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Blog Entries posted by CzaR

  1. CzaR
    Well it took 2 years, but Kex informed me that I received a proto boost at last! First time ever!
    And for the record, I did not get a proto boost when I became premier, because I was given the premier membership rather than pay for it. It is so nice to peek at that little bar now and see it just above half way full!
  2. CzaR
    Today I am going to make my fireworks run, probably gonna spend about 30-50 bucks on them. I plan on getting artillery shells for sure, they are my favorite kind of fireworks. Also Im gonna pick up some colored sparklers and fountians for the kid, maybe even some of the saturn missile battery packs. Pics of the haul will be uploaded later today so stay tuned!
    As promised, my haul, only got my favorite pyrotechnics. Not much, but I spent 30 bucks on it. Those are the biggest sparklers I have ever seen!:

    What kind of stuff do you plan on buying for the holiday?
  3. CzaR
    So I was watching Larry King tonight, they had a panel of high ranking government officials on claiming they each had an encounter with UFOs. They have said the United States government remains reclusive on the subject, though France, Brazil and China have released information confirming the existance of UFOs. They claim the US plans to weaponize space and views them as threats to society and religion, hence the classification of information. Upon the release of this info in the other countries, there was panic and the infrastructure (internet, telephone) was overloaded with curious people. Even the Vatican, perhaps the center of christianity views UFOs as real.
    Several videos and reports were quite convincing to me, I do believe that we are not alone in the universe, it is so huge, how could we be the only intelligent life? I have never had any kind of sighting or encounter with a UFO, but there is just too much information out there to dismiss it. Indeed, I believe the people would panic and religion would be thrown into turmoil if this info was made public and proof of UFOs was revealed. Perhaps the government is waiting for the proper time, I do not think society is ready for these things yet myself.
    So I ask you, do you believe there is life beyond the stars? Truly a facinating subject. I leave you with some images of UFO sightings over Europe, the US and other locations. The last 2 images are more recent ones.

  4. CzaR
    The best dang frozen pizza ever, you will need.
    1 Frozen Pizza (DiGiorno is the best)
    1 Pack of microwave bacon
    1 Slice of Mozzarella cheese
    Place the bacon on the pizza, then add the cheese. Nuke for 3 minutes and you will have a tasty treat. Okay so I probably did not invent it, but it was so good I had to share.
  5. CzaR
    Okay so, my girlfriend is the most difficult person to shop for. The only thing she really likes is perfume, books and candy. I need some good suggestions for these items. I could just give her cash, but where is the surprise in that? Jewelery is a no go, the last ring I got her cost me a small fortune and she never even wears it.
    Please help, I am terrible at this sort of thing, I have no sense of good perfume or books either. Candy I think I can handle, but I am still open for suggestions.
  6. CzaR
    Picked up this set, used and complete, in order to push forward with my RC vehicle project.

    It has all the parts needed for my other motor with red wheels, which features a light. In the end I hope to have a customized RC vehicle, that works with power function parts in some way, perhaps a rotating chaingun or maybe a firing mechanism of some sort. I was pleased to see that most of the parts are directly compatible with technic pins/beams, this will make things not only cheaper, but easier. Look for updates to come soon!

  7. CzaR
    Maybe I can make a few bucks doing this. Ill be monitoring this auction closely, the asking price is a bit high if you ask me though. Surprised, I was.
  8. CzaR
    Ill be taking this weekend off of work for vacation. I am headed over the cascades to eastern Washington to visit my family, probably for the last time for many years. Ill be stopping by all the stores that carry lego I can find, hopefully I can get a good deal or find a new set! It has been so warm here lately, 80s is abnormal for this area around this time of year. Its only going to get hotter toward the east too, should make for some great outdoor fun! If the weather gets bad, I always have my trusty Nintendo DS at my side. Ill be taking Final Fantasy VI Advance, Metroid Hunters, Tetris DS and a few other games. Most of my time will be spent playing FFVIA though, as I will be unable to have any wifi games.
    Ill be taking lots of pictures while I am on vacation, maybe I will even share a few of them here. Vacation only comes one time a year so I must enjoy every last bit of it, then it is back to the job again.
  9. CzaR
    Its done, see Here.

    And a support banner! Thanks to Shadow Kurahk for that!


  10. CzaR
    My quest to obtain all the trans colored kanohi is nearing its end. Today I got:

    All that remains now is the trans yellow and light blue kaukau. Id like to have the flintsmith trans purple one but I doubt it will ever happen. I have the yellow one on order but the light blue one is gonna be tough to find I think. I do not suppose anyone wants to trade?
  11. CzaR
    First of all Merry Christmas to you all!
    Well, once again I got spoiled with stuff this year. Noteworthy items follow, otherwise I got the usual, socks, colonge, coats, etc.!
    First off we have Rouge Shadow:

    This one was for my daughter, though I may be borrowing some of those parts:

    Next up is a memory foam pillow, super comfy and hypo-allergenic!

    The Nerf Vulcan:

    My parts order came in yesterday!

