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Pinball Wizard

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Everything posted by Pinball Wizard

  1. Now on the second disk of FF7! I've been reading In Cold Blood for school, and I can't believe I hadn't discovered this book sooner. I think it's safe to say that the average BZP member is a little too young to read it, but I highly recommend it to the 15+ crowd. The writing style brings to mind a more involved To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee was actually involved in helping research the novel, so that's no surprise) but it comes off as much more mature, much less than naive (so it could be argued that it acts as a spiritual sequel to 'Mockingbird, as that one was about the loss of innocence, and the journey to adulthood). I'll probably be seeing Quentin Tarantino's newest film tomorrow. I can't say the name, but I'm sure if you're interested then you're probably aware of it. I've seen some mixed reviews, but hopefully it'll be another Jackie Brown rather than another Death Proof. Have a great weekend!
  2. Hello all! I believe this is the first time in years (and probably the last time in years) that I've really taken the time to look around BZpower, and so I figured now would be a good time to Blog (honestly, is there a bad time?). So, today was the first day back to school. Ugh. That's been the keyword for a number of days now, but today actually went quite well. Particularly in Music History, where we listened to the entirety of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, and the teacher and I discussed Sun Ra and Kraftwerk. Honestly, what other class could you do that in? In my sparetime, I've been playing through FF7. I paid forty seven dollars for it, and I have to say it was worth it. Oh, sure, some may find it dated, arcahic, even. But you know what? A great video game is a great video game, no matter how square the characters are (and I mean that literally; go do a search for in game FF7 footage). Aaaand it's been a few weeks since I ordered a Play Arts Cloud figure from Kingdom Hearts. I got Sephiroth not long before I ordered Cloud, and I'm very pleased with him. The high price tag is definitely a deterrant, but if you can easily afford it, I highly rcommend it. Of course, Play Arts makes severaly different Sephiroth and Cloud figures if the KH look isn't necessarily you cup of tea, so if you're interested you may want to track down FF7 Cloud and Sephiroth (as well as others), Advent Children Cloud and Sephiroth, and Crisis Core Cloud. Of course, there are tons of other characters if you prefer those. So long for now!
  3. I gave up on TV quite some time ago. Really the only things I watch now are Spectacle on Sundance, and the office, but even the Office has really gone down hill. I recommend reading.
  4. Yes. And I know from experience that it's indescribably better seeing it in person.
  5. I started school about three weeks ago. It's actually pretty good so far. Particularly Latin (which I took not because I'm interested in the language, but because of the etymological aspects. Speaking of which, did you know that the word "in" is taken directly from Latin?)
  6. I second that. At first I thought he was wearing sunglasses. But apart from that it looks good.
  7. I think with a name like "The New Porngraphers" they have to be good.
  8. I start my first year of high school on Tuesday. I actually don't know why we don't start tomorrow, seeing as it isn't a holiday (not to my knowledge, at least).
  9. I've been looking throught some of my older posts lately. In some ways it amazes me how far I've come in terms of wording, sentence structure, punctuation, etc. It also disappoints me that I was once so gramatically inept.
  10. Today was the first day of our fair, here in Indiana. I didn't go, but supposedly two pigs died from the heat...Good luck.
  11. That's awful... And...aren't you a driver?
  12. Personally I prefer the G1 Megatron. Or, at the very least, that weird G1/G2 hybrid that came in the Optimus Prime vs. Megatron pack from the Classics line.
  13. Just consider yourself lucky that you don't collect Mezco figures *thinks of the Attack of the Living Dead series and shudders* so..many...variants...
  14. I just got finished reading HP7 this morning (after having picked it up at the Barnes and Nobel midnight party). I thought it was a good--if slightly superfluous-- end to the saga. I've had a Wii since my birthday of this year (4/9) and I still don't have too many good games for it. In fact REmake, for the Gamecube, has been played on it for longer periods of time than any of the Wii games I own (not that that's a bad thing--I can't think of any Wii games that are as good as REmake).
  15. Well, this is my first blog entry. On BZP, at least. I have two other blogs (both entitled The Irish Rover, hence the III in this particular edition). I dare not link to the other two, seeing as I happen to swear a lot, and that is strictly prohibited on BZP. So I'll just stick with this one. I honestly can't think of much to say right now, so I'll take my leave.
  16. I've only ever ridden Delta and American Airways. I had pretty good experiences with both, but on American Airways I sat right in front of the screen on which they were showing some mediocre sit-com. Turns out having a sit-com playing right in front of with no sound is more irritating than you'd be led to believe.
  17. I've always been partial to the planet Transformers (Unicron and Primus/Cybertron). I also like Dinobot from Beast Wars.
  18. Pinball Wizard


    *gasp* a movie length commercial for a line of toys? What madness is this?
  19. I'm equally annoyed by both of them. That is to say, I despise the person that would post a completely random message in a serious discussion forum just as much as I despise the person that would 'yell' at a complete stranger that might be a decent person, despite that fact that they spam.
  20. Transformers. I want to see it as proof that Michael Bay is completely incompetent at everything. Perioid. Messing up a summer blockbuster pretty much proves that about someone. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Coming July 4th. A crazy man with an unreasonable amount of money takes all of your childhood memories and kills them. Just as Megatron killed Optimus Prime in the original movie. July 4th... BTW, nice sig, Smeag
  21. I think the main problem here is that people aren't actually being reasonable. I mean, the vast majority people that use them just give the MOC 10/10, even if the MOC is just an amalgamation of official sets. "Let's see, Makuta's body, Keetongu's arms, Sidorak's legs, and Jaller's head. Done. Time to pass it off as something I actually took time on!"
  22. I don't, I can't wait 'till I'm old enough to get a tattoo.
  23. Is this the stalker from a few months ago?
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