, that was the dawn of my MoCing career. I am now 27 years old and find my intrest in lego at its peak.
    Up until 2005, I never really was involved with the lego community other than being a club member. Then I found BZP forums and once I saw that there were so many other people who were interested in not only Bionicle, but all lego themes I knew I had to join. Since then I have had a sucessful MoCing experience, with both positive and negative feedback, with the help of the people of BZP, my building skill took a great leap and I began to build things I never thought possible. Last year I met a man named Dan Parker, who is one of 6 people worldwide who lego endorses to educate people on building and other school related aspects such as Mindstorms and Robotics. When I entered his shop (Brickworld Cafe in Tacoma Washington), I told him he has my dream job. I would love to travel and teach others about lego. I left him a link to my Brickshelf Gallery and said if he ever thought my stuff was good enough to contact me and we can set up a display for his store. Since then him and I have agreed on a display piece but I have yet to set up the actual display. I frequent several lego forums online and some lego themed blogs. I would say that I have become somewhat well known in the lego community, though I have wanted to, I have not yet been able to attend a live event like Brickfest due to personal issues. I love working with children and would gladly impart any knowledge I could.
    Lego Experience
    I have a vast amount of lego parts, most of which can be found Here and Here. Though most of my works are strictly Technic/Bionicle, I have a few System works also and enjoy all mediums of lego. Skillfully, I have come a long way since I was a child, I often find myself building large scale creations as I like the visual impact of them. I have done some online trading and think I am a trustworthy trader. I also have sold several sets that people have contacted me about via email with no complaints.
    About Me
    Not too much to say here, I get along well with other people and work in customer service. I have a daughter and we enjoy lego together. I am a family man and spend most of my time working and have my recreational habits such as video games and sports.
    So there you have it, if you wish to nominate me include some of my credentials and know that I am thankful.
  11. CzaR
    After many hours of grinding, my attempt at a perfect file for the first half of this game, Final Fantasy VI Advance, is nearly complete. Those of you who have played the game will notice some items that are normally un-attainable at this point in the game, such as Flame Shields and Crystal armor/weaponry can be gotten via a skill called meta-morph. Those items were obtained via an item called Magicite Shards. These items randomly summon 1 of about 20 "Espers" with various effects on an enemy group. Certain enemies can be meta-morphed into the select items, but at a very unlikely rate, I believe the overall odds are 1 in about 256. Those odds are made even worse by the fact that you can only hope the random esper summoned is the one (Ragnarok) that you require for the possible meta-morph.
    Anyway, fans of this game will know how difficult and tedious it was getting all those items, this means you Omi . There will be one more feat, at which time I will have every possible thing you can have up to that point in the game. Meaning experience levels of 99 for all characters, all magical spells, all character special abilities, and 99 of every buyable item. This is one of my greatest gaming accomplishments to date, I will continue the quest for perfection!
    Anybody who is interested in proof can PM me, I have a video available but it seems that the site I have the video uploaded at is a filtered site here, I never knew!
  12. CzaR
    I have been looking for this set for quite awhile now as it has some lime green parts that I liked. It was sold out everywhere it seemed but now I have it!
    Great Parts!
    As you can see, there is some good stuff in there. My favorite parts are the trans green bubble shields, lime green pohatu nuva claw and fusion parts here, plus the green vent pieces shown here.
    I always wanted one of those mini disc shooters too. The battle droid minifig has a trans-lime color too and one can never have enough of those arms. This was my favorite of the 15.00 dollar Exo-Force sets this year and I am glad I finally found it. Of course I will not be building the set itself, those parts are going directly into the MoCing box!
  13. CzaR
    Read Here
    What is going on in the gulf? The US cannot handle another oil spill upon our shores! This is absolute madness, its time the president considers alternate forms of energy. I really hope there is not another plume of oil spewing underwater, I really really hope.
  14. CzaR
    For the Member MoCist blog contest hosted by Blue Diamond. Can you guess which member it will be?

    Not really sure which direction to take this MoC. The Sword and legs might be revamped, torso will stay though.
  15. CzaR
    Well as it seems I have offended some with This entry, I know it is only right to apologize. I thought I was being civil, and polite, but after some light reading I see that I may not have been in the eyes of many important people here. So as I did with Bink, please any that were offended by it accept my sincere apologies. I only had the well being of the BBC forum and members in mind.
    And to Vader, please accept my direct apology to you sir, I never really knew you viewed me in such a way, honestly.
  16. CzaR
    Yea its my turn for one of these topics. So, ask old man CzaR, in all his age and wisdom, and he shall answer with honesty.
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