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Spoony Bard

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Blog Entries posted by Spoony Bard

  1. Spoony Bard
    I will freeze the city, then I will hold Gotham ransom! Unless the city bows to my demands, it's winter forever here in Gotham! The city fathers will have no choice but to give me the billions I need to complete my research! So I can find a cure for my wife.
  2. Spoony Bard
    Someone brought up my avatar and said it was indecent cuz it has Arnold smoking a cigar.
    First and foremost, he isn't smoking it. He is holding it. It isn't lit, nor is there any smoke. Just a promotional pose for Batman and Robin (and also Arnold's trademark)
    Let me rewind back to when the staff did the Spiderman fad. Both Bionicle Rex and I had two characters who smoked cigars: Kingpin and Jameson, My avatar had him with the cigar in his mouth, and BR had the Kingpin avatar with Kingpin smoking it, with smoke. His banner had something similar. No one complained of course.
    If I felt my avatar would cause problems, it wouldn't be uploaded. If the admins didn't approve, it would have been removed. It is harmless. It is Arnold.
  3. Spoony Bard
    Q&A Guru was a title held by members who had a broad knowledge of BZP and also holds authority over BZP's New Member Q&A Forum. Polo X was the first and only member to achieve this title, and was the only one to hold it for a very long time. After he disappeared or whatever, the title disappeared as well from him, only to be given to the next successor.
    Well who else would achieve the title? Just so happens to be both Than and I. Both of us are Forum Leaders and each of us held sole authority over it as well (he had it in the past and now I have it). We both have the Q&A swagger and such.
    WE ARE GURUS!!!!!!!
  4. Spoony Bard
    I feel like starting a club. Nothing special about it. You are just a member of a club highly exclusive to those who post here.
    Wanna be a member? Then just post in this entry.
  5. Spoony Bard
    Awhile ago, I wrote up an entry that theorized the possibility of Final Fantasy IX actually being a sequel to the original Final Fantasy.
    Well, when I get the time and sit down, I will be doing an entry regarding FFIII, FFVI, and FFVIII and also an entry for FFVII Compilation and FFX (and X-2).
    And when I may do the same with characters.
  6. Spoony Bard
    You are in your dorm, typing up a really long paper due the next day. You are hungry, and it is midnight-ish. You have no food, and places are closed?
    Well you can go about this two ways: order Dominos OR chinese food.
    To the Chinese, it is simply food. Everywhere else, it is everything we could ever want with a side of rice. And so much variety.
    So discuss the awesomeness of chinese food.
  7. Spoony Bard
    So I was in my first Masquerade skit for AAC (Another Anime Convention) in New Hamshire. It was about FFVIII. I was Squall.
    We won Best In Show for the advanced division and Best Performance for the entire masq.
  8. Spoony Bard
    Bombs are a race of enemies from the Final Fantasy series. They are shaped similar to a fireball with arms and a face, and are capable of self-destructing. They usually have bright yellow eyes and a wicked, toothy grin. True to their name, their primary method of damage is Exploder, but only after suffering significant damage (but not enough to kill it outright, that is the only method to kill a bomb and not set it off). Before this, though, they are prone to biting and casting fire magic. In some games, a few variants of bombs exist that, rather than being attuned to the fire element, have lightning or even ice affinities.

    As part of my Lego Final Fantasy Project, I have made a Bomb from the Final Fantasy series.


    Note: This was like a 2 second MOC, and I don't take it seriously.

  9. Spoony Bard
    Which is exactly what this entry is not about.
    But is about "copying".
    Last year, Brickforge (makes custom Lego), designed and molded a cow for System sets. These were heavily showcased at Brickworld, so some Lego staff is aware. This is their cow.
    So aware that they even made one themselves.
    So the next time you complain about how Mega Bloks rips off Lego, I want you to think of this entry and eat your words. With a side of bacon.
  10. Spoony Bard
    So I saw The Clone Wars today, and I am just gonna be frank here.
    The movie sucked.
    I would have rather watched Meet the Spartans, and that movie sucked so badly I walked out on it. But when compared to Clone Wars, well, Meet the Spartans is way better.
    So yeah, Stars Wars is now officially going down a sucky path, if it hasn't already.
  11. Spoony Bard
    Why oh why do I dedicate my av, banner, and basically my apparel to his bidding? Simple. It is cuz he is freakin awesome.
    Think about it..
    Cloud is not a regular human. He is injected with alien cells, which make him super-human. He died twice, and was revived. He laid major ownage on a psychopath who wields a long ridiculous sword 3 times. Every chick he runs into has the hots for him. Plus he steals someone's identity and wields a huge ridiculous sword and can use it for a very awesome final attack.
    Plus he has a motorcycle, and another huge ridiculous sword that breaks off into 6 different swords.
    And he has awesome shades.
    And yeah.
    Cloud is awesome.
  12. Spoony Bard
    So I currently have 3 tattoos (One, Two, Three, and I already plan on getting the 4th one soon.
    All my tattoos have one thing in common, they are all canine based (Wolf howling at moon, Cloudy Wolf, and the FOX logo), and since I rather stick with the wolf theme (and mainly tribal), I have picked the best design for my 4th tattoo.

    What better design than the Lego Wolfpack logo? It is wolf related -and- shows my love for Lego (just like Cloudy Wolf shows my love for Final Fantasy).
    So yeah. This may go on my right arm.
  13. Spoony Bard
    I am gonna take a break from BZP. Apparently doing my job correctly isn't approved by many, so I am just gonna stop doing my job and do something else for a change.
  14. Spoony Bard
    So I went for an interview today at the Lego store in Braintree.
    If I am hired, I would be an instock employee, which is nothing wrong since I do that anyways. Here is the problem: It is a starting pay of $8.00 per hour and it is only part time. Management gets full time. So I would only be working a few days of the week.
    Now I currently still work at Wal-Mart full time and make $8.80 per hour. However I do not have the option to transfer yet.
    I want the job at Lego, but I'd be making a HUGE sacrifice if I was hired.
    So what should I do? Keep the full time, $8.80/hour Wal-Mart job? Or leave it for a part time, $8.00/hour Lego job?
  15. Spoony Bard
    So at Brickfair, I had 4 minifigs on my badge made by me that are from the Metal Gear Solid series.
    But since I never published them here, figured might as well, along with other figs I made.
    Solid Snake (MGS1)
    Liquid Snake
    Solid Snake (MGS2)
    Revolver/Liquid Ocelot (MGS2/MGS4)
    Old Snake (Still WIP)
    And even though I hate Halo with a passion, I could help but make a Master Chief minfig.
    I Hate Halo, But I Like This Fig
    Apologies for any blurry pictures. I took these quickly, and I can care less if you bicker or not about quality.
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