    And lastly, a kind of amusing item. My girlfriend bought this thinking it was a lego set, when I opened it and had this "what the heck?" look on my face she wondered why. What should I do with it now?:

  12. CzaR
    Just all of a sudden, it will not read any games. It still works for internet and stuff, but it is straight up worthless to me now without the ability to play Castlevania: SotN and Dissidia.
    Man, I am so bummed out. I think the lens is broken, it is loose when I inspected it. I was always careful with my PSP, I cannot fathom how this could of happened. Dangit Sony, Nintendo just gained some more points over you in my book, I have never, ever had any problems with ANY Nintendo product, ever. I have only had the PSP for 7 months!
    Just when I was getting ready to go online with Dissidia and fork out 300 bills for a PS3. Now my level 100 Gabranth with mastered abilites will remain in a suspended animation for, um, who knows how long! Bummed out to the max!
  13. CzaR
    I am taking a survey in order to win a possible Xbox 360, but I need some answers! It is really easy, all you have to do is tell me these things, I know you all can do this:
    Your favorite fruit
    Your least favorite fruit
  14. CzaR
    In case you did not know! They were the only non wild card team to advance, crazy!
    So now it comes down to the AFC and NFC championship, then the big game. A recap of this past weekend games:
    Pittsburgh beat Sand Diego
    Philadelphia beat New York(UPSET!)
    Arizona beat Carolina(6 turnovers for Carolina, awful football game)
    Baltimore beat Tennessee(Another upset)
    Next weeks deciding games will be Baltimore at Pittsburgh and Philadelphia at Arizona. Arizona has never hosted or even played in a NFC championship game, so the crowd is gonna be crazy. My picks to win are Pittsburgh and Arizona, which would make for a historic Super Bowl.
  15. CzaR
    The latest shipment came in. A 6 hole chin Kraahkan (from the original Makuta set), 8 blue destroyer droid feet, and a couple TNGMs. Also, a throwbot container and a random aquaraiders set baggie!

  16. CzaR
    I have been looking for this set for quite awhile now as it has some lime green parts that I liked. It was sold out everywhere it seemed but now I have it!
    Great Parts!
    As you can see, there is some good stuff in there. My favorite parts are the trans green bubble shields, lime green pohatu nuva claw and fusion parts here, plus the green vent pieces shown here.
    I always wanted one of those mini disc shooters too. The battle droid minifig has a trans-lime color too and one can never have enough of those arms. This was my favorite of the 15.00 dollar Exo-Force sets this year and I am glad I finally found it. Of course I will not be building the set itself, those parts are going directly into the MoCing box!
  17. CzaR
    This should be all I need to push forward with my magnet project. I hope so anyway, these toys are getting expensive!

  18. CzaR
    (Click for Topic)

    Some of you may remember the preview to this, well here it is. Thanks to everyone who helped me out on this massive MoC. Enjoy!
  19. CzaR
    This is my gas station clerk wishlist, if every customer I helped followed these guidelines, I would have no need to rant.
    ~Please do not call me any of the following in greeting or leaving: Buddy, Parter, Boss, Brother, Big Man, Youngster, Amigo, Compadre, Vato, Essay, or Hombre. A simple SIR will suffice.
    ~Please do not throw a ton of dirty, sticky change on my counter top and proceed to stare at me as you wish me to count it.
    ~If paying with a debit or credit card, please SPECIFY which type of transaction you would like, rather than have me ask over and over.
    ~When punching in your debit pin number, please do not proceed to shake, slam or yank on the debit pinpad when it beeps at you for inputting your digits too fast or incorrectly.
    ~When purchasing items that require photo ID, please do not be offended that I ask for it, or give me the LOOK.
    ~When asking for the location of our restroom, please do not refer to it as the can, the john, the throne or some of the more vulgar terms for said restroom.
    ~When asking for directions, please do not just say that place or act as if I have lived in the area my entire life.
    ~Please do not attempt to bribe me, be it with your good looks, cash, business offers, merchandise or family members.
    ~Please do not purchase an item less than 10 dollars with only a 100 dollar bill between midnight and 8 AM.
    ~When filling up gasoline, please do not expect me to know which number your vehicle is parked at.
    ~If you are in need of propane, please do not bring your tank into the store and place it upon my counter top.
    ~If you have made a mess, CLEAN IT UP yourself.
    ~Please do not bring in a huge pile of scratch/lottery tickets to be validated unless they are all winning tickets.
    ~Please do not place a large number of items upon my counter top, then proceed to walk away to shop futher when I have a line of customers behind you.
    ~When purchasing wireless minutes, phone cards or other types of telephone related items, please do not expect me to know your carrier and/or expect me to add minutes to your phone.
    ~If you have a complaint of any type, please SPECIFY the name of the employee that you were given trouble with, rather than proceed to belittle me.
    That is all for now, I am sure I will have plenty more. Thank you for your time and have a NICE DAY!
  20. CzaR
    Read Here

    It seems that there is indeed ice on Mars, which most likely means that the planet could one day be inhabited by humans. There will not be any solid confirmation for a few more weeks as the Mars lander has to take a sample and cook it in the "oven" to scan the gasses released. However, it appears to be ice, and seems to have evaporated after the sun had come into contact with it. This is a great discovery and gives hope for the future of our race. The Earth will not be habitable forever and one day we will have to colonize in either space or other planets to survive.
  21. CzaR
    It seems that there are a huge amount of questions that have still not been answered. The contest has been official for several days now. This kind of worries me, as some of the current entrants could be disqualified as the rules were not very clear this time, which I fear might lead to flaming and more woes for BZP. Now do not get me wrong here, Kex, Roa and Shannara are all great forum assistants. However they are quite elusive, and that is okay as I assume they are very busy people, and I know for a fact that Roa is always busy. With Tufi being given admin duties now, her role in BBC has been much less active.
    So I ask this, do any of you think that the BBC forum is in need of another assistant? Myself, I have to say yes. I am not sure who is the best person to nominate for the job, but I do think that it is needed.
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