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Spoony Bard

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Blog Entries posted by Spoony Bard

  1. Spoony Bard
    So Brickfair is coming up in August (2 months away), and right now my way of travel is bugging me. Usually I fly down to these things, but that is because I was travelling by myself.
    So I live in Massachusetts. Brickfair is in VA, just outside DC.
    If I drove:
    - Approx. 8 hour drive
    - 200 bucks-ish for gas and tolls roundtrip.
    - Seriously long drive
    If I flew:
    - Like an hour. Not even.
    - 250 bucks-ish each for tickets roundtrip (had to get right time)
    The way I am seeing it, driving is the cheapest route, although flying is the quickest route.
    I have the booked the tickets already in case I wimp out driving.
  2. Spoony Bard
    ................which a total lie and you know it.
    I just wanna express my love for Coca-Cola, and to a special someone. But mainly Coca-Cola.
    If I had to choose between either of the two, well you would assume I would go for the coke, cuz who can deny the taste of the sweet elixir of awesomeness.
    But I no decide.
  3. Spoony Bard
    As mentioned here, tomorrow (or today, depending on your calendar) is International Omi.
    Therefore you must pledge your sigs/avs to moi!
    I would do the same for you.
    And it isn't mandatory, but you can do the "be like Omi" stuff.
  4. Spoony Bard
    Thats right. Forget all the Tahu and Pohatu days. This time, we will have an Omi day. It will be this Saturday, September 30. A good way to end the month and kick off another.
    Here is how the day will work for you members. You will dedicate your avatar and/or banner to me. I don't care whats on it or in it. As long as it is for me, I don't care.
    However, you will have to be like me as well on that day.
    Here are some things you can do, to be me:
    -Dress like me. Attire is basically shirt and jeans. Wear a shirt that has a funny saying on it. You must also wear a hat that is black!
    -Eat like me. This includes the usual Reese's and Coca-Cola in your diet, and chinese food. Nothing else.
    -Act like me. On second thought, leave that option to the pros, like me.
    -You will play Final Fantasy games ALL day, while eating Reese's and drinking Coke. As you are playing, you will have Dane Cook in the background so you can listen to him.
    You can do all of these, or at least ONE option. I will also need some sufficent valid proof that this happened. (like a picture)
    And thats it. If you don't wanna be like me, then go decorate your profile with Tahu or Pohatu for the day.
  5. Spoony Bard
    One thing I really hate is when people have their high beams on, and drive directly behind me (correct term would be "riding my bumper").
    And if they really wanna get me going, they have the nerve to flash their lights at me.
  6. Spoony Bard
    So I work in Grocery at Walmart, mainly frozen foods. That is all I do, is grocery. That is all I know, is grocery (to a point, I am still learning).
    One thing I don't get is when I am asked where things are, and they aren't even related to my department.
    Like for example, I head to clock out for my break, and I am pulled aside for a question about gift registry. I am gonna be completely honest, I am a instock associate (which says so on my badge). What would I know about gift registry, especially when I parade myself around grocery?
    Another thing. When I stock food, I am asked for something so small and simple that is obviously not in my department (such as toothpicks). Why can't people go to an area they think it would be in and ask there? I only stock food, not know where rugs are.
  7. Spoony Bard
    There are a lot of things that people don't know about me, and only a select few of people actually know me and the things I have been through. And I want to share my life's secrets.
    The point of this entry is to confess the very thing that plagues my life: Depression. I have been suffering from depression since I was five years old. The cause has never been defined, since it can be a mix of things such as the car accident I was in when I was two, or repressed memories of my parents separation form when I was a baby, or perhaps it is genetic despite only a couple members of my family suffer from bipolar.
    When I was growing up, I was not the "cool" kid of the group. I was always picked on by my brother and classmates. Because of this, I had a hard time socializing with anyone. I did not ever have friends until approx. ten years later. I simply hated my life because I was never accepted. I also had some anger problems which were caused from the damage I received from the car accident.
    I started taking therapy and medication right around the time I was 14, and this was an on/off thing with me since I never liked therapy nor medication in the first place. I was never the guy to just open up and tell some guy what is on my mind so he can tell my parents later. And yes, I was thinking about killing myself as well, but I never followed through.
    When I turned 16, I started getting my life straightened out, and it was a great change for me and my family noticed some differences. But deep down, I know I will never be rid of it, and I will never be happy with myself.
    However my time of peace was at an end when I went to college in fall of 2005. In October, a good friend of mine was killed. And because my school was so overwhelming, my grades started to slip. I was in pieces. Anyone who saw me would say "Shilo, you look horrible, what happened?" I remember calling Black Six once and was like "I can't even do it".I was locked in the bathroom, broken down in tears (Yes I cry, who cares). My friends were trying to talk to me, and I just shooed them away.
    When I returned to school next semester, I was a wreck and I was at the point of just ending it all. And I did. In the final week of January 2006, I attempted to kill myself and I went through the whole thing. I will not say how I did it, but I will say that if no one found me passed out on the floor, I wouldn't be here to this day. I was wheeled out of the dorm and was sent to the hospital immediately and then was sent to a hospital near my home overnight. For one week, I was on suicide watch in this psychiatric ward, until I was brought home by my parents. I was kicked out of school (boy was that a fun process). And to make things worse, another friend of mine who I held closely to my heart died as well. And to you BZPer's, you would know this is the first time I stepped down from the staff (Toaraga was my replacement). I only stepped down because I felt I needed some time to fix myself up, and Bionicle Rex told me to take all the time I need. You guys have no idea how nice he is, as is Black Six.
    After going through a good year of therapy and medication, I was like "no more". I don't want a life on constant medication and therapy and people watching my back in case I grabbed a knife. I swore I will never do it, and it is a scary thing.
    To those kids who want to assume they know everything about me, you don't. All you ever assumed was that I was a bad person just because of my position I held here on BZP. To those who like making fun of people, well I tell you this. Stop it. You can say it is a joke and to not be taken seriously, but you know what, there are those who are sensitive to things and you need to respect them, cuz otherwise you will be responsible for their next action in life.
  8. Spoony Bard
    Yahoo News Article

