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Everything posted by Triclops

  1. Caves are people too... Look forward to the game. It'll be neat to control the Toa of Life...in a cave that's crying in agony.
  2. Yes, as long as you have a blog, I'm pretty sure that you can post new entries.
  3. Actually, you don't need to be a PM to post in your blog, you just need to be a PM to make one. I can still post in my blog even though the "All members have PM priveleges" things was over many months ago.
  4. Triclops

    Antroz And Radiak

    This is amazing info Greg. Though I wish Radiak had a mask power. Maybe one will be found in the future.
  5. Triclops

    New Serials

    Wow Greg. Never saw that coming! You said the Barraki would appear in next years serials (Albiet, there are two of them) but I never thought like this! Why would the OoMN hire two traitors of Mata Nui? I'm guessing the two agreed to be a part of the team because they want to leave the Pit. Not to mention the Barraki hate the brotherhood. 2008 is going to be fun.
  6. Well I've been back for about 4 days and the forums been offline for the duration of that time. I'm glad it's back online. Time to catch up on what little I missed when I was gone. I'm glad the blogs still work. On the subject of flash, I've started productions on a game featuing an amoeba inside the human body. Really weird.
  7. Yes! I've got a blog! Bad news though. I'm going away for two weeks tommorow, so I'll miss the week of Premier privledges, not to mention my 2nd BZP-versary, though I'll try and make a nice peice of art when I get back. On a lighter note, I got a copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! Lots of excitment so far, and I'm only on Chapter 8! I won't spoil andything, though. No one likes a spoiler. On the subject of cartooning, I'm getting ready for a new sereis, only it won't have Bionicle characters, but instead have original characters. Pit Toons will eventually be revived with better graphics, longer plots, voices andslightly more canon themes. I am also thinking about an '08 companion series. But I'll worry about that when I get back. Anyway, this will probably be the only blog post for this year, unless I can become a Premier (Not that likely). Well it was being a Premier member. Shame it was only for two days. Hope all the other non-priemer members will enjoy the rest of the week of Preimer privledges. Hopefully, the blogs made by the Non-Priemers won't be deleted, and I'll be able to use this once (if) I become a Priemer member.
  8. Triclops

    Back From Raleigh

    16 canister sets, eh...I'm guessing that they make the sets, choose which ones they'll sell and chose the clour scheme later. Although having eight in a set would be nice. A change in the storyline, eh. That's very nice to hear. I look forward to '09 and beyond (As I do every year). Man, I wish my dad had your job.
  9. If I may make a suggestion that may help with the heads of the Le-, Ko- and Ga- Reikia, perhaps Karzon, Sir Jayko and Sir Santis armour (Respectively) might work? Also, if we change our enteries, will you only choose from the revised, or would you also choose from the original?
  10. "I can stick two fingers in my belly button.....er....YES!"
  11. Ta: Xentharak Ga: Gordilza Le: Zintrox Po: Noxidor Ko: Quardirak Onu: Morzalok No hidden meaning to them.
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