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Jedi Gali

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Status Updates posted by Jedi Gali

  1. Entered a contest for the first time in a few years. :D

  2. Entered a contest for the first time in a while! Check it out here!

  3. So much nostalgia...

  4. Well, I'm back. Who knows how long it'll last?

  5. 'Sup?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Klak


      MakutaKlak :P

    3. Jedi Gali

      Jedi Gali

      *ducks head in embarrassment* Sorry.... and your interest list is awesome. A little intense, but awesome.


    4. Klak


      Thanks! And it's okay!

  6. Nice profile pic. :D You still writing a lot?

  7. Hello there. :D What's goin' on?

    1. Velox


      Hey JG!! Long time no see!

      Not much really, just being kept pretty busy with basketball and school (especially college apps and whatnot). How've you been?

  8. Thanks so much for the response to my story- it means a lot to 'hear' you say that! :)

    1. Lavama


      Not a problem!

  9. Hello! I just saw you online and felt like saying 'hi'. So yeah. How's it going?

    1. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      Oh, hi, Jedi Gali. I am good. Just trying to get my bearings on new forum layout at moment. How about you?

    2. Jedi Gali

      Jedi Gali

      Haha, I know what you mean... it's so much different! And I'm doing great, about to do some SS writing and hoping to actually finish it tonight. Have you done much writing in the past few months?

    3. Jedi Master J.

      Jedi Master J.

      Ah, I see. Well, it is good to see that you are still writing. As for me, I hadn't done much writing, outside of writing college essays for English class. I kind of wish I had though since I did have time during summer to mess around with some of my short story ideas and it would of been nice to return to BZPower with some stories to post. Oh, well. I guess I'll just have try to get back to those ideas when I am on winter break from college.

  10. You added me?? I feel like your name sounds familiar...


  11. Yep. :) There are some awesome people here..


  12. Nice! But...what constitutes a "decent amount of time"? :P

    Let me know when it's up.. I'll try to check it out. ;)


  13. Sweet! Same names are always nice... not that I would know from personal experience. :D

    I'm doin' pretty well. Super busy so I haven't been on Bzp much, or done any writing. :( 'Tis life.


  14. Sorry for the really long lag...this is the first I've been on BZP in weeks. >_>

    Haha, well I've been in the member spotlight multiple times. *shrugs*

    How have you been?


  15. Hey! Yeah, it has been a long time...I'll be honest, I wasn't quite sure who you were at first. (People change their names so much!) How's it been goin'?


  16. *shakes head* Nooo... You forgot about me???


  17. I know exactly how you feel. I've only been semi-active since what, Saturday?

    That's sad. :( No more Forsaken? Is it school and stuff?


  18. Busy. Stressed. The like. Overall, pretty good. I just really want to start my writing project...

    What about you??


  19. Yikes, sounds busy. Have you tried any music for that writer's block??

    I've been SO busy; school, college stuff, etc. (My blog is more detailed.)


  20. Nice to see other Christians. :)


  21. Hi, Velox! 'Tsup??


  22. *waves*

    Hello!! How've you been in my absence??


  23. Hi. :D

    I'm kinda back... or, I'll be popping in more than I did.

    How are you?


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