    This article makes sooooo much sense. See my generation wasn't much like this. I didn't get a gameboy until I was 12. Cell phone, MP3 Player, and laptop came to me at 18.
    But kids these days, just amazes me with all the stuff they don't need.
  9. Spoony Bard
    Everything Rich has said here is true. However I am gonna give ya a little tip for those who wish to become staff in the future.
    When you want to be staff, should never be about you. Should be about BZP and its members.
    Back in 2004 before I was promoted to the Support Team, I wanted to be a staff member. I did not want it for the position. I wanted it to further my goal to help members, which in turn came to be a success.
    Over the time I was a little troublesome and also stubborn, I admit. I still hold the title of the Staff Rebel (always nearing the line), but also kept the staff integrity. Yes I have been banned in my position, but I returned because I still wanted to help.
    Last year I resigned from my position as Forum Assistant due to mental health issues. I refused to carry out my position on the staff in my condition so I left. During my leave, I still had the yearning to return to staff because I still wanted to help others. So after four months I returned. I did my duty with pride and dedicated myself once again to it. Later in the year I was promoted to News Reporter (the first Support Team/Forum Assistant member to ever be promoted to that).
    Now we enter 2007. I am still doing my job, however I felt something was missing. I felt like I wasn't an important part of the staff team (despite being told many times how I was important), given the fact I had only 4 forums, only one of which had the most activity and all I did was close topics. Anyone could perform my job technically. And also at that point I wasn't really getting anywhere so I decided to just resign again and put BZP behind me. I resented everyone and refused to be a part of the site. And the reason being is that I wanted to be a moderator knowing the fact I would never achieve this position (and trust me, I knew). I spoke to Rich about it, since I wanted to return as a moderator and not as a FA. You may think I a being greedy. Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. He told me straight up that I won't be a moderator unless I gave him a good reason I should be.
    I pretty much told him that I just wanted to be a moderator to help. Selflessness. I didn't want the job for the amazing perks and my enormous avatar. Heck, I told him I will still take the position even if I had no avatar, signature, perks, and negative posts. Pretty much strip me from amazing goodies.
    I am sure some of you think I enjoy this position just because I can tell members what to do or take away proto. In fact I don't want to tell members what to do nor take their proto. I don't want to be the "bad guy", but instead be the mediator.
    So next time you feel like standing out to be chosen by the admins to be staff, just remember it should be about the site, and not for yourself.
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