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Dark Assassin

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Everything posted by Dark Assassin

  1. Nah, I like Deify by Disturbed.

  2. Thanks. I just changed it, though.

  3. Dude, you are such a Deadpool wannabe. I applaud your awesomeness. :P

  4. Hi guys! I'm back! Group hug!

  5. Nid? I vote we rejoin.

  6. BTW, you all @$#$ so I'm leaving. Bye!

    (This is a total lie except for the I'm leaving part.)

  7. If y'all are going to have an argument in my profile, do it when I'm around so I can kick all your tuchas. GR and Deapool can kick anyone's buttocks.

  8. Dude, you gotta start posting eventually.

  9. Pah, I spit upon AIM! Gmail is the only link I have to Nid now that he's moved. (Phones don't count; too old school.)

  10. It's kinda funny, though. The only GR related things that got me hooked was the movies and one comic book. Oh, and Nid introduced me to him.

  11. I'll vouch for this Nid. And haven't you've been Nid since November 04?